Revisionary notes on Chonocephalus Wandolleck (Diptera: Phoridae) with keys to species of the Holarctic Region

Disney, R. Henry L. (2002): Revisionary notes on Chonocephalus Wandolleck (Diptera: Phoridae) with keys to species of the Holarctic Region. Zootaxa 60: 1-36, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.155988 : {"references": ["Beyer, E. M. (1960) Australische Phoriden des Queensland Museums, Broteria, 29, 2...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Disney, R. Henry L.
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: Zenodo 2002
Online Access:
Summary:Disney, R. Henry L. (2002): Revisionary notes on Chonocephalus Wandolleck (Diptera: Phoridae) with keys to species of the Holarctic Region. Zootaxa 60: 1-36, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.155988 : {"references": ["Beyer, E. M. (1960) Australische Phoriden des Queensland Museums, Broteria, 29, 20-40.", "Bohart, G. E. (1947) The phorid flies of Guam, Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 96, 397-416.", "Borgmeier, T. (1935) Sobre o cyclo evolutivo de Chonocephalus Wandolleck e uma nova especie de Melaloncha Brues, endoparasita de abelhas, Archivos do Instituto de Biologia Vegetal, Rio de Janeiro, 2, 255-65.", "Borgmeier, T. (1963) Revision of the North American phorid flies. Part I. The Phorinae, Aenigmatiinae and Metopininae, except Megaselia (Diptera, Phoridae),Studia Entomologica, Petropolis, 6, 1-256.", "Borgmeier, T. 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