Summary:The territory of the Altai Kray has been surveyed in 2001-2005. The total length of the routes of the expedition was 23645 km. Three study areas totaling 1310,66 km2 were established for surveys of all raptor species. In addition 12 areas were established for counts focused on selected species. The Short-Toed Eagle (Circaetus gallicus). One nest was found and 1 adult was recorded. A total of 10 breeding pairs are extrapolated for the Altai Kray (fig. 3). The Booted Eagle (Hieraaetus pennatus). Two adults were observed in the left bank of Ob' from time to time. A total of 10-20 breeding pairs are projected in the Altai Kray. The Steppe Eagle (Aquila nipalensis). A total of 74 breeding areas were found, 72 nests (32 active nests) were found in 59 breeding territories. There, 81,94% of the nests were located on the rocks, others on bushes and the ground. Clutch size (n=6) varies from 2 to 3, making an average (M±SD) 2,33±0,52. Brood size varies from 1 to 3, or 1,86±0,53 chicks on average per successful nest (n=17), and 0,86±0,97 per occupied nest (n=35). A total of 270-280 breeding pairs are estimated for the Altai Kray (fig. 4). The Great Spotted Eagle (Aquila clanga). A total of 61 breeding areas were found on the territory of the Altai Kray, 25 nests were found (22 nest were located on pines, 2on birches, 1 on aspen). Three clutches with 2 eggs each were found in 2003. Average brood size (n=8) was 1,6±0,52, range 1-2. A total of 350-370 breeding pairs are estimated in the Altai Kray (fig. 5). The Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca). A total of 107 breeding areas were found on the territory of the Altai Kray: 28 were located in the foothill of the Altai and 79 in the plain part of the left bank of Ob'. There, 92 nests were found (63 active and 29 empty). Two nests contained clutches per 2 eggs for each. Chicks of different ages were found in 22 nests, and 39 nests were active, but not checked for different reasons, 4 nests contained dead clutches (per 2 eggs), and 25 were empty at the time of the visit (failed breeding attempts in the most cases). The majority of nests were located on pines (84), others on birches (5), larches (2) and poplar (1). Clutches size (n=6, with census of dead) was 2 eggs. Average brood size (n=20) was 1,55±0,51, range 1-2. Brood size observed after fledgling (n=8) was 1,38±0,52, range 1-2. A total of 461-498 breeding pairs are estimated for the Altai Kray (fig. 6). The Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos). A total of 18 breeding areas were found on the territory of the Altai Kray: 12 were located in the foothill of the Altai and 6 in the plain region of the left bank of Ob'. There, 13 nests were found (10 in the foothill of the Altai and 3 in the plain region). Out of 10 nests found in the mountain part of the Kray 9 were located on cliffs and 1 on a birch. All 3 nests from the plains region were located on pines. Average brood size in successful nest (n=10) 1,4±0,7, range 1-3. A total of 247-289 breeding pairs are projected in the Altai Kray (fig. 7). The White-Tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla). A total of 20 breeding areas were found on the territory of the Altai Kray. Four nests in the pine forest were located on pines. Brood with two chicks was observed once, and broods with 1 fledgling four times. A total of 124-137 breeding pairs are estimated to be breeding in the Altai Kray (fig. 8). The Black Vulture (Aegypius monachus) a vagrant species. Six birds were observed in 3 places in the 14-16 July 2002 г. The Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug). A total of 38 territories (37 occupied ones) were found in the Altai Kray in 2003. There, 22 known nests (75,9%, n=29) were occupied at the time of checking. Four pairs were breeding in raven (Corvus corax) nests on cliffs in the mountain region, 25 on pines in the plain region (20 in Imperial Eagle nests, 2 in Black Kite nests (Milvus migrans), and one each in a Golden Eagle nest, a Raven nest, and in an unidentified host nest). Two new breeding pairs found in pine-forests in 2004 (both nests were located in Imperial Eagle nests on pines). Revisits of the 21 known areas found in 2003 have shown that only 15 of them were occupied and only four of them were successful. Clutch size ranged 3-4 in 2003. Average brood size was 2,90±0,31, range 1-4, n=10. Two unfertile eggs were found in the nest with 2 chicks in 2004, average brood size was 2,86±0,9, range 2-4, n=7 (including dead). A total of 92-130 pairs are estimated to breed in the Altai Kray (fig. 9). The Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus). A total of 9 breeding territories were found in the Altai Kray. All breeding areas were visited after fledgling, so the brood size was not measured. One or two juveniles were registered near every known nest. A total of 103-147 breeding pairs are estimated for the Altai Kray (fig. 10). The Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo). A total of 110 breeding areas were found on the territory of the Altai Kray: 30 were located in the foothills on the Western bank of the Ob', 79 in the plain region of the Western bank of the Ob' and 1 in the Eastern bank of the Ob'. There, 80 nests were found: 29 nests were located in niches in cliffs, 51 -on the ground, 49 of them in the foot of pine-trees. Dead clutches (n=5) contained 1-2 eggs, average 1,8±0,45. Two dead broods contained 2 chicks each. Every case of death of clutches and broods in belt pine-forests was caused by humans. Average brood size in successful nests was 1,87±0,69, range 1-3, n=23. A total of 846-968 breeding pairs are estimated to breed in the Altai Kray (fig. 