Статье кратко описаны некоторые из наиболее опасных криогенных процессов, характерных для циркумполярной и высокогорной криолитозоны. Приводятся примеры воздействия этих процессов на инженерные сооружения. Отмечается стратегическое значение арктической криолитозоны и экстремального высокогорья для б...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Геворкян, Сергей
Format: Text
Published: Автономная некоммерческая организация Научно-издательский Центр "Пространство и Время" 2013
Online Access:http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/kriolitozona-kak-predmet-i-territoriya-pogranichnyh-konfliktov
Summary:Статье кратко описаны некоторые из наиболее опасных криогенных процессов, характерных для циркумполярной и высокогорной криолитозоны. Приводятся примеры воздействия этих процессов на инженерные сооружения. Отмечается стратегическое значение арктической криолитозоны и экстремального высокогорья для безопасности России The article describes some of the most dangerous cryogenic processes in permafrost. Cryogenic processes are characteristic for the area of the propagation of the perennially frozen soils in the Arctic. Author discusses the examples of the impact of the cryogenic processes on different engineering structures and strategic importance of the Arctic permafrost zone for the economy of Russia, and also gives brief information about the methods of protection from the cryogenic processes. The article considers the modern territorial quarrels in the Arctic and the Antarctic. Author draws attention to the fact that at the present time in the Arctic acquire new strength of the already existing inter-state conflicts. There is necessary also to take into account the possibility of the emergence of new hotbeds of tension in the Arctic (circumpolar) region. At the present time the Arctic should be considered as a potential theater of military operations. For the advance preparation of the theater of military operations it is necessary to build in the Arctic a large number of linear and volumetric surface and underground constructions. Author discusses the special features of the combat actions in the conditions of the Arctic permafrost zone. The article also considers some features of mountainous permafrost zone, as well as some examples of combat actions in mountain permafrost zone in conditions of extreme high altitude. Author discusses contemporary examples of the construction of roads and Railways in the conditions of mountainous permafrost at altitudes of over 4000 meters. Specially trained and well-prepared armed forces are required for successful combat actions in conditions of the circumpolar and mountainous permafrost. These forces must be able to successfully fight in the conditions of extremely complex relief, ultra-low temperature, low atmospheric pressure and hypoxia (lack of oxygen).