Рассматривается процесс численного роста контингента читателей массовых библиотек в 1950-1960-е гг. на примере Архангельской и Вологодской областей. Определяется число пользователей областных, городских, районных и сельских библиотек, приводятся сведения о читательской активности. Характеризуются ос...

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Published: Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет» 2016
Online Access:http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/rol-bibliotek-v-organizatsii-kulturno-dosugovoy-sfery-naseleniya-evropeyskogo-severa-rossii-v-1950-1960-e-gg-na-primere-arhangelskoy-i
Summary:Рассматривается процесс численного роста контингента читателей массовых библиотек в 1950-1960-е гг. на примере Архангельской и Вологодской областей. Определяется число пользователей областных, городских, районных и сельских библиотек, приводятся сведения о читательской активности. Характеризуются основные категории читателей библиотечных учреждений. Делается вывод о том, что к концу 1960-х гг. основу читательской массы составляли специалисты различных отраслей народного хозяйства, науки и культуры, обслуживанию которых уделялось особое внимание. Устанавливаются причины трудностей в организации работы с населением в сельской местности, а также пути их решения. Описываются формы работы персонала библиотек с читателями, раскрывается содержательная сторона культурно-массовой деятельности. One of the most important objectives stated by the public authority to cultural institutions in the 1950-1960, was attraction of readers into the libraries. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to identify the dynamics of a composition of the readers of the libraries, consideration forms of cultural-mass works, organized by libraries, as well as the determination of their mission and role in the organization of cultural and leisure sphere of life of the population of the European North of Russia (on the example of the Arkhangelsk and Vologda regions). The source of the base of the research amounted to archive (data of the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art, the State Archive of the Russian Federation, the State Archive of Arkhangelsk region, State Archives of Vologda Region) and published sources. The documents provide extensive information about the composition and categories of the users, the book fund and the intensity of the work of regional, municipal, district and rural libraries and the promotion of literature to the people, the organization of readers' conferences, the months of books and review of cultural-educational institutions. Legislative and regulatory legal acts of the authorities reflect the specific directions of the state policy in the field of library and book science. Materials of the state statistics and periodicals also were used for writing this research. The research provides data on the number and groups of readers of libraries of different levels, activities of institutions to service users. Characterized form of cultural-mass works, the specifics of its organization in urban and rural environments. Determined that the experts of various sectors of the economy, science and culture were the majority among the main groups of readers of libraries by the end of the 1960s. Attention was drawn to strengthening the work of urban libraries in the areas of development of individual guided reading and differentiated services to visitors. Established, gaps in the work of rural library institutions, related primarily to the very well organized library network and fully provided of funds. Showed the process of development of a network of mobile libraries and carry of the books aimed at increasing the readership of rural libraries. In this context, it demonstrates the value of reviews of cultural and educational institutions, and the month of the book. Revealed the content side and the subject of cultural and mass activity of library facilities. Provides the information on the formation of reader demand. On the basis of the presented data about the numerical growth of the readers, the varieties of readers' groups, the introduction of qualitatively new forms of cultural and mass work, the formation of stable interest to the life and work of the writers, in the article it concluded that the libraries played a significant role in the organization of cultural and leisure sphere of population 1950-1960.