Zatypota albicoxa Walker

Zatypota albicoxa (Walker) Glypta albicoxa Walker, 1874: 304. Type Ψ, (BMNH) [examined]. Pimpla colorata Rudow, 1883: 237. Horstmann (1993). Polysphincta eximia Schmiedeknecht, 1907: 1170. Uchida (1940). Polysphinctopsis eximia f. nigriventris Habermehl, 1917: 168. Yu & Horstmann (1997). Polysph...

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Main Authors: Matsumoto, Rikio, Takasuka, Keizo
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2010
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Summary:Zatypota albicoxa (Walker) Glypta albicoxa Walker, 1874: 304. Type Ψ, (BMNH) [examined]. Pimpla colorata Rudow, 1883: 237. Horstmann (1993). Polysphincta eximia Schmiedeknecht, 1907: 1170. Uchida (1940). Polysphinctopsis eximia f. nigriventris Habermehl, 1917: 168. Yu & Horstmann (1997). Polysphincta japonica Uchida, 1927: 173. Lectotype Ψ, (SEFU) [examined]. Uchida (1940). Polysphinctopsis eximia f. nigrithorax Uchida, 1936: 54. Type Ψ, (SEFU) [examined]. Uchida & Momoi (1958). Female . Head (Figs 1, 14). Flagellum with 23–27 segments; frons impunctate and polished; face and clypeus finely punctate, with rather short pubescence, the former weakly separated from the latter by a shallow supraclypeal suture, slightly convex in lateral view; face between antennal socket and supraclypeal suture 1.1–1.2 x its minimum width between eyes, with a pair of shallow vertical furrows arising from supraclypeal suture; clypeus 1.4–1.5 x as wide as long, with apical margin rounded and weakly truncate medially; eye bare, inner margin almost straight to very slightly convergent downward; ocelli of moderate size, distance between eye and lateral ocellus as long as maximum diameter of latter; mandible with upper tooth much longer than lower, rather strongly tapered, medially about 0.5–0.6 x as wide as basal, outer face of mandible covered with rather long pubescence; palpi formula 4: 3 or sometimes 5: 3; malar space about 0.6 x basal width of mandible, weakly granulate between lower end of eye and upper end of mandible base; hypostomal carina narrowly lamellate between lower articulation of mandible and junction of occipital and hypostomal carinae; vertex with inter-ocellar area weakly raised; outline of gena slightly rounded to almost straight in dorsal view; occipital carina complete throughout, in dorsal view weakly bowed forward mediodorsally. Mesosoma . Pronotum (Figs 26, 38) with anterior margin weakly reflexed, mediodorsally produced into backwardly directed tooth, a strong dorsomedian bridge connects it with hind margin, lateral face polished, with rather distinct epomia; upper end of epomia rather remote from upper margin of pronotum and lower part extends downward to reach lower margin; mesoscutum moderately long, in front of scuto-scutellar groove 1.2 x as as long as wide in dorsal view, almost completely bare and polished all over except some minute pubescence, with distinct notauli almost straight and convergent to a shallow hollow located a little behind middle; mesoscutum moderately convex in lateral view; mesopleuron (Fig. 50) with distinct, sinuate epicnemial carina, upper end surpassing level of lower corner of pronotum and rather far from posterior margin of pronotum, almost impunctate, bare and polished laterally, densely covered