Small mammals at forest-oil palm edges raw datasets

Description: This is the combined trapping data for the study of small mammals at forest-oil palm plantation edges carried out by P.M. Chapman in 2017, chiefly in the Stability of Altered Forest Ecosystems project landscape, near where Blocks A and C border the Benta Wawasan oil palm estate. Trappin...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Chapman, Philip M., Davison, Charles
Format: Dataset
Published: Zenodo 2019
Online Access:
Summary:Description: This is the combined trapping data for the study of small mammals at forest-oil palm plantation edges carried out by P.M. Chapman in 2017, chiefly in the Stability of Altered Forest Ecosystems project landscape, near where Blocks A and C border the Benta Wawasan oil palm estate. Trapping was also carried out some 23km WSW at a second forest-plantation edge in the Selangan Batu Oil Palm estate. The study comprised two parts; a conventional grid trapping study (36 traps in a 9x4 arrangement) of small mammals straddling an edge from 46m into the forest to 138m into the plantation (with a plantation interior control site based in the OP2 sampling block); and a spool-and-line tracking experiment that was based on the forest portion of the same grids, but using separate trapping nights (with traps set at dusk and checked at c. 9PM) and six extra traps per grid. This is the combined raw data for both sections, including trapping locations, species IDs, PIT tag identifiers and biometrics for the first part of the project, and this data plus basic information on the spool-and-line tracking for the second part of the project. Project: This dataset was collected as part of the following SAFE research project: Forest small mammals in oil palm plantations: space use and habitat selection components of the spillover effect. XML metadata: GEMINI compliant metadata for this dataset is available here Files: This consists of 1 file: Small_Mammal_Edge_data.xlsx Small_Mammal_Edge_data.xlsx This file contains dataset metadata and 2 data tables: Trapping data for the community distribution part of the project (described in worksheet Community distribution data)Description: This is the trapping data for the first part of the project which focussed on distribution of communities of native and invasive small mammals around the edge.Number of fields: 25Number of data rows: 239Fields: Site : Location of the trapping grid (corresponds to the Locations sheet) (Field type: Location) Edge : Identifier for the edge sampling area. "SAFE" is the edge at the SAFE project landscape, while "SEBA" is the second edge at the Selangan Batu oil plantation some 23km WSW. All spooled animals were captured at SAFE. (Field type: ID) Date : The calendar date of trapping (Field type: Date) Occasion : The trapping occasion (sites were trapped for three consecutive days) (Field type: ID) Trap : Trap ID. Traps 1-8 were in the forest portion of the grid, 9-12 were directly on the edge at 0m (counted as part of the forest half of the grid), while traps 13-36 were in the plantation portion of the grid. (Field type: ID) Distance : The distance of the trap line from the edge. Traps were in lines of four arranged parallel to the edge at 23m increments, with 0m being directly on the edge. Negative distances indicate forest trap lines while positive distances denote plantation trap lines. Lines in the plantation-interior control site are given NA. (Field type: Categorical) Habitat : Indicates the habitat. 0m (i.e. the edge itself) was treated throughout as part of the forest. (Field type: Categorical) Species : Species ID for the captured animal. All "target" small mammals receive an identifying code for brevity (see the Taxa sheet), (Field type: Taxa) New/Recapture : Indicates whether the individual is a new record or a recapture. NB: Biometric data (apart from weight) is not collected for recaptures for reasons of time and ethics (unnecessary anaesthesia). (Field type: Categorical) PIT_Tag/ID : Individual ID for the captured animal. This is usually a 10-digit numeric or alphanumeric string, the number of the fitted Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) tag. All zeros in PIT strings are replaced with capital Os due to persistent problems with Excel irreversibly modifying particular string formats. Various other "generic" individual IDs have been applied (usually the species code followed by a unique number) where tagging was impractical or uneccessary but the animal was very unlikely to be caught again (usually the last day on a grid). NA is only given where the animal escaped (see "Escape") and could not be scanned to determine whether it was new or a recapture. (Field type: ID) SpoolLine_ID : Spool-and-line ID corresponding to the captured animal. Animals captured for the individual movement section of the study were not tagged (to avoid excess stress and injury) and instead were given unique IDs consisting of "SL" and a three-digit number. However they were scanned for existing tags (likely to be present if, for instance, trapping for the community distribution section of the study was immediately preceding). Any crossovers are recorded here. (Field type: ID) Age : Age of the individual captured. Uncertain ages are given with question marks. Completely unknown or unrecorded age are given as NA. (Field type: Categorical Trait) Sex : Sex of the individual captured. Uncertain sexes are given with question marks. Completely unknown or unrecorded sexes are given as NA. (Field type: Categorical Trait) HF : (Left) Hind foot measurement (Field type: Numeric Trait) E : (Left) Ear length measurement (only rats) (Field type: Numeric Trait) AGD : Ano-genital distance measurement (only rats) (Field type: Numeric Trait) HB : Head-body length measurement (only treeshrews, squirrels and some rat species where ID is