Rhamphomyia (Pararhamphomyia) lymaniana Sinclair, Vajda, Saigusa & Shamshev 2019, sp. nov.

Rhamphomyia ( Pararhamphomyia ) lymaniana Sinclair, Vajda, Saigusa & Shamshev sp. nov. (Figs 38, 39) urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: 905175E1-7EDD-4749-B76D-D20CF9549459 Type material. HOLOTYPE ♂, labelled: “CAN:YT [Yukon Territory]: Dempster Hwy nr North / Fork Pass 64.59736° -138.31009°/ 11...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Sinclair, Bradley J., Vajda, Élodie A., Saigusa, Toyohei, Shamshev, Igor V., Wheeler, Terry A.
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2019
Online Access:https://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3796926
Summary:Rhamphomyia ( Pararhamphomyia ) lymaniana Sinclair, Vajda, Saigusa & Shamshev sp. nov. (Figs 38, 39) urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: 905175E1-7EDD-4749-B76D-D20CF9549459 Type material. HOLOTYPE ♂, labelled: “CAN:YT [Yukon Territory]: Dempster Hwy nr North / Fork Pass 64.59736° -138.31009°/ 1180m, Repl.2 wet, Malaise trap / 24–27.vi.2011, NBP field party”; “Lyman Museum/ LEM-0277284”; “ HOLOTYPE / Rhamphomyia / ( Pararhamphomyia )/ lymaniana / Sinclair, Vajda,/ Saigusa & Shamshev [red label]” (LEM). PARATYPES: CANADA. Northwest Territories: Ford Lake, 63°11′N 107°19′W, 27.vi.1966, G.E. Shewell (1 ♂, CNC); Norman Wells, 65.29112°, -126.62262°, 247 m, wet, MT, Repl. 1, 14– 17.vi.2011, NBP field party (1 ♂, LEM); same locality, wet, sweep, Repl. 1, 14.vi.2011 (1 ♂, LEM). Nunavut: Cambridge Bay, 69.11993°, -105.42065°, mesic, sweep, Repl.1, 13.vii.2011, NBP field party (1 ♂, LEM); Cambridge Bay, 69.12225°, -105.42191°, wet, sweep, Repl.2, 13.vii.2011, NBP field party (1 ♂, LEM). Yukon: Same data as holotype (3 ♂, KUMF; 5 ♂, CNC; 13 ♂, LEM; 1 ♂ ZIN); same data except, CCDB-21399-A10, CCDB-21399-B12 (2 ♂, barcoded, LEM); same data except, CCDB-21421-F10 (1 ♀, barcode associated, LEM); Dempster Hwy near North Fork Pass, 64.60629° -138.35637°, 1170 m, Repl.1 wet, MT, 21–24.vi.2011, NBP field party (1 ♂, ZIN; 1 ♂, 2 ♀, CNC; 1 ♂, LEM); same data except, CCDB-21399-B08 (1 ♂, barcoded, LEM); same locality, 64.59736° -138.31009°, 1180 m, Repl. 2, wet, pan traps, 21–24.vi.2011, CCDB-21399-B09 (1 ♂, barcorded, LEM); same lo- cality, 64.60560° -138.36143°, 1190 m, Repl. 1, mesic, MT, 21–24.vi.2011 (3 ♀, CNC; 1 ♂, LEM); same locality, 64.60629° -138.35637°, 1170 m, Repl. 1, wet, sweep, 27.vi.2011 (1 ♀, CNC); North Fork Crossing, mi 42, Peel Plt. Rd., 3500 ft, 24.vi.1962, P.J. Skitsko (1 ♂, CNC). Diagnosis. This brown-legged and dark setose species is characterized from other Pararhamphomyia by male abdominal tergite 5 with stronger posterolateral setae and the subepandrial lobe is bifid with a long curved inner branch and shorter outer branch bearing a long seta. Females are without pennate leg setae, halter pale yellow to white and the dorsocentral setae uniserial. Description. Wing length 3.5–3.6 mm. Male. Head with silvery grey pruinescence on face, frons, postgena and occiput. Holoptic, eye with ommatidia larger on upper half, smaller on lower half. Frons represented by very small triangular space below ocellar tubercle and larger subtriangular space above antennae, bare; face mostly parallelsided, slightly divergent towards mouthparts; bare, with oral margin black and shiny. Ocellar triangle dark grey pruinescent, with anterior pair of dark, divergent setae; posterior pair of setae similar to anterior ocellars; 2 pairs of postocellar setae similar to ocellars. Occiput bearing row of dark, fine postocular setae on upper half of occiput; remaining occipital setae dark, stiffer and slightly shorter than postoculars; postgena setae paler, finer than occipitals. Antenna dark brown, inner face of pedicel somewhat paler; scape nearly 1.5X length of pedicel; pedicel broader than scape width; postpedicel length 3X basal width; stylus slightly longer than basal width of postpedicel. Palpus with several dark setae. Clypeus with grey pruinescence; labrum lustrous and dark brown, slightly longer than eye height; labellum grey with dark setae. Thorax silvery-grey pruinescent; brownish shadows on postalar callus. Scutum with 2 distinct brownish vittae between acr and dc rows. Pleura with brownish shadows on sclerites. Proepisternum with several short, stout, dark setae on lower section; upper proepisternum in front of spiracle bare; prosternum bare. Antepronotum with row of short, dark setae. Postpronotum with 1 strong seta and 3–4 short dark setae. Scutum with biserial dark acr, ending before prescutellar depression, occasionally uniserial anteriorly; dc uniserial with some 10 setae, slightly longer than acr and increasing in length and stoutness posteriorly, anterior 1–2 setae