with pubescence ventrally, with short but distinct groove below speculum; mesopleural suture weakly foveolate dorsally; scutellum convex; propodeum (Figs 62, 74) with rather dense pubescence laterally; areas basalis and superomedia, and areas posterialis and postero-externa fused respectively, carinae delimiting these combined areas distinct; lateral longitudinal carina indistinct anteriorly; pleural carina complete; propodeal spiracle touching pleural carina; metapleuron (Fig. 74) impunctate medially, ventrally with some irregular wrinkles arising from submetapleural carina; submetapleural carina complete, strong, with no expansion anteriorly. Wings. Fore wing (Fig. 86) with vein Rs+M basad of cu-a by 2 x width of vein, 2 rs-m about 0.2 x length of M between 2 rs-m and 2 m-cu; vein cu-a moderately inclined; vein Cu 1 a separated from 1 m-cu by length of Cu 1 b. Hind wing (Fig. 98) with vein M+ Cu moderately bowed; distal abscissa of Cu absent; vein cu-a slightly inclivous to vein 1 A. Legs. Legs relatively slender; fore femur 4.4–5.3 x as long as maximum width; hind femur 5.0– 5.3 x as long as maximum width; hind tibia 11–12 x as long as apical width; first tarsal segment of hind leg a little shorter than second and third segments combined; fifth segment a little shorter than third. Metasoma (Fig. 110). T 1 rugoso-striate except smooth posterior margin, with pair of posterolateral oblique impressions from spiracle toward middle of posterior margin, with dorsomedian longitudinal carinae extending to 0.5–0.7 of length and moderately convergent in dorsal view; dorsolateral longitudinal carina usually distinct, reaching to basal 0.6 of length of T 1, with spiracle situated on it; T 2 with distinct and very sharply impressed anterolateral and posterolateral oblique grooves, defining a central, evenly convex, rhombic area; these grooves furnished with very short, dense and distinct longitudinal carinae; T 3–5 similar to T 2, with anterior oblique groove more transverse, making the central areas triangular; T 6–7 with weak posterolateral oblique groove; T 1 1.4–1.5 x as long as apical width; T 2 0.8 x as long as T 1 and 0.7 x as long as apical width. Ovipositor rather long, projecting beyond apex of metasoma by 0.5 x length of hind tibia, weakly upcurved apically; upper valve evenly tapered to sharp point; lower valve slightly thickened basally, evenly tapered to sharp point. Coloration. Head mostly black with following parts yellowish white: pedicel and scape below, inner orbit, lower half of clypeus, mandible except tip, palpi and lower margin of gena; upper end of pale inner orbital stripe to top of eye; flagellum brown to blackish brown. Mesosoma black; pronotum with anterior and lateral margin yellowish white, with postero-ventral corner lamellate and translucent; propleuron with posterior corner pale brown; latero-dorsal corner of pronotum, tegula and subalar prominence yellowish white; median lobe of mesoscutum with pair of yellowish white markings laterally; anterolateral area of lateral lobe of mesoscutum with yellowish white markings; scutellum and postscutellum whitish yellow; Legs fulvous; coxa, trochanter and trochantellus of fore and mid leg yellowish white; hind leg with trochanter, trochantellus, tip of femur yellowish; hind tibia blackish brown, with