На примере образований поздневалдайского оледенения показано, что быстрое освобождение ото льда территорий, занятых покровными ледниками, достигалось посредством ареальной дегляциации, вызванной межстадиальными потеплениями.В голоцене чередовались потепления и похолодания. Материалы изучения голоцен...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: ЕВЗЕРОВ В.Я.
Format: Text
Published: Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение науки Кольский научный центр Российской академии наук 2016
Online Access:http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/posledstviya-klimaticheskih-izmeneniy-chetvertichnogo-perioda-v-kolskom-regione-na-primere-pozdnevaldayskogo-oledeneniya-i-golotsena
Summary:На примере образований поздневалдайского оледенения показано, что быстрое освобождение ото льда территорий, занятых покровными ледниками, достигалось посредством ареальной дегляциации, вызванной межстадиальными потеплениями.В голоцене чередовались потепления и похолодания. Материалы изучения голоценовых осадков свидетельствуют о господстве в межледниковых условиях физического и физикохимического выветривания, незначительном снижении поверхности региона под влиянием эрозии, появлении горных ледников при похолоданиях и увеличении скорости осадконакопления в небольших озерах при потеплениях. В засушливые периоды формировались дюны. С увеличением влажности они зарастали, при ее последующих уменьшениях растительные покровы дюн частично разрушались The Quaternary climatic changes led to repeated alternations of glaciations and interglacials. For a few tens of thousands years, the glaciations occupied extensive areas within the Eurasia and melted. The study of the Late Valdai glaciation formations showed that rapid deglaciation of the territory was achieved due to the interstadial warming. The latter resulted in separation of extensive peripheral ice masses from the main body of the active ice and the subsequent rapid melting of dead ice. During the Late Valdai glaciation deglaciation of the territory from the Kanin Peninsula to the foot of the Scandinavian mountains took only about11 thousand years. Obviously, the areal deglaciation was typical of all older Quaternary glaciations, considering their short duration.In the Holocene, which many researchers fairly consider as an analogue of the Interglacial, warmings and coolings took place as well. During the coolings mountain glaciers appeared. Throughout the entire period, when and soil formed, mainly frosty and physical-chemical weathering of crystalline rocks occurred. A weak manifestation of chemical weathering entailed a slight change in the relief due to the erosion. During the Holocene tundra vegetation of the Young Dryas gave way to forest-tundra and then to forest vegetation. During the coolings in the north and east of the region there was the tundra, changing to the south-west into foresttundra, which, in turn, was replaced by the vegetation of the northern taiga. During the warming all vegetation zones shifted to the north-east, and the northern part of the region was occupied by the forest-tundra. In small lakes mineragenetic sediments gave way to organogenic oneswith the warming. The warming resulted in to an increase of the lake bioproductivityand, as a rule, in a rise of the sediment accumulation rate. In dry periods dunes were formed; they overgrew with vegetation as the humidity increased. In subsequent droughts the dune vegetation covers were partly destroyed.