11). The territory of the Altai Kray has been surveyed in 2001-2005. The total length of the routes of the expedition was 23645 km. Three study areas totaling 1310,66 km2 were established for surveys of all raptor species. In addition 12 areas were established for counts focused on selected species. The Short-Toed Eagle (Circaetus gallicus). One nest was found and 1 adult was recorded. A total of 10 breeding pairs are extrapolated for the Altai Kray (fig. 3). The Booted Eagle (Hieraaetus pennatus). Two adults were observed in the left bank of Ob' from time to time. A total of 10-20 breeding pairs are projected in the Altai Kray. The Steppe Eagle (Aquila nipalensis). A total of 74 breeding areas were found, 72 nests (32 active nests) were found in 59 breeding territories. There, 81,94% of the nests were located on the rocks, others on bushes and the ground. Clutch size (n=6) varies from 2 to 3, making an average (M±SD) 2,33±0,52. Brood size varies from 1 to 3, or 1,86±0,53 chicks on average per successful nest (n=17), and 0,86±0,97 per occupied nest (n=35). A total of 270-280 breeding pairs are estimated for the Altai Kray (fig. 4). The Great Spotted Eagle (Aquila clanga). A total of 61 breeding areas were found on the territory of the Altai Kray, 25 nests were found (22 nest were located on pines, 2on birches, 1 on aspen). Three clutches with 2 eggs each were found in 2003. Average brood size (n=8) was 1,6±0,52, range 1-2. A total of 350-370 breeding pairs are estimated in the Altai Kray (fig. 5). The Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca). A total of 107 breeding areas were found on the territory of the Altai Kray: 28 were located in the foothill of the Altai and 79 in the plain part of the left bank of Ob'. There, 92 nests were found (63 active and 29 empty). Two nests contained clutches per 2 eggs for each. Chicks of different ages were found in 22 nests, and 39 nests were active, but not checked for different reasons, 4 nests contained dead clutches (per 2 eggs), and 25 were empty at the time of the visit (failed breeding attempts in the most cases). The majority of nests were located on pines (84), others on birches (5), larches (2) and poplar (1). Clutches size (n=6, with census of dead) was 2 eggs. Average brood size (n=20) was 1,55±0,51, range 1-2. Brood size observed after fledgling (n=8) was 1,38±0,52, range 1-2. A total of 461-498 breeding pairs are estimated for the Altai Kray (fig. 6). The Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos). A total of 18 breeding areas were found on the territory of the Altai Kray: 12 were located in the foothill of the Altai and 6 in the plain region of the left bank of Ob'. There, 13 nests were found (10 in the foothill of the Altai and 3 in the plain region). Out of 10 nests found in the mountain part of the Kray 9 were located on cliffs and 1 on a birch. All 3 nests from the plains region were located on pines. Average brood size in successful nest (n=10) 1,4±0,7, range 1-3. A total of 247-289 breeding pairs are projected in the Altai Kray (fig. 7). The White-Tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla). A total of 20 breeding areas were found on the territory of the Altai Kray. Four nests in the pine forest were located on pines. Brood with two chicks was observed once, and broods with 1 fledgling four times. A total of 124-137 breeding pairs are estimated to be breeding in the Altai Kray (fig. 8). The Black Vulture (Aegypius monachus) a vagrant species. Six birds were observed in 3 places in the 14-16 July 2002 г. The Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug). A total of 38 territories (37 occupied ones) were found in the Altai Kray in 2003. There, 22 known nests (75,9%, n=29) were occupied at the time of checking. Four pairs were breeding in raven (Corvus corax) nests on cliffs in the mountain region, 25 on pines in the plain region (20 in Imperial Eagle nests, 2 in Black Kite nests (Milvus migrans), and one each in a Golden Eagle nest, a Raven nest, and in an unidentified host nest). Two new breeding pairs found in pine-forests in 2004 (both nests were located in Imperial Eagle nests on pines). Revisits of the 21 known areas found in 2003 have shown that only 15 of them were occupied and only four of them were successful. Clutch size ranged 3-4 in 2003. Average brood size was 2,90±0,31, range 1-4, n=10. Two unfertile eggs were found in the nest with 2 chicks in 2004, average brood size was 2,86±0,9, range 2-4, n=7 (including dead). A total of 92-130 pairs are estimated to breed in the Altai Kray (fig. 9). The Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus). A total of 9 breeding territories were found in the Altai Kray. All breeding areas were visited after fledgling, so the brood size was not measured. One or two juveniles were registered near every known nest. A total of 103-147 breeding pairs are estimated for the Altai Kray (fig. 10). The Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo). A total of 110 breeding areas were found on the territory of the Altai Kray: 30 were located in the foothills on the Western bank of the Ob', 79 in the plain region of the Western bank of the Ob' and 1 in the Eastern bank of the Ob'. There, 80 nests were found: 29 nests were located in niches in cliffs, 51 -on the ground, 49 of them in the foot of pine-trees. Dead clutches (n=5) contained 1-2 eggs, average 1,8±0,45. Two dead broods contained 2 chicks each. Every case of death of clutches and broods in belt pine-forests was caused by humans. Average brood size in successful nests was 1,87±0,69, range 1-3, n=23. A total of 846-968 breeding pairs are estimated to breed in the Altai Kray (fig. 11).