a median yellowish white band between basal 0.25 and apical 0.4. Wings hyaline, pterostigma brown. Metasomal tergites dark brown to black. Ovipositor brown, sheath black. Length . Fore wing 4.3–5.8 mm. Male . Similar to female but smaller; flagellum with 20–21 segments; legs slightly less slender than in female, with hind femur 3.9–4.1 x as long as maximum width and hind tibia 9.0– 9.1 x as long as apical width. Length . Fore wing 3.0– 3.6 mm. Cocoon (Fig. 123). White to light brown, sub-cylindrical, rather densely spun, with whorls of looser silk on its surface, with a distinct caudal hole; suspended from the threads of the host web. The cap of the cocoon is cut off circularly by the adult on its emergence. The colour of the cocoon seems to alter depending on humidity when it was spun. Most cocoons spun indoors are white. In contrast, both brownish and whitish cocoon are found in the field, although the former is more common. Variation. A considerable variation in body color was recognized. The darker specimens, including the type of Glypta albicoxa Walker and Polysphinctopsis eximia f. nigrithorax Uchida and most specimens from northern Japan, have the metasoma completely black, with the whitish inner orbit stripe very narrow and the whitish yellow markings of the mesoscutum more or less reduced. The paler specimens, including the lectotype of Polysphincta japonica Uchida, representing a southern population, have most of the mesosoma reddish brown and the yellowish white mesoscutum markings developed, with the pale stripe of the inner orbit broad and extending inward below the antennal socket. T 2–4 each often have a rather transverse yellowish white marking, in some specimens this mark occupies most of the central rhombic area. Host. Parasteatoda tepidariorum (Koch), P. oculiprominens (Saito) * and P. tabulata Levi in Japan; P. simulans (Thorell) and P. lunata (Clerck) in Europe (Fitton et al. 1988, Bordoni 2003) (Theridiidae). Biological notes. This species is found in a variety of habitats, from forests to urban areas. It is most abundant in rather open secondary woods, especially along the edges of woods, around the sheds, lodges or other buildings where its host, Parasteatoda tepidariorum, is abundant and forming webs. A number of cocoons can be found in webs on the walls under the eaves of such buildings. This species can also be found in urban areas, as the host spider is not rare there. Winter is passed as an early instar or rather developed larva. The larva of the over-wintering generation matures and spins a cocoon in late February to mid March. This species is plurivoltine in Aomori Pref., northern part of Japan (Tanaka 2007). In south west Japan, it seems also plurivoltine with four or more generations a year judging from seasonal occurrence of the developmental stages in the field. The egg and larva (Fig. 122) of this species are usually located on the dorso-lateral to lateral face, near the base of the abdomen. Attacking behaviour is described in detail by Takasuka et al . (2009). Although the most common host is Parasteatoda tepidariorum in Japan (Uchida 1927, 1928, 1930, 1940; Iwata 1942; Hashimoto 1963), there is a record from another Parasteatoda, P. tabulata, (Kono 2001). An additional male was reared from this spider. Another male reared from