Summary:The relationship between the vertical flux of microplankton and its standing stock in the upper ocean was determined in the subtropical (33°N, 21°W) and tropical (18°N, 30°W) northeast Atlantic in spring 1989 as part of the North Atlantic Bloom Experiment.In the subtropical area specific sedimentation rates at all depths were low (0.1% of standing stock) and 10-20% of settled particulate organic carbon (POC) was viable diatoms. The high contribution of viable diatoms, their empty frustules and tintinnid loricae to settled material characterized a system in transition between a diatom bloom sedimentation event and an oligotrophic summer situation.In the tropical area specific sedimentation rates were similar, but absolute rates (3 mg C m?2 day?1) were only about a third of those in the subtropical area. Microplankton carbon contributed only 2-6% to POC. Hard parts of heterotrophs found embedded in amorphous detrital matter suggest that particles had passed through a complex food web prior to sedimentation. ... : Supplement to: Passow, Uta; Peinert, Rolf (1993): The role of plankton in particle flux; two case studies from the northeast Atlantic. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 40(1-2), 573-585 ...