Synaxarion, Copto-Arabic

(CE:2171b-2190a) SYNAXARION, COPTO-ARABIC, list of saints used in the Coptic church. [This entry consists of two articles, Editions of the Synaxarion and The List of Saints.] Editions of the Synaxarion This book, which has become a liturgical book, is very important for the history of the Coptic chu...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Coquin, René-Georges; Atiya, Aziz Suryal
Other Authors: Atiya, Aziz Suryal, 1898-1988 (editor-in-chief)
Format: Text
Published: Macmillan 1991
Online Access:,1792
Summary:(CE:2171b-2190a) SYNAXARION, COPTO-ARABIC, list of saints used in the Coptic church. [This entry consists of two articles, Editions of the Synaxarion and The List of Saints.] Editions of the Synaxarion This book, which has become a liturgical book, is very important for the history of the Coptic church. It appears in two forms: the recension from Lower Egypt, which is the quasi-official book of the Coptic church from Alexandria to Aswan, and the recension from Upper Egypt. Egypt has long preserved this separation into two Egypts, Upper and Lower, and this division was translated into daily life through different usages, and in particular through different religious books. This book is the result of various endeavors, of which the Synaxarion itself speaks, for it mentions different usages here or there. It poses several questions that we cannot answer with any certainty: Who compiled the Synaxarion, and who was the first to take the initiative? Who made the final revision, and where was it done? It seems evident that the intention was to compile this book for the Coptic church in imitation of the Greek list of saints, and that the author or authors drew their inspiration from that work, for several notices are obviously taken from the Synaxarion called that of Constantinople. The reader may have recourse to several editions or translations, each of which has its advantages and its disadvantages. Let us take them in chronological order. The oldest translation (German) is that of the great German Arabist F. Wüstenfeld, who produced the edition with a German translation of part of al-Maqrizi's Khitat, concerning the Coptic church, under the title Macrizi's Geschichte der Copten (Göttingen, 1845). He also translated the Synaxarion (without including the Arabic text), but only the first half-year appeared, under the title Synaxarium, das ist Heiligen-Kalender der coptischen Christen (2 vols., Gotha, 1879). He had prepared the second part of the year, but the manuscript remained in the library in Göttingen. Wüstenfeld translated only a single Arabic manuscript in Gotha, dating from 1826 and representing only the recension from Lower Egypt. R. Graffin's Patrologia Orientalis published the Synaxarion in several fascicles with a French translation, under the title Le Synaxaire arabe-jacobite (rédaction copte). Begun in 1904, it was completed in 1929, after the death of its author, R. Basset. It represents a great step forward for our knowledge of the history of the Coptic community, but unfortunately the author, well versed in the Arabic language of the Muslims, was completely unaware of the peculiarities of the language of the Christians of Egypt. Also, misinterpretations are not lacking, to the point that the reader may wonder if Basset had employed a ghost writer. In 1905 the Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium collection—at that time in competition—brought out the Synaxarium alexandrinum, with a Latin translation. While the Patrologia Orientalis edition was based on two manuscripts from the Bibliothèque nationale in Paris, one dated by codicologists to the fourteenth century and the other to the seventeenth (restored in the nineteenth), the Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium edition had the great fault of taking as its base a late manuscript, and relegating to notes the variants of six other manuscripts, including those used by Basset. The latter published two manuscripts—especially for the first half-year— amalgamating them without taking account of the fact that they represented two different recensions—so much so that the finished product is a Synaxarion that never existed! In the Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium Forget was more fortunate, for when he began his edition, he noted that the text of Paris Bibliothèque nationale 4869 gave a different recension. He therefore published it separately (vols. 47-48, pp. 291ff). Unfortunately his translation mingled the two recensions; and it, too, fabricated a hybrid Synaxarion that never existed in the manuscripts. We can at least separate the two recensions, for he indicates in the margin the pages of the Arabic text. If