P. oculiprominens was examined. Uchida (1940) recorded Tegenaria sp. (Agelenidae) as a host of Z. albicoxa but he omitted this record in a later publication (Uchida & Momoi 1958). This host record seems quite doubtful and should be withdrawn. Comments. This is the most common species of the Polysphincta -group in Japan. It is distributed throughout the country, from coastal low land to the forest of rather high altitude. This species can be distinguished from other species of the genus by its weakly up-curved, relatively long ovipositor. This species seems widely distributed throughout the Palaearctic region. The first author examined a female from India (first record for the country) in the collection of BMNH. Distribution records. Japan: Hokkaido, Honshu, Izu Isls., Shikoku, Kyushu* Tsushima*, Ryukyus*; Russian Far East, Sakhalin, Kuril Isls., China, India *, Europe. Specimens examined. Note that all Japanese reared specimens were from P. tepidariorum except 1 ɗ from Shakujii, Tokyo Met., reared from P. oculiprominens, 1 ɗ from Noma, Osaka Pref., reared from P. tabulata and 1 ɗ from Murou, Nara Pref., reared from indet. Parasteatoda . Type Ψ of Glypta albicoxa Walker, “ Japan ”, “ 1913 - 71.”, (F.Walker) (BMNH). Lectotype Ψ of Polysphincta japonica Uchida, 29. VII– 4.IX. 1926, Toyama, (K.Takewaki) (SEHU). Type Ψ of Polysphinctopsis eximia f. nigrithorax Uchida, 24.VII. 1935, Yambetsu, Kunashiri Isl., (SEHU). Japan: [Hokkaido] 1 Ψ, 20.VIII. 2005 (larva on host, emer. late VIII), Ayamegahara, Akkeshi, Kushiro Subpref., (R.M.); 1 Ψ, 1–30.VIII. 2003 (Malaise trap), Bekanbeushi marsh, Akkeshi, Kushiro Subpref., (R.M.); 4 Ψ, 4– 5.VIII. 2003, same locality, (R.M.); 1 Ψ, 7.VIII. 1976, Urakawa, Hidaka Subpref., (T.Matsumura) (NIAES); 1 Ψ, 25.IX. 2004 (cocoon, emer. X.), Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo, Ishikari Subpref., (R.M.). [Honshu] 1 Ψ, 6.IX. 1992, Hibakozawa-rindo, Aomori, Aomori Pref., (T.Ichita) (NIAES); 1 ɗ 6 ΨΨ, 22.IX. 2001 (cocoon, emer. 24– 27.IX.), Kawauchi, Sendai, Miyagi Pref., (R.M.); 1 Ψ, 22.IX. 2001 (larva on host, emer. X.), same localIty, (R.M.); 1 Ψ, 14.IX. 1998, Kannondai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki Pref., (N.Kawase) (NIAES); 1 Ψ, 2–16.X. 1989 (M.T.), Shishizuka-oike, Tsuchiura, Ibaraki Pref., (K.Konishi) (NIAES); 1 Ψ, 21.IX. 1999, Shiromine shrine, Kamiizumi, Saitama Pref., (H.Takahashi); 1 Ψ, 20.IX. 1963, Kodaira, Tokyo, Met., (J.Minamikawa) (NIAES); 1 ɗ, 20.V. 2005 (larva on host, emer. vi.), Shakujii, Nerima, Tokyo Met., (R.M.); 1 ɗ (cocoon, emer. V.), same locality and date, (R.M.); 1 ɗ, 28.VI. 2008 (cocoon in web of P. oculiprominens ), same locality, (K.Shoji); 1 Ψ, 11.VI. 1994, Hirai, Hinode, Tokyo Met., (H.Takahashi); 1 Ψ, 27.VII. 2000, Goten-yama, Musashino, Tokyo Met., (H.Takahashi); 1 Ψ, 1.XI. 2005, Hodokubo, Hino, Tokyo Met., (H.Sakurai); 1 Ψ, “Tokyo”, 7.VI. 1909, (Edme Gallois) (MNHN); 1 Ψ, “Tokyo”, 13.VI. 1909, (MNHN). 