Monardia (M.) lapponica Jaschhof & Jaschhof 2020, sp. nov.

Monardia ( M. ) lapponica sp. nov. Figs 13–14 Diagnosis. Monardia lapponica fits perfectly the definition of Monardia s. str. as given above, except for the size of males, which may exceed 3 mm; most Monardia males are considerably smaller. Monardia malaisei Jaschhof, a species recently discovered i...

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Main Authors: Jaschhof, Mathias, Jaschhof, Catrin
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2020
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Summary:Monardia ( M. ) lapponica sp. nov. Figs 13–14 Diagnosis. Monardia lapponica fits perfectly the definition of Monardia s. str. as given above, except for the size of males, which may exceed 3 mm; most Monardia males are considerably smaller. Monardia malaisei Jaschhof, a species recently discovered in Sweden, resembles M. lapponica in the hypoproct being partly sclerotized and glabrous (Fig. 13, ↓ 5); usually the hypoproct of Monardia (and most other Micromyinae) is a pair of soft, ovate bodies covered with fine microtrichia. In contrast to M. malaisei , the flagellomeral necks of M. lapponica are longer than the nodes, not shorter (Fig. 14); the number of postocular bristles is 7, about half as many as found in M. malaisei and the gonostylar tooth is straight rather than unciform (↓ 6). A peculiarity of M. lapponica is the aedeagal apodeme consisting of a sclerotized, rodlike portion basally and, of similar length, a weakly sclerotized, vaguely contoured portion distally (↓ 7). Females and larvae of this new species are unknown. Other male characters. Body size 2.4–3.4 mm. Head. Postfrons setose. Eye bridge 3–4 ommatidia long dorsally. Antenna shorter than body. Scape markedly larger than pedicel. Neck of fourth flagellomere 1.5 times as long as the thick node; node with 1 complete and 3 incomplete crenulate whorls of sensory hairs, a very dense whorl of fine setae basally, 1–2 roundish, leaf-shaped translucent sensilla distally (Fig. 14). Palpus shorter than head height, 4-segmented, apical segment longest of all. Wing. R 1 3.5–4.0 times as long as Rs. Legs. Claws with 2–3 fine teeth behind a slight swelling. Genitalia (Fig. 13). Ninth tergite almost interrupted medially, densely setose; anterior edge sharply contoured but not reinforced. Gonocoxal synsclerite with setae of various length ventrally except a non-setose, membranous stripe medially below the emargination and a short, non-setose portion basally; ventral emargination broadly V-shaped, membranous anteriorly. Gonostylus slender, straight, about 3 times as long as broad, evenly tapered towards apex; apical tooth small, surrounded by 2–3 short, subapical bristles. Tegmen subtriangular with clearly contoured, narrowly rounded apex. Aedeagal apodeme slightly longer than tegmen. Cerci large, with dense microtrichia and several setae. Etymology. The adjective lapponica is derived from Lapponia, the Latin name for Lapland, referring to the distribution of this species exclusively in this northern region of Sweden. Type material. Holotype. Male, Sweden, Lule Lappmark, Jokkmokk, Kaltisbäcken Nature Reserve, oldgrowth herb-rich boreal forest with plenty of aspen trees, 31 July–28 August 2016, Malaise trap, M. & C. Jaschhof (spn. CEC 2766 in NHRS). Paratypes. 2 males, same data as the holotype (spns CEC2767 – CEC 2768 in SDEI); 1 male, same data but 23 August 2016, aspirator (spn. CEC 2769 in NHRS); 1 male, Jokkmokk, Muddus NP, spruce forest, 6–13 August 2003, MT, SMTP (trap 47, collecting event 694) (spn. CEC 2765 in NHRS). : Published as part of Jaschhof, Mathias & Jaschhof, Catrin, 2020, An update of Micromyinae (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) taxonomy, with descriptions of a new genus and 13 new species from Northern Europe, pp. 349-369 in Zootaxa 4750 (3) on pages 357-358, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4750.3.3,