uncertain) (Field type: Numeric Trait) T : Tail length measurement (only treeshrews, squirrels and some rat species where ID is uncertain) (Field type: Numeric Trait) MZ : Muzzle length measurement (only treeshrews) (Field type: Numeric Trait) Gross_W : Mass of the polythene weighing bag including animal (Field type: Numeric) Bag_W : Mass of the polythene weighing bag (Field type: Numeric) Net_W : Mass of the animal (Field type: Numeric Trait) Dead : Logical: Was the individual found dead, or euthanised in the course of processing? (Field type: Categorical) Escape : Logical: Did the individual escape before PIT tagging or scanning could determine whether it was new or a recapture? Animals which received an ID but subsequently escaped with incomplete biometrics are recorded in "Notes". (Field type: Categorical) Notes : Field notes on the animal captured. This column mostly includes explanations for missing biometric data, or expands on circumstances of deaths. (Field type: Comments) Trapping data for the individual movement part of the project (described in worksheet Individual movement data)Description: This is the trapping data for the second part of the project which focussed on movement behaviour of native small mammals captured on the forest side of the dge, with a particular focus on quanitfying rates of edge crossing.Number of fields: 23Number of data rows: 42Fields: Site : Location of the trapping grid (corresponds to the Locations sheet) (Field type: Location) Edge : Identifier for the edge sampling area. "SAFE" is the edge at the SAFE project landscape, while "SEBA" is the second edge at the Selangan Batu oil plantation some 23km WSW. All spooled animals were captured at SAFE. (Field type: ID) Date : The calendar date of trapping (Field type: Date) Distance : The distance that the animal was caught and released from the edge. Traps were either on the edge (0m) or at 11.5m increments into the forest from the edge. Negative numbering is retained to match that in the Community distribution data sheet (Field type: Categorical) Species : Species ID for the captured animal. All "target" small mammals receive an identifying code for brevity (see the Taxa sheet), (Field type: Taxa) SpoolLine_ID : Individual ID for the captured animal. All individuals in this part of the study were given a 5-digit alphanumeric starting "SL" and finishing with a unique number, regardless of whether they had been previously PIT-tagged in the Community distribution section of the study. (Field type: ID) Age : Age of the individual captured. Uncertain ages are given with question marks. Completely unknown or unrecorded age are given as NA. (Field type: Categorical Trait) Sex : Sex of the individual captured. Uncertain sexes are given with question marks. Completely unknown or unrecorded sexes are given as NA. (Field type: Categorical Trait) HF : (Left) Hind foot measurement (Field type: Numeric Trait) E : (Left) Ear length measurement (only rats) (Field type: Numeric Trait) AGD : Ano-genital distance measurement (only rats) (Field type: Numeric Trait) Bag_W : Mass of the polythene weighing bag (Field type: Numeric) Gross_W : Mass of the polythene weighing bag including animal (Field type: Numeric) Net_W : Mass of the animal (Field type: Numeric Trait) Animal_Notes : Original notes from the trapping itself, including extra measurements, any associated PIT tag number (see the Community distribution data sheet) and any omissions. (Field type: Comments) Tracked_Date : The date upon which the animal's track was followed. (Field type: Date) Total_Distance_Tracked : Total length of the tracked spool (Field type: Numeric) Cross : Logical: Did the tracked individual cross the edge? Individuals which were not tracked receive NA. (Field type: Categorical) Approach : Logical: Did the tracked individual approach the edge? We defined this as moving towards the edge from within the forest and remaining less than five metres from the edge for at least five metres travelled distance. Individuals which were not tracked receive NA. (Field type: Categorical) Distance_Forest : Total distance covered inside the forest. NB: for all but one of the animals we tracked, this is the same distance as "Total_Distance_Tracked" (Field type: Numeric) Distance_Plantation : Total distance covered inside the plantation. NB: for all but one of the animals we tracked, this is zero. (Field type: Numeric) Tracking_Notes : Original notes from the tracking itself, comprising a brief summary of the animal's apparent behaviour, or a record of why the spool wasn't tracked. (Field type: Comments) Used : Logical: Was the tracked path long enough to be "counted"? The criterion was: Tracked Path > 1.2*Distance from the edge. (Field type: Categorical) Date range: 2017-02-01 to 2017-04-30 Latitudinal extent: 4.6326 to 4.7131 Longitudinal extent: 117.4350 to 117.6550 Taxonomic coverage: All taxon names are validated against the GBIF backbone taxonomy. If a dataset uses a synonym, the accepted usage is shown followed by the dataset usage in brackets. Taxa that cannot be validated, including new species and other unknown taxa, morphospecies, functional groups and taxonomic levels not used in the GBIF backbone are shown in square brackets.Animalia - Chordata - - Mammalia - - - Rodentia - - - - Muridae - - - - - Chrotomys - - - - - - Chrotomys whiteheadi - - - - - Leopoldamys - - - - - - Leopoldamys sabanus - - - - - Maxomys - - - - - - Maxomys surifer - - - - - Niviventer - - - - - - Niviventer cremoriventer - - - - - Rattus - - - - - - Rattus exulans - - - - - - Rattus rattus - - - - Sciuridae - - - - - Lariscus - - - - - - Lariscus hosei - - - - - Sundasciurus - - - - - - Sundasciurus hippurus - - - - - - Sundasciurus lowii - - - Scandentia - - - - Tupaiidae - - - - - Tupaia - - - - - - Tupaia gracilis - - - - - - Tupaia longipes - - - - - - Tupaia tana