Авторами предложен новый геофизический метод исследования структур земной коры, основанный на эффекте взаимосвязи электромагнитных параметров литосферы, атмосферы, ионосферы и магнитосферы (террогенный эффект). Исследования в Норильском районе показали, что террогенный эффект в полярных сияниях може...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Попов, Лев, Краковецкий, Юрий, Захаренко, Владимир, Парначёв, Валерий, Одинцов, Николай
Format: Text
Published: Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет" 2010
Online Access:http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/o-vyyavlenii-geologicheskih-struktur-distantsionnym-metodom-ionosferno-telluricheskogo-profilirovaniya-na-primere-severnyh-rayonov
Summary:Авторами предложен новый геофизический метод исследования структур земной коры, основанный на эффекте взаимосвязи электромагнитных параметров литосферы, атмосферы, ионосферы и магнитосферы (террогенный эффект). Исследования в Норильском районе показали, что террогенный эффект в полярных сияниях может быть использован для выявления и прослеживания глубинных разломов и других геологических структур, перекрытых мощными толщами рыхлых и литифицированных отложений, вулканогенными образованиями (в частности траппами), обширными ледниковыми покровами и водными толщами на шельфе в высокоширотных зонах Земли Authors suggest a new geophysical method of study of the Earth's crust structures. The method is based on the interaction of electromagnetic parameters of the Earth's crust, atmosphere, ionosphere and magnetosphere (terrogenic effect). It was shown that all geosphere covers are links of one multiparametric system with interactive relations. Experimental investigations were fulfilled in the northern districts of Siberia. Data of Russian observatories net and materials of the World Centre of Data B-2 were also used. Maps of the polar lights frequency, projected at the Earth's surface, were made. Zones of the anomalously increased frequency of polar lights were distinguished at these maps. One of the possible reasons in the appearance of these zones is the anisotropy of physical properties of the Earth's surface. The centre of the first anomaly coincides with the Norilsko-Talnachsky sulphide deposit. The second anomalous zone is similar, according to the spatial arrangement in ground coordinates, to the Trans-Asia lineament, which goes from islands of the Northern Land through the Taimir folded region, Yenisei-Khatangsky depression within the Siberian platform up to the Baikal. The third group of anomalies traces the joining borders of the Siberian platform with the West-Siberian plate and Yenisei-Khatangsky depression. Zones of anomalous distribution of the polar lights appearance and frequency trace the joining boundaries of large-scale blocks of the Earth's crust. These observations are confirmed by materials of cosmic photo deciphering, deep seismic probing and by data of surface geological investigations. It was determined that the positive anomaly of the polar lights frequency is conditioned by electro-conducting deep structure of the Earth's crust; the mechanism of terrogene effect's formation at the investigated area is inductive. The revealed terrogene effect is proposed to use for the solution of regional geology problems: distant investigations of the global tectonics elements, regional structures, deep seated fractures, concealed under volcanogenic-sedimentary rocks (including traps), under glacial covers, especially in regions of the Arctic and the Antarctic, difficult to access, as well as at the shelves of high-latitudinal seas