Краткий очерк растительного и животного мира Монголии

В статье дан краткий очерк биологического разнообразия флоры и фауны Монголии в контексте ее физической географии и геоэкологии, а также мероприятий по сохранению биоразнообразия как уникального природного наследия, имеющего существенное экономическое и культурное значение для жизни страны. Mongolia...

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Format: Text
Published: Автономная некоммерческая организация Научно-издательский Центр "Пространство и Время" 2015
Online Access:http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/kratkiy-ocherk-rastitelnogo-i-zhivotnogo-mira-mongolii
Summary:В статье дан краткий очерк биологического разнообразия флоры и фауны Монголии в контексте ее физической географии и геоэкологии, а также мероприятий по сохранению биоразнообразия как уникального природного наследия, имеющего существенное экономическое и культурное значение для жизни страны. Mongolian flora and fauna are of unique peculiarity. In Eurasia, they, perhaps, are the least affected by the damaging effects of technological progress. However, the tradition-bound farming creates its own threats for the natural environment, and Mongolian society is actively involved into Western-type scientific and technical progress. This fact could not but impact on the state of Mongolian environment, and a significant part of its representatives today is listed into regional and international Red Books. Also, the nature of Mongolia is still relatively unexplored, and non-specialists have no any comprehensive understanding of it. Instead of such understanding, there are a few commonplaces representation of Mongolian nature in Russian everyday consciousness. Meanwhile, Mongolia has a long border and a partly common ecosystem with Russia. Using of published scientific data analysis, I carried out a brief overview on Mongolian flora and fauna, taking into account their interrelations in physical-geography and geo-ecological framework. Mongolia is located in the region of the transition from the Siberian taiga to the deserts of Central Asia. This fact is reflected in zonal differences of vegetation: Daurian and Siberian elements dominate in the North of Mongolia, while Central Asian species dominate in Southern Mongolia. In Mongolia, there are 2 823 plant species belonging to 128 662 families and genera; of which 700 are considered as rare, and 128 species are listed in the Red Book of Mongolia. Mongolian fauna is rich and diverse. There are about 630 species of vertebrates; richly represented different groups of invertebrates. There are about 13 000 species of insects only. In Mongolia, the inhabitants of different natural zones and landscapes are adjoining. A widely distributed species of both Siberianand the European-type animals presents in the taiga forests, in the deserts of Turan and Western Asia. At the same time, there are many species and groups of endemic animals in Mongolia that are limited in their spreading by the steppes and deserts of Central and East Asia (for example, wild camel, Przewalski's horse, Gobi bear). Mongolian animal world includes 138 rare species, and 100 species that are listed in Red Book. Wild animals of Mongolia have significant economic and cultural importance for Mongols. Many widespread species of mammals and birds are the traditional objects of hunting. In particular, the commercial values have antelope-dzeren, boar, lynx, squirrel, sable, marmot, grouse, grouse, grouse, etc. In my article, I pay special attention to the interaction and interdependence of biotic and abiotic environment. I conclude, Mongolian flora and fauna are extremely vulnerable, because they exist at the intersection of sharply differing climatic provinces and regions. Ecosystems confinedness to the junction of Siberian taiga and Central-Asian desert areas causes that every such ecosystem is characterized by a certain diversity of soils, vegetation and wildlife, and their functional and environmental laws. Violation of dynamic equilibrium In one of such ecosystems, is fraught with catastrophic consequences in others. Since these ecosystems are in some cases combine the cross-border area (Dauria, Mongolian-Manchurian grassland), the disastrous environmental consequences may occur for the neighboring states. That's why nature protection and rational use of its resources are the basis of sustainable development of Mongolia and its environmental safety. That's why preserving the unique biological diversity of Mongolian nature is extremely important and it is a complex and interstate problem. Soviet-Mongolian complex biological expedition of 1970 was the start of joint research to solve it. Today, with the help of foreign countries (Netherlands, Germany, USA, and Japan) and international organizations (in particular, the WWF) a system of projects, which includes the study of biodiversity of Mongolia, has developed. The