Rhamphomyia (Ctenempis) albopilosa Coquillett

Rhamphomyia ( Ctenempis ) albopilosa Coquillett (Fig. 9) Rhamphomyia albopilosa Coquillett, 1900: 418. Type-locality: Berg Bay, Alaska, USA. Other references: Sinclair et al ., 2019: 9 (lectotype designation, redescription, full list of references). Rhamphomyia calvimontis Cockerell, 1916: 123. Type...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Shamshev, Igor V., Sinclair, Bradley J., Khruleva, Olga A.
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2020
Online Access:https://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4407572
Summary:Rhamphomyia ( Ctenempis ) albopilosa Coquillett (Fig. 9) Rhamphomyia albopilosa Coquillett, 1900: 418. Type-locality: Berg Bay, Alaska, USA. Other references: Sinclair et al ., 2019: 9 (lectotype designation, redescription, full list of references). Rhamphomyia calvimontis Cockerell, 1916: 123. Type-locality: Baldy Mtn., Colorado, USA. Other references: Sinclair et al ., 2019: 9 (synonym, lectotype designation). Rhamphomyia ( Dasyrhamphomyia ) wuorentausi Frey, 1922: 67. Type-locality: Dudinka, Krasnoyarskiy Territory, Russia. Other references: Sinclair et al ., 2019: 9 (synonym, lectotype designation). Rhamphomyia ( Ctenempis ) wuorentausi : Frey, 1935: 3 (key and new subgenus); Frey, 1955b: 513 (revision). Rhamphomyia ( Rhamphomyia ) wuorentausi : Chvála & Wagner, 1989: 292 (catalogue); Yang et al ., 2007: 191 (catalogue); Shamshev, 2016: 84 (checklist). Material examined. RUSSIA. Chukotka AO (Wrangel Island): Somnitelnaya Bay, valley of river Somnitelnaya, Mineev Mtns, 150 m, shingle, on flower of Potentilla emarginata , 22.vii.1966, KBG (1 ♀, ZIN); same locality, on inflorescence of Polygonum ovalifolium , 19.vii.1966, KBG (1 ♂, ZIN); same locality, on flower Dryas integrifolia , 19, 22.vii.1966, KBG (2 ♂, ZIN); 5 km N Somnitelnaya Bay, valley of river Somnitelnaya, foothills, 150 m, 25.vii.1972, KBG (7 ♂, 11 ♀, ZIN); near north slope of Berri Peak, 6 km ESE mountain Sovetskaya, meadow near stream, 300 m, 12.vii.1972, KBG (1 ♂, ZIN); upper flow of river Khischniki, 7 km SE mountain Sovetskaya, Dryas tundra near river, 200 m, 11.vii.1972, KBG (1 ♀, ZIN); same locality, meadow near stream, 200 m, 12.vii.1972, KBG (1 ♂, ZIN); same locality, on Dryas , 14.vii.1972, KBG (1 ♂, 1 ♀, ZIN); same locality, 15.vii.1972, KBG (1 ♂, 3 ♀, ZIN); basin of river Khischniki, 8 km SE mountain Sovetskaya, meadow near stream, 250 m, 13.vii.1972, KBG (8 ♂, 16 ♀, ZIN); environs of mountain Tundrovaya, near stream, 18.vii.1972, KBG (13 ♂, 7 ♀, ZIN); same locality, BT 3, PT, 1–19.vii.2015, LFV (1 ♀, ZIN); middle flow of river Mamontovaya, N Perkatkun, osier-bed in river valley, 17,21,29. vii.1972, KBG (10 ♂, 1 ♀, ZIN); same locality, 71°10′N 179°45′W, BT 2 ’, 8.vii.2006, OAK (1 ♂, 1 ♀, ZIN); same locality, BT 14, 9.vii.2006, OAK (1 ♀, ZIN); same locality and biotope, Sw, 2.vii.2015, OAK (2 ♂, 1 ♀, ZIN); same locality, Sw, BT 20 A, 1.vii.2015, OAK (1 ♀, ZIN); same locality and biotope, YPT, 2–4.vii.2015, OAK (2 ♂, ZIN); same locality and biotope, PT, 1–23.vii.2015, OAK (1 ♀, ZIN); same locality, Sw, BT 1 A, 2.vii.2015, OAK (1 ♀, ZIN); same locality, litter, BT 7, 1.vii.2015, OAK (1 ♂, ZIN); same locality, Sw, BT 6, 2.vii.2015, OAK (1 ♂, ZIN); same locality, Sw, BT 11, 30.vi.2015, OAK (1 ♀, ZIN); same locality, Sw, BT 5, 30.vi.2015, OAK (1 ♀, ZIN); same locality, in house, 2.vii.2015, OAK (2 ♂, 1 ♀, ZIN); upper flow of river Neizvestnaya, 71°13′N 179°19′W, BT 7 А, 5.vii.2006, OAK (4 ♂, 5 ♀, ZIN); same locality, Sw, BT 4 A, 22.vi.2015, OAK (1 ♀, ZIN); spures of Pervaya Mtn, Sw, BT 11, 28.vi.2015, OAK (2 ♂, 1 ♀, ZIN); same locality, Sw, BT 13, 