Summary:The regular issue 9(1) of the journal «Nature Conservation Research» ( has been released. It is stored here: The cover page shows a skua (Stercorarius maccormicki) in flight on the Haswell Archipelago, Davis Sea (Author: Dr. S.V. Golubev).This issue of the journal «Nature Conservation Research» contains articles devoted to various taxonomic groups of animals, vascular plants, and ecosystems in Europe, Asia, South America, and Antarctica. This issue includes eight articles. Systematic position and conservation aspects of Melinaea mnasias thera and reference sites of riverine Atlantic forests have been studied in Brazil. Monitoring of the rookery of Eumetopias jubatus has been investigated on Matykil Island in the Magadan State Nature Reserve (Russia). The lateralisation of swans in response to anthropogenic disturbance was studied on the Yamal and Gydan peninsulas. Research of the abundance of Numenius arquata in Northwestern ...