Summary:The basic observed water characteristics (pH, temperature, salinity and total alkalinity (TA)) and calculated water carbonate chemistry of Magallana angulata (also known as Crassostrea angulata) F1 generation from larval stage to adult in the hatchery located in Zhanjiang, China (21.07°N, 110.74°E) for around one year. These F1 larvae were acquired by artificial fertilization of matured F0 generation (F0_8.1 and F0_7.4). Embryos from F0_8.1 were separated into two pH levels: F1_8.1-8.1 and F1_8.1-7.4. Likewise, embryos from F0_7.4 were separated into two pH levels: F1_7.4-8.1 and F1_7.4-7.4. Thus, there were four treatments for F1 generation, and each treatment had three independent 500L tank replicates (A, B, and C). F1 generation continued to be reared to the next year till most of them reached the first year of gonad maturation to test the transgenerational low pH effect on oyster biological responses. Low pH was driven by bubbling of CO2-enriched air mixed with ambient air into filter seawater in the ...