В статье представлен анализ процесса интернационализации университетов Баренцева региона на примере международного образовательного проекта «Баренц Трансграничный университет», в котором активное участие принимает Мурманский государственный гуманитарный университет — старейшее в регионе учебное заве...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Сергеев, Андрей, Рыжкова, Инна
Format: Text
Published: Автономная некоммерческая организация Научно-издательский Центр "Пространство и Время" 2013
Online Access:http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/transgranichnoe-obrazovatelnoe-prostranstvo-severnoe-izmerenie-internatsionalizatsii-vysshey-shkoly
Summary:В статье представлен анализ процесса интернационализации университетов Баренцева региона на примере международного образовательного проекта «Баренц Трансграничный университет», в котором активное участие принимает Мурманский государственный гуманитарный университет — старейшее в регионе учебное заведение гуманитарной направленности. This article presents our point of view on the problem of internationalization of universities taking part in international cooperation in the Barents Euro-Arctic Region. From our point of view, it is important to turn to philosophical understanding of the phenomenon of the ‘border’ that can significantly extend the understanding of the international cooperation in general and to understand the origins of the cross-border reality as an essential characteristic of an international project. The prefix «trans» in Latin infinitive «transcendere» (go over, to overstep, to cross, to go beyond) generates a the values which are extremely important for both the language and the whole being. Of course, it is impossible to overcome completely the barriers of borders, but this is not necessary, since the "boundary" allows actualize the theme of "foreign" and "other" in "mine" and "my own". On this basis and considering the existence of two functions of boundaries, such as contact and barrier, we believe that the most successful and efficient in terms of the development of international educational project is a model of active contact with recognizing of the positive role of border. As an example, we analyze the experience of our university (Murmansk State Humanities University) in cross-border cooperation in the Barents region, in particular, the international project "Barents Cross-Border University", implemented together with MSHU, the oldest university of the region, specializing in the humanities. Thus, in the framework of this project Murmansk State Humanities University participated in the implementation of master's programs "Comparative Social Work" and "Environmental engineering in the Barents region", together with Norway implements the international educational program "Bachelor of Northern Studies". University is also actively involved in the Norwegian-Russian educational project aimed at development of ‘borderology’ as a new border science.