the page is 291 or beyond, the reader who has been warned will know that it is the Sahidic recension. The translation errors are less frequent, and the number of manuscripts used is greater; but here, as in Basset's edition, there was no serious analysis of the manuscripts of the Synaxarion beforehand. In particular, the manuscripts deposited in Egypt had not been consulted. In 1935-1937 there was an edition at Cairo, without a translation into a European language, made by two qummus (a special rank in the Coptic Church, superior to the simple priest, and a title given also to the abbots of monasteries, deriving from the Greek HEGUMENOS), ‘Abd al-Masih Mikha’il and Armaniyus Habashi Shita al-Birmawi. This was based—according to the preface—on several Egyptian manuscripts, enumerated below, and on the Paris edition. It has the advantage of adding to the manuscripts of the Synaxarion some notices, taken from other sources that are not named, concerning certain recent patriarchs or saints who are not found in the manuscripts of the Synaxarion—for example, saints Dimyanah, Macrobius, Pshoi, and Petrus, whose relics are still the object of a pilgrimage to Sidfa. The authors suppressed what appeared to them worthless or unseemly. Although this edition is precious because it uses manuscripts unknown in Europe, one cannot trust it completely, since its choice remains arbitrary. There is, thus, no totally reliable edition, and each has its advantages and its limitations. These editions ignore the true calendar indicating which saint is to be celebrated on each day. Such a calendar was found in most of the manuscripts of the Qatamarus. The 1900-1902 edition of the annual Qatamarus, completed later for Lent, Holy Week, and the Pentecostal season (the period between Easter and Pentecost), gives this calendar, indicating by a rubric which saint or which New Testament event is to be commemorated, whereas the Synaxarion offered the faithful all the saints known to the authors. If the development of the printing press caused these printed editions of both the Synaxarion and the Lectionary to become the quasi official editions in use everywhere in Egypt, this diffusion does not put an end to possible contradictions. Through their formation, local usage, which has become that of all Egypt, may retain a saint or event in the Lectionary that is unknown in the Synaxarion and vice versa. The reader who wishes information about the cult of a saint of the Coptic church therefore must have recourse to several editions, each with its lacunae and its unique information. One must also take account of the fact that some local or ancient saints have not found a place in the Synaxarion or the Lectionary. Some Egyptian saints retained as such by the Greek books, liturgical or historical, are unknown to the Coptic books. RENÉ-GEORGES COQUIN The List of Saints Synaxarion is the Coptic and Greek term for the Latin synaxarium, and is a formal compilation of the lives of the martyrs, saints, and religious heroes of the Coptic church. These biographies are sometimes reduced to a mere citation of each martyr or saint read in the course of the liturgy, after excerpts from the Acts (ABRAXOS) during the morning service on the day of the passion of each. This is usually presented in the form of an encomium or homily for the edification of the congregation. The development of the martyr cult in the Coptic church dates from the early centuries, when those encomiums were read in both Sahidic and Bohairic (from the beginning of the Middle Ages), and in Arabic (after the ARAB CONQUEST OF EGYPT). In most cases, these biographies were translated into Arabic from Greek and Coptic originals. Furthermore, the current Arabic text includes a limited number of extraneous entries besides these biographies, in which certain notable events are commemorated on given dates, such as the Crucifixion, the feasts and fasts of the church, the apparition of an archangel or the Virgin Mary, the Coptic New Year, the dedication of a historic church, and so on. But the bulk of the work remains dedicated to the saints and martyrs whose cult became embedded in church traditions. Until the fourteenth century, the lives of these holy men and women were read separately, in independent encomiums, on their passion days. Ultimately they were assembled in a single book, an operation primarily associated with Anba Butrus al-Jamil, bishop of Malij, though others are known to have participated in this task, including Anba Mikha’il, bishop of Atrib, and Anba Yuhanna, bishop of Parallos (Burullus). At later dates, however, names of other holy men appeared in the fourteenth-century Arabic text, such as Anba Abraham, bishop of Fayyum, in modern times. The present recension of the Arabic Synaxarion, approved by the church authority and read throughout the Coptic church, has been compiled from a number of older manuscripts, of which some are directly ascribed to Anba Butrus, bishop of Malij. They are the following: 1. Three manuscripts in the patriarchal library, the oldest of which is dated 1114 A.M./A.D. 1398, which could be contemporary with Anba Butrus. 