Summary:This dataset includes data from the HLY0701, HLY0802, HLY0803, HLY0902, and KN195-10 cruises. The data are formatted as Excel and PDF documents. These are the results of on-board incubations of water from the euphotic zone with 15N and 13C labeled substrates. Based on these incubations the rates of uptake for nitrate (rho NO3), ammonium (rho NH4), urea (rho urea) and carbon (rho C) were estimated on a daily basis. These measurements also produce estimates of particulate nitrogen and particulate carbon pools. These data were collected aboard the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Healy (HLY) and the UNOLS R/V Knorr (KN) during the Bering Sea Ecosystem Study-Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem Research Program (BEST-BSIERP). BEST-BSIERP together are the Bering Sea project.