Рассматривается период 410-415 гг. в истории готов и Римской империи, в ходе которого происходило формирование вестготской идентичности и самоопределения в противостоянии с империей. Двойственность положения варварских войск в империи определялась противоречивой политикой императоров. Переменчивость...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Коньков, Дмитрий
Format: Text
Published: Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет" 2012
Online Access:http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/problemy-stanovleniya-identichnosti-vestgotov-posle-smerti-alariha
Summary:Рассматривается период 410-415 гг. в истории готов и Римской империи, в ходе которого происходило формирование вестготской идентичности и самоопределения в противостоянии с империей. Двойственность положения варварских войск в империи определялась противоречивой политикой императоров. Переменчивость имперской политики ставила в тупик предводителей варваров, не успевавших адаптироваться к изменениям курса. В большой степени это относится к Алариху, одновременно наиболее известному и успешному вождю готов и опальному военачальнику империи. Неудача Алариха поставила его войско на грань гибели, создав историческую альтернативу дальнейшей судьбы готов в рамках поздней Римской империи. Анализируется реализация этой альтернативы в политике Атаульфа, ближайшего преемника Алариха. Показывается отсутствие самоопределения вестготов в этот период, стремление всеми возможными средствами идентифицировать себя с империей. The article is devoted to the period of 410-415 in the history of the Goths and the Roman Empire, the period during which the formation of Visigoth identity and self-determination occurred in opposition to the empire. The contradictory policy of the emperors determined the duality of the meaning of the barbarian troops in the empire. The variability of the imperial policy baffled leaders of barbarians, they had no time to adapt to change of course. It relates to Alaric to a large extent, at the same time he was the most famous and successful leader of Goths and disgraced captain of the Empire. Failure of Alaric's policy put his army on the brink of death, creating a historical alternative to the fate prepared under the late Roman Empire. The article analyzes the implementation of this alternative policy of Athaulf, closest successor of Alaric. It shows lack of identity in this period of the Visigoths, the desire by all possible means to identify with the empire. Despite the great importance of Alaric to the Visigoths, his aim was the Goths like a division of the Roman army, but integration into the army's elite was not achieved. Moreover, Alaric's attempts to find a way to agreement with the emperor crashingly failed, giving the opposite effect. The emperor essentially forced Alaric to take Rome, which served as propaganda for the benefit of the anti-barbarian party at the court and undermined the possibility of peaceful solution to the problem. Faced with the systematic exclusion of the empire, Alaric died and did not find a solution for himself and his troops. Therefore, his successor had a more difficult task. Consequently, the analysis of the question of establishing the identity of the Visigoths in the beginning of the 5th c. AD is impossible without attention to the situation after the death of Alaric in 410. Athaulf, despite the lesser degree of Romanization and reverence to the Roman institutions and perhaps precisely because of this aimed at full integration of the Visigoths in the imperial structure, at the Visigoths' equality with the Romans in the empire on the basis of full acceptance of the mechanisms of imperial operation through the marriage with Galla Placidia and the birth of a joint child, claiming the imperial title. In this case, the Visigoths overcame the traditional threshold between the Romans and barbarians, this opposition is deprived of meaning in their relationship, they became the guarantors of the imperial principles and received an equal status to the Romans, in fact, identified with the latter. However, this strategy was not supported both by Ravenna the problem of the barbarians in power at this point was extremely sharp and painful and by the Goths. The threat to a complete dissolution and assimilation into the Roman environment has no mass response in the Gothic mentality.