offset laterally; 1 presut spal (= posthumeral) and several shorter setae; 3 npl with 2 fine setae anteriorly; 1–3 prealar seta; 1 psut spal; 1 pal; 2 pairs of sctl. Laterotergite with about 7 short, stout, dark setae. Anterior and posterior spiracles brownish. Legs mostly dark brown; coxae with thin pruinescence. Hind and mid coxae with row of dark, lateral setae, sparser on hind coxae than mid coxae; fore coxae with anterior row of short, dark setae. Fore femur with 1 anteroventral and 1 posteroventral row of setae dark, finer than setae of mid and hind femora, never longer than width of femur. Mid femur with 1 anteroventral and 1 posteroventral row of setae dark and strong, subequal to width of femur. Hind femur with white ventral pile; 1 anteroventral and 1 posteroventral row of setae, with anteroventral setae increasing in length distally (Fig. 38A), distal setae longer than width of femur. Fore tibia with rows of fine anteroventral and posteroventral setae, ½ tibial width; setae of subapical circlet stouter. Mid tibia with 3–4 stout anterodorsal setae, as long as 3X tibial width; apical 2/3 with anteroventral and posteroventral rows of stout setae. Hind tibia with anteroventral and posteroventral rows of setae; rows of 3–4 strong anterodorsal and posterodorsal setae (Fig. 38A); 1 long seta in posteroapical comb. Hind tarsomere 1 slightly broader than mid and fore tarsomeres 1; mostly with short setae, with subapical circlet of stronger setae. Wing whitish; radial veins distinctly thicker and darker than other veins; basal costal seta present; pterostigma faint; all veins complete (except Sc and CuA+CuP); anal lobe well-developed and axillary excision right angled. Halter pale yellow to white. Abdomen silvery grey pruinescent, posterior margin of sclerites pale. Abdomen clothed in short dark setae, finer and longer on proximal tergites, stouter and shorter towards terminalia; tergite 5 with cluster of strong setae laterally (Fig. 38B). Sternite 8 enlarged well sclerotized compared to other sternites, except for median ventral strip on anterior half; margin of sternite 8 bearing stout setae, not longer than sternite; upper corner of sternite 8 lustrous and dark. Tergite 8 ¼ length of sternite, bearing row of marginal setae; upper corner of sternite 8 lustrous and dark. Terminalia (Figs 38C, D) largely dark grey and pruinescent. Epandrium broadly triangular-shaped, apex lustrous and pale orange-brown; dorsal margin of epandrium bearing many dark, stout setae, conglomerated together, forming spindle-like structure, convergent towards “spindle” of other epandrium. Cercus shorter than epandrium, subtriangular in lateral view; dorsal margin of posterior cercus bearing fine setae; cerci forming tear-drop-shaped opening with dense brush of fine setae on inner apex in dorsal view. Subepandrial lobe bifurcate, with two slim finger-like projections; outer finger-like projection straight, shorter than inner finger-like projection, bearing 1 long, black seta (Fig. 38C); inner finger-like projection long and curved medially, bearing single spine-like, stout, short seta. Hypandrium slim, short, rounded L-shaped, triangular tip hugging base of basiphallus. Basiphallus broad tapered into filament without distinct curvatures, never extending farther than terminalia, folded back in between epandrium. Ejaculatory apodeme large, vertical width larger than horizontal width, lateral wings rounded and shorter than vertical wing; gonocoxal apodeme fan-shaped. Female. Similar to male, except wings infuscate; legs without pennate setae; abdomen with slender setae, tergite 5 without stronger lateral setae. Distribution. This low arctic species is known from only a few localities in the western arctic region of Canada (Fig. 39). Etymology. The specific name is dedicated to the Lyman Entomological Museum and the Northern Biodiversity Program team, which collected nearly all specimens of this new species. Remarks. Rhamphomyia ( Pararhamphomyia ) lymaniana sp. nov. is assigned to the R. tipularia group (see Remarks under R . ( P .) hilariformis ). This new species is similar in size, overall colouration and hindleg chaetotaxy to R. hoeli , primarily differing in the longer epandrium and forked subepandrial lobe in R. lymaniana (epandrium shorter and subepandrial lobe unforked and pointed in R. hoeli ). : Published as part of Sinclair, Bradley J., Vajda, Élodie A., Saigusa, Toyohei, Shamshev, Igor V. & Wheeler, Terry A., 2019, Rhamphomyia Meigen of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, Greenland and Iceland (Diptera: Empididae), pp. 1-94 in Zootaxa 4670 (1) on pages 57-59, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4670.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/3773507