1 ɗ, 28.IV. 1935, Nanasawa, Isehara, Kanagawa Pref., (H.Aoki); 1 Ψ, 13.X. 2003 (larva on host, emer. 20.X.), Atsugi, Atsugi, Kanagawa Pref., (R.M.); 2 ΨΨ, 11.X. 2003 (cocoon, emer. 15–16.X.), same locality, (R.M.); 1 ɗ, 13.VII. 1996, Minami-Alpsrindo, Ashiyasu, Yamanashi Pref., (T.Tachi); 1 Ψ, 6–12.VI. 1989 (M.T.), Sanageyama, Toyota, Aichi Pref., (A.Takano) (NIAES); 1 Ψ, 12.IX. 2001, Kitahira, Shiga, Shiga Pref., (S.Shiyake.); 2 ΨΨ, 20.X. 2003, Ogaki, Miyazu, Kyoto Pref., (R.M.); 1 Ψ, 28.VII. 2004 (cocoon, emer. 28.VII.), Amagase, Uji, Kyoto Pref., (R.M.); 1 Ψ, 15.IX. 2003, same locality, (R.M.); 1 Ψ, 7.X. 2001, Yatacho, Yamato-koriyama, Nara Pref., (R.M.); 1 Ψ, 21.VII. 1957, Tenri, Nara Pref., (I.Miyagi) (FAEU); 1 Ψ, 14.V. 2004 (cocoon, emer. 16.V.), Hase, Sakurai, Nara Pref., (R.M.); 1 Ψ, 30.V. 2004 (cocoon, emer. VI.), Obu, Sakurai, Nara Pref., (R.M.); 1 Ψ, 26.VII. 1995, Kitamata-rindo, Kawakami, Nara Pref., (M.Sueyoshi) (OMNH); 1 Ψ, 17.VI. 2004 (cocoon, emer. 17.VI.), Wasamatayama, Kamikitayama, Nara Pref., (R.M.); 1 Ψ, 17.VI. 2001 (cocoon, emer. 17.VI.), Hatsutani, Toyono, Osaka Pref., (R.M.); 2 ΨΨ, 18.V. 2002 (cocoon, emer. V.), same locality, (R.M.); 1 ɗ (larva on P. tabulata , cocooned 1.IV., emer. 8.VI.), Noma, Nose, Osaka Pref., (Y.Ikeda); 1 ɗ, 6.VI. 2000, Honzanji, Takatsuki, Osaka Pref., (R.M.); 1 Ψ, 23.IX. 2003 (larva on host, emer. 4.X.), Minoo, Mino, Osaka Pref., (R.M.); 1 Ψ, 24.V. 2005 (cocoon, emer. 25.V.), same locality, (R.M.); 1 Ψ, (larva on host, emer. vi.), same locality and date (R.M.); 1 Ψ, 3.X. 1966, same locality, (T.Kinoshita) (FAEU); 1 ɗ, 5.X. 2000 (larva on host, emer. 18.X.), Muraike, Shijonawate, Osaka Pref., (R.M.); 1 Ψ, 24.VI. 2001 (cocoon, emer. 25.VI.), Hiraoka, Higashiosaka, Osaka Pref., (R.M.); 1 Ψ, 7.X. 2001 (cocoon, emer. 10.X.), same locality (R.M.); 1 ɗ, 1.V. 2004 (cocoon, emer. 12.V.), Nagai, Osaka, Osaka Pref., (R.M.); 7 ΨΨ [1 Ψ, 2–13.V; 1 Ψ, 21–30.V; 1 Ψ, 8–20.VI; 1 Ψ, 20–30.VI; 1 Ψ, 30.VI– 13.VII; 1 Ψ, 13–23.VII.] (Malaise Trap operated in 2002), Mt. Izumi-Katsuragi, Kaizuka / Kishiwada, Osaka Pref., (R.M.); 1 Ψ, 30.V. 2002 (cocoon, emer. 4.VI.), same locality, (R.M.); 1 Ψ, 29.X. 2000 (cocoon, emer. 3.XI.), Ushitaki, Kishiwada, Osaka Pref., (R.M.); 1 Ψ, 21.V. 2003, Baba, Kaizuka, Osaka Pref., (R.M.); 1 Ψ, 4.IV. 2001 (cocoon, emer. 13.IV.), Takinoike, Izumisano, Osaka Pref., (R.M.); 1 ɗ 3 ΨΨ, 3.XII. 2003 (larva on host, emer. XII.), same locality (R.M.); 1 Ψ, 14.XII. 2003 (cocoon, emer. XII.), same locality, (R.M.); 2 ɗɗ 2 ΨΨ, 11.IV. 2004 (cocoon, emer. 17–18.IV.), Kouyoudai, Hashimoto, Wakayama Pref., (R.M.); 1 Ψ, 8.VIII. 2005 (cocoon, emer. 8.VIII.), Odawaratani, Koya, Wakayama Pref., (R.M.); 1 Ψ, 25.III. 2005 (cocoon), Tomogashima, Wakayama, Wakayama Pref., (R.M.); 1 Ψ, 8.VIII. 2005, Gomadansan, Totsukawa, Wakayama Pref., (R.M.); 1 Ψ, 13.VI. 1955, Sasayama, Sasayama, Hyogo Pref., (K.Iwata); 1 ɗ, 1.IX. 2005 (cocoon, emer. 23.IX.), Senjoji-ko, Sanda, Hyogo Pref., (R.M.); 1 Ψ, 27.V. 2004 (cocoon, emer. VI.), Arimafuji, Sanda, Hyogo Pref., (R.M.); 1 Ψ, 11.XI. 2002 (cocoon, emer. 12.XI.), Ginzan, Inagawa, Hyogo Pref., (R.M.); 3 ɗɗ 47 ΨΨ, 1964–1980, Tsuyutani, Tottori, Tottori Pref., (H.Aoki); 1 Ψ, 30.V. 1983, Daisenji, Daisen, Tottori Pref., (K.Konishi) (NIAES); 2 ɗɗ, 10.VII. 1993, Tsuguro, Chuka, Okayama Pref., (R.M.); 2 ɗɗ 7 ΨΨ, 15.X. 2002 (cocoon, emer. 16–23.X.), Nakayama, Mimasaka, Okayama Pref., (R.M.); 1 Ψ, 17.VIII. 1998, Nishio, Nimi, Okayama Pref., (R.M.); 1 ɗ, 24.IX. 2005, (cocoon, emer. X.), Tsushima, Okayama, Okayama Pref., (R.M.); 1 Ψ, 23.VIII. 1993, Hashima, Kurashiki, Okayama Pref., (R.M.). [Shikoku] 1 Ψ, 21.IX. 2003 (cocoon), Sugitatemachi, Matsuyama, Ehime Pref., (R.M.); 