Впервые дана сравнительная характеристика эколого-биологических особенностей двух подвидов рода Microtus ( М. arvalis macrocranius Ogn. и М. a. gudauricus Ogn.), происходящих с северного макросклона Центрального Кавказа. Сравнительный анализ полученных данных показал, что комплексное изучение внутри...

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Main Authors: Дзуев, Р., Чепракова, А., Ахриева, Л.
Format: Text
Published: Институт прикладной экологии Республики Дагестан 2013
Online Access:http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/sravnitelnoe-izuchenie-nekotoryh-ekologo-biologicheskih-osobennostey-polevok-microtus-arvalis-macrocranius-ognev-microtus-arvalis
Summary:Впервые дана сравнительная характеристика эколого-биологических особенностей двух подвидов рода Microtus ( М. arvalis macrocranius Ogn. и М. a. gudauricus Ogn.), происходящих с северного макросклона Центрального Кавказа. Сравнительный анализ полученных данных показал, что комплексное изучение внутривидовых форм в природе и в условиях неволи дает возможность более объективно оценить различия между ними и способствует пониманию значения выявленных в природе трансформаций признаков, а это, в свою очередь, создает предпосылки для суждения о генетических взаимоотношениях близких форм. Comparative characteristic of ecological and biological features of two subspecies of the genus Microtus ( М. а. macrocranius Ogn. аnd M. a. gudauricus Ogn.) inhabiting the northern macroslope of the Central Сaucasus is given for the first time. The comparative analysis of the received data has shown that complex study of intraspecific forms in the nature and experimental conditions helps to understand the significance of the transformations of signs revealed in the nature, and this in turn, creates preconditions for judgement about genetic mutual relations of interconnected forms. Aim. The notion about significance of geographical and cytogenetic factors in the course of speciation makes necessary the detailed study of geographical and chromosomal forms of existence of species-subspecies. Study of separate forms in experimental conditions has great value. Methods. Field observations on studying of biology of М. а. macrocranius and М. а. giidauricus took place during 5 years. 263 specimens of both subspecies have been subjected to inspection using the standard technique. Both subspecies of Microtus were conveyed into the vivarium. 100 broods have been received from them, four generations of the animals which were born and grew up in captivity were studied. 37 crossbreeds of three generations were studied. Results. We estimate the fertility of crossbreeds on the basis of 32 broods. In any combination of parents’ fertility of crossbreeds is not lower than fertility of pure breed animals. The karyotype of all specimens of Microtus on the North Caucasus contains 46 chromosomes. Basic number of chromosome limbs of M. a. macrocranius is 70, and that of M. a. gudauricus is 72. Heterochromosomal number of both subspecies is presented by X-chromosome, large metacentric, and Y-chromosome is the smallest acrocentric of the number. The karyotype of all the studied animals contains 46 chromosomes. Sex chromosomes are similar to the base form. The morphological peculiarities of the multiple aged voles revealed during the studying of the postnatal ontogenesis must be specific and hereditarily fixed signs for subspecies. Researches show that there is a number of permanent morphological differences between M. a. macrocranius and M. a. gudauricus persisting on animal breeding in captivity during several generations. Changes of separate signs of animals depending on the conditions of their development and growth are different, their trends are often opposite. Crossing of M. a. macrocranius and M. a. gudauricus and any variants of backcrossing are resulted by quite a viable posterity capable for further reproduction. However, we could not discover any heterotic phenomena in the crossbred specimens, and their growth rate in some cases is inferior to the growth rate of the most slowly growing form of M. a. macrocranius and M. a. gudauricus. The obtained data present a material for judgment about genetic interrelations of M. a. macrocranius and M. a. gudauricus. Main conclusion. On the basis of conducted researches we can consider that complex study of intraspecific forms in the nature gives a chance to estimate objectively differences between them. It helps to understand the importance variations of signs observed in the nature and creates precondition for judgment about genetic interrelations of related forms.