М. В. Ломоносов. Пространство языка

Статья посвящена анализу воззрений М.В. Ломоносова, выдающегося русского ученого, мыслителя, одного из создателей современного русского языка. Функции и роль языка Ломоносов рассматривает в рамках многомерного пространства географического, национального, исторического, социального. Язык не только за...

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Bibliographic Details
Format: Text
Published: Автономная некоммерческая организация Научно-издательский Центр "Пространство и Время" 2015
Online Access:http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/m-v-lomonosov-prostranstvo-yazyka
Summary:Статья посвящена анализу воззрений М.В. Ломоносова, выдающегося русского ученого, мыслителя, одного из создателей современного русского языка. Функции и роль языка Ломоносов рассматривает в рамках многомерного пространства географического, национального, исторического, социального. Язык не только зависит от этих факторов, но и влияет на эти пространства, организуя и детерминируя их. Рассматривая язык как средство коммуникации, Ломоносов стремится добиться максимально эффективного воздействия на слушателя и читателя. Он предлагает различные средства для усиления этого воздействия, фактически закладывая основы психологии восприятия речи и текста. M.V. Lomonosov (1711-1765) was a prominent Russian scientist, thinker, one of the founders of the modern Russian language. Today, when at a new stage Russian history, Russian language there is experiencing various both internal and external influences there is a need to revise the assessments of outstanding philosophers of the past, to overcome the uniqueness and politicization that characterized the Soviet period. Revealing the true values, which are based on Lomonosov’s philosophy, certainly could help in reconstruction of Russian culture. The subject of my article is the complex questions Lomonosov reflected, essentially creating the modern Russian language. He insisted on the active nature of the language, its ability to influence the development and establishment of a national community; he developed the theory of the impact of language on the person, the audience, the reader; he wrote extensively on anthropological, historical, socio-cultural conditioning of language. Lomonosov suggested various means to enhance the impact of speech on the listener, effectively laying the foundations of modern psychology and philology. For my research goals, I used method of reconstruction of the historical and philosophical views on language problems on methodological basis of principle of historicism. The other method I used in my study is critical and discourse analysis of Lomonosov’s works and correspondence. In formulating the conclusions of the study, I note Lomonosov, in comparing with its European contemporaries, in many respects anticipated the formulations of the psychology of perception of the text and the role of language in the organization of the national historical and social space. Considering language as a powerful mean of communication, Lomonosov defined its functions and role in the multi-dimensional (geographical, historical, cultural) space. As a conclusion, I pitch the idea humanistic Lomonosov’s creative heritage had an impact on the subsequent development of philosophy and culture of Russia. Anthropocentrism of Lomonosov’s philosophy, which made the man and his problems the purpose and the reason of philosophizing, is the undoubted foundation of modern spirituality.