Is the National Police of Ukraine European?

The fact that the National Police of Ukraine, which is territorially European, does not yet testify to the possibility today to consider the National Police as the European Ukrainian police in the sense of its internal readiness to conform to the standards of organization and operation of the police...

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Main Author: ZozulIa І., V.
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2019
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Summary:The fact that the National Police of Ukraine, which is territorially European, does not yet testify to the possibility today to consider the National Police as the European Ukrainian police in the sense of its internal readiness to conform to the standards of organization and operation of the police forces of the European Commonwealth. The answer to this problem can be solved by such tasks as searching for the principles of "Europeanization" of the National Police in the current legislation; perception and display in the media of the European fundamentals of the National Police; analysis of the status of self-identification of the National Police as a European and supporting European and Euro-Atlantic integration as an element of its own "Europeanization" by Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. According to the results of the study, it is shown that the term "European Ukrainian police" was used by the leadership of the state and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, as well as the term "new police of Ukraine", solely in order to maintains the image, and was not widely disseminated either in Ukraine or in the world. At the same time, a new law enforcement agency was expected in Ukraine. The main reason for this was the hope of getting high-level police officers like in the European police forces. But the "transfer" of borrowed positive experience and methods of effective work of the police authorities of Europe to Ukraine did not take place and could not have happened due to a number of objective reasons. However, the principles of the European and Euro-Atlantic trend regarding the future of the National Police of Ukraine have already been laid down and for that, it's will taken place, we must consider the following basic realities: 1. National police cannot be a permanent beneficiary of funds and police technologies from the European Union – it is necessary to develop internal human, technical and intellectual resources and integrate into the legal circle of the police community of European countries on the principles of an equal partnership. The stated European integration is fully possible only after building a proper economic basis in the state. 2. The Ukrainian police will acquire the conditional status of a European one only when its corporate mentality and the mentality of the average policeman become European. In other words, the National Police of Ukraine must be not only professionally "self-identify" as a European, but also be recognized as such. Any artificial imposition of the image of the European Police without real changes is not promising. : {"references": ["1. Beth, K. Greener. (2009). The New International Policing. Palgrave Macmillan UK.", "2. Spencer, R. Kidd. (2017). 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