1 Ψ, 8.IX. 2005 (cocoon, emer. 13.IX.), Yuyama-yanagi, Matsuyama, Ehime Pref., (R.M.); 2 ɗɗ, 15.IV. 2004 (cocoon, emer. 20.IV.), Shimodani, Saijo, Ehime Pref., (R.M.); 1 Ψ, 8.IX. 2005, Umiyama, Imabari, Ehime Pref., (R.M.); 1 Ψ, 8.IX. 2005 (cocoon, emer. 11.IX.), Noma, Imabari, Ehime Pref., (R.M.); 2 ΨΨ, 14.IV. 2004 (larva on host, 21.IV. emer.), Saragamine, Shigenobu, Ehime Pref., (R.M.); 2 ΨΨ, 9.IX. 2004, Kuromori-toge, Kawauchi, Ehime Pref., (R.M.); 1 ɗ 2 ΨΨ, (cocoon, emer.X.), same locality and date (R.M.); 1 Ψ, 26.IV. 2004 (cocoon, emer. 28.IV.), Kamihatanogawa, Kuma, Ehime Pref., (R.M.); 2 ɗɗ, 20.IX. 2004 (larva on host, emer. X.), Shimohatanogawa, Kuma, Ehime Pref., (R.M.); 1 Ψ, 10.V. 1959, Iwayasan, Mikawa, Ehime Pref., M.Sato) (FAEU); 1 ɗ 1 Ψ, 5.X. 2003 (cocoon, emer. 10.X.), Kanmon, Omogo, Ehime Pref., (R.M.); 1 ɗ, 9.IX. 2004 (cocoon, emer. 10.IX.), Kazuneo, Omogo, Ehime Pref., (R.M.); 1 Ψ, 13.VIII. 1998, Ibukiyama, Saijo, Ehime Pref., (R.M.); 2 ΨΨ, 15.VIII. 1998, Tsuchigoya, Omogo, Ehime Pref., (R.M.); 1 Ψ, 14.VIII. 1998, Odamiyama, Oda, Ehime Pref., (R.M.); 1 Ψ, 11.VIII. 1998, Miyanotani, Oda, Ehime Pref., (R.M.). [Tsushima] 2 ΨΨ, 6.VI. 2004 (cocoon), Mitake, Kamiagata, Nagasaki Pref., (R.M.); 1 ɗ, 5.VI. 2005 (cocoon), Shiratake, Mitsushima, Nagasaki Pref., (R.M.); 1 Ψ, 16–17.VI. 1983 (Light trap), Taterayama, Izuhara, Nagasaki Pref., (K.Konishi) (NIAES). [Kyushu] 1 Ψ, 28.XI. 1995, Nokonoshima, Fukuoka, Fukuoka Pref., (M.Sueyoshi.); 1 Ψ, 17.IV. 1994, Aburayama, Fukuoka, Fukuoka Pref., (R.M.); 1 Ψ, 28.V. 1994, Inunakiyama, Wakamiya, Fukuoka Pref., (R.M.); 1 ɗ, 3.V. 1983 (Light trap), Hikosan, Soeda, Fukuoka Pref., (K.Konishi) (NIAES); 1 Ψ, 29.IX. 2003 (larva on host, emer. 7.X.), Inokodani, Kobayashi, Miyazaki Pref., (R.M.); 1 ɗ, 9.X. 2004 (cocoon, emer. X.), Takachiho-gawara, Kirishima, Kagoshima Pref., (R.M.). [Ryukyus] 1 Ψ, 3.VII. 2006 (cocoon, emer. VII), Oppa-dake, Nakijin Okinawa Pref., (R.M.) (OMNH); 1 ɗ, 4.VII. 2007 (cocoon, emer. VII), Iji, Kunigami Okinawa Pref., (R.M.) (OMNH). [China] 2 ΨΨ, “ CHINE, Chang bei, DE JOANNIS 1898 ”, (MNHN). [India] 1 Ψ, 12.VI. 1912 (“taken at light”), “Dharma”(?), “Kumaon”, Uttaranchall State, “ 5400 feet ”, (A.D. Imms) (BMNH). : Published as part of Matsumoto, Rikio & Takasuka, Keizo, 2010, A revision of the genus Zatypota Förster of Japan, with descriptions of nine new species and notes on their hosts (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Pimplinae), pp. 1-43 in Zootaxa 2522 on pages 5-9, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.196324 : {"references": ["Walker, F. (1874) Descriptions of some Japanese Hymenoptera. Cistula Entomologica, 1, 301 - 310.", "Rudow, F. (1883) Neue Ichneumoniden. Entomologische Nachrichten, 9 (19 / 20), 232 - 247.", "Horstmann, K. (1993) Revision der von Ferdinand Rudow beschriebenen Ichneumonidae I. (Hymenoptera). Beitrage zur Entomologie, 43, 3 - 38.", "Schmiedeknecht, O. (1907) Opuscula Ichneumonologica. III. Band. Fasc. XV - XVII. Pimplinae. Blankenburg in Thuringen. 1121 - 1360.", "Uchida, T. (1940) Die walkerschen Typen der japanischen Ichneumoniden. Insecta Matsumurana, 14, 108 - 114.", "Habermehl, H. (1917) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der palaearktischen Ichneumonidenfauna. 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