Софья Константиновна Богораз (1870-1921): штрихи к портрету Владимира Германовича богораза

В статье представлено то немногое, что известно о Софье Константиновне Богораз жене Владимира Германовича Богораза. Софья Константиновна сопровождала мужа на Крайний Северо-Восток во время Джесуповской Северо-Тихоокеанской экспедиции, организованной Американским музеем естественной истории, и ее вкл...

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Format: Text
Published: Музей антропологии и этнографии им. Петра Великого (Кунсткамера) Российской академии наук 2016
Online Access:http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/sofya-konstantinovna-bogoraz-1870-1921-shtrihi-k-portretu-vladimira-germanovicha-bogoraza
Summary:В статье представлено то немногое, что известно о Софье Константиновне Богораз жене Владимира Германовича Богораза. Софья Константиновна сопровождала мужа на Крайний Северо-Восток во время Джесуповской Северо-Тихоокеанской экспедиции, организованной Американским музеем естественной истории, и ее вклад в блестящие результаты экспедиции был весьма существенным. После экспедиции она не принимала участия ни в общественной жизни мужа, ни в его научной деятельности, оставаясь только лицом частным. В интеллектуальной биографии В.Г. Богораза ее роль минимальна, в его частной жизни значительна. The paper presents the little that is known about Sofia Bogoras the wife of Vladimir Bogoras. It has appeared possible due to the memoirs of Vladimir Vladimirovich Bogoras the son of Vladimir and Sofia Bogoras. The manuscript up to now was not introduced into scientific circulation. It was well known that Sophia accompanied her hus band to Far North during the Jesup North Pacific Expedition. Owing to strong character, common sense, knowledge of people and life experiences purchased during her long residence in Kolyma region prior the expedition, Sofia was able to act as quite autonomous and active member of the Russian team. Her contribution to the excellent results of the expedition was quite significant. After the expedition Sofia completely moved away from the scientific and social activities of her husband. Vladimir Bogoras was a public figure, a well known scientist, a litterator. He was well-educated, brilliantly talented person with the widest range of communication. She was smart and sophisticated by nature, but the level of her education and narrow range of interests did not conform to the status of her husband after the Kolyma, where they had got to know each other and married. Furthermore Sofia was seriously ill, she had tuberculosis. Energetic spiritual, political, literary, scientific life of Vladimir Germanovich was held outside his home and his family. The role of Sofia in the intellectual biography of Bogoras wasn’t quite visible, but it was very significant in his private life.