28.vi.2015, OAK (1 ♂, ZIN); middle flow of river Neizvestnaya, 71°20.287′N, 179°29.779′W, BT 1, YPT, 4–5.vii.2019, U. V. Babiy (1 ♂, ZIN). Recognition. Large (wing length 6–7 mm) species with setose prosternum; thorax and abdomen covered with long pale setae, legs long slender. Male (Fig. 9) holoptic; scutum mostly subshiny (dorsal view); mesonotal setae mostly hair-like, 4–6 strong npl, at least 10 sctl, acr biserial, presutural dc multiserial; legs dark, fore basitarsus distinctly thickened (slightly broader than tibia width at apex), with long setae (except dorsal and ventral face), hind basitarsus usually slightly thickened but often quite slender, with long setae dorsally (more numerous and longer in southern populations); wing infuscate, basal costal seta absent, CuA+CuP reaching wing margin but sometimes weakened on about middle, halter with yellowish knob; abdomen with faintly pruinescent tergites dorsally; segments 6–8 modified, tergite 6 broadened, deeply concave posteriorly, sternite 6 inflated, with dense transverse cluster of strong golden setae, sternite 7 with pair of horn-like projections ventrally. Female legs without pennate setae; wing brownish, broadened. Distribution. Holarctic; in North America, R . albopilosa is widespread across the low arctic, with isolated southern records (Sinclair et al . 2019). In Eurasia, the species occurs in Eastern and Western Siberia (Shamshev 2016). Among the Russian Arctic islands, R . albopilosa is known only from Wrangel Island. Habitat. On Wrangel Island this species is found in various biotopes. : Published as part of Shamshev, Igor V., Sinclair, Bradley J. & Khruleva, Olga A., 2020, The empidoid flies (Diptera: Empidoidea, exclusive of Dolichopodidae) of the Russian Arctic islands and Svalbard Archipelago, pp. 1-75 in Zootaxa 4848 (1) on pages 16-17, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4848.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/4406987 : {"references": ["Coquillett, D. W. (1900) Papers from the Harriman Alaska Expedition. IX. Entomological results (3): Diptera. Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Sciences, 2, 389 - 464.", "Sinclair, J. B., Vajda, E. A., Saigusa, T., Shamshev, I. V. & Wheeler, T. A. (2019) Rhamphomyia Meigen of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, Greenland and Iceland (Diptera: Empididae). Zootaxa, 4670 (1), 1 - 94. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 4670.1.1", "Cockerell, T. D. A. (1916) Two Diptera of the genus Rhamphomyia from Colorado. The Canadian Entomologist, 48, 123 - 124. https: // doi. org / 10.4039 / Ent 48123 - 4", "Frey, R. (1922) Vorarbeiten zu einer Monographie der Gattung Rhamphomyia Meig. (Dipt., Empididae). Notulae entomologicae, 2, 1 - 10 + 33 - 45 + 65 - 77.", "Frey, R. (1935) Entomologische Ergebnisse der schwedischen Kamtschatka-Expedition 1920 - 1922. 36. Diptera Brachycera. 5. Empididae, Micropezidae, Lauxaniidae, Chloropidae. Arkiv for Zoologi, 28 A (10), 1 - 8.", "Frey, R. (1955 b) 28. Empididae. In: Lindner, E. (Ed.), Die Fliegen der palaearktischen Region, 4 (4), 481 - 528, taf. 43 - 48 (Lfg. 183).", "Chvala, M. & Wagner, R. (1989) Empididae. In: Soos, A. & Papp, L. (Eds.), Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera. Vol. 6. Therevidae - Empididae. Elsevier Science Publishing, Amsterdam, pp. 228 - 336.", "Yang, D., Zhang, K., Yao, G. & Zhang, J. (2007) World Catalog of Empididae (Insecta: Diptera). China Agricultural University Press, Beijing, 599 pp.", "Shamshev, I. V. (2016) An annotated checklist of empidoid flies (Diptera: Empidoidea, except Dolichopodidae) of Russia. Proceedings of the Russian Entomological Society, 87, 3 - 183."]}