2. Two copies in the Coptic Museum Library, one of which is dated 1056 A.M./A.D. 1340 and must have been from the time of Anba Butrus. The other is dated 1450 A.M./A.D. 1734 and is supposed to have been rendered into Arabic from an older Ethiopic translation by Christodoulos, the Coptic primate of Ethiopia at the time. 3. Two copies in the Baramus Monastery Library in Wadi al-Natrun: one dated 1360 A.M./A.D. 1644, and the other dated 1496 A.M./A.D. 1780. The second copy is said to have been restored by IBRAHIM AL-JAWHARI. Other, older, printed editions of the Arabic text are extant. The first publication was started by J. Forget (see above). The text of ‘Abd-al-Masih Mikha’il and Armaniyus Habashi Shita al-Birmawi has been reproduced several times and is still in print. In the following pages, we have reproduced a summary of its contents under each date of the Coptic calendar. It is undoubtedly the most complete formal register of all known names of martyrs and saints to be cited in the church liturgies, and it must remain the primary source of Coptic HAGIOGRAPHY, even though it may occasionally be uncritical and apocryphal. Side by side with the Synaxarion, mention must be made of the DIFNAR or Antiphonarium, consisting of two alternative hymns for each day of the year to commemorate a saint or saints included in the liturgy on that date according to the authority of the Synaxarion. Inasmuch as the formula to convert Coptic calendar dates into their Gregorian equivalents varies from century to century, the corresponding Julian calendar date, which remains constant through time, is given for each Coptic day in the list below. To convert the Julian date into its Gregorian equivalent add thirteen to the Julian day for the years 1900-2100. For example, in the years 1900 2100 the Julian date 1 September takes 14 September (1 + 13=14) as its Gregorian equivalent. The Coptic New Year, listed as 29 August in the Julian calendar, is on 11 September in the Gregorian reckoning and the Coptic celebration of Christmas, which comes on 25 December in the Julian year, falls on 7 January in the Gregorian calendar. For the years 2101-2200, fourteen must be added to the Julian date to give the Gregorian equivalent. Thus, in the twenty-second century, Copts who follow the Gregorian calendar will celebrate the New Year on 12 September and Christmas on 8 January, though from the standpoint of the Coptic and Julian calendars the dates will not have changed. (For other conversions and for more information on the interconnections between the various calendars, see Calendar, Coptic; Calendar, Gregorian; Calendar, Julian.) Table 1. Coptic Church Calendar (Synaxarion) with Corresponding Julian Dates MONTH OF TUT (AUGUST-SEPTEMBER) 1 Tut—29 Aug. Coptic New Year (Nawruz) Bartholomew the Apostle Abilius, 3rd patriarch of Alexandria 2—30 Martyrdom of John the Baptist Dasyah of Tanda martyred 3—31 Holy Synod convened at Alexandria in A.D. 242 4 Tut—1 Sept. Macarius II, 69th patriarch of Alexandria 5—2 Martyrdom of Saint Sophia 6—3 Isaiah the Prophet Martyrdom of Bashililiyah (Basilissa) 7—4 Dioscorus I, 25th patriarch of Alexandria Martyrdom of Agathon, Peter, John, Amun, Ammunah, and Rifqah, their mother Severianus, bishop of Jabalah 8—5 Martyrdom of the prophet Zacharias The prophet Moses Martyrdom of Dayumdis (Diomede) 9—6 Martyrdom of Pisura the Bishop 10—7 Martyrdom of Saint Matrunah Commemoration of Basin and her children 11—8 Martyrdom of Saint Wasilidas (Basilidas) 12—9 Holy Synod of Ephesus to try Nestorius (A.D. 431) Interment of Saint Iqlimus and his company 13—10 Matthew II, 90th patriarch of Alexandria Miracle of Saint Basil of Caesarea in Cappadocia 14—11 Saint Agathon the Stylite 15—12 Translation of the body of Saint Stephen the Archdeacon 16—13 Dedication of the Church of the Resurrection Translation of the body of Saint John Chrysostom 17—14 Exaltation of the Holy Cross Saint Theognosta who introduced Christianity to India [Georgia] 18—15 Martyrdom of Saint Porphyrius (Porphyry) Commemoration of Stephen the Priest and Nakita (Nicetas) the Martyr 19—16 Commemoration of Gregory the Armenian patriarch 20—17 Athanasius II, 28th patriarch of Alexandria Martyrdom of Saint Melitina the Virgin Theopista the Ascetic Nun 21—18 Commemoration of the Virgin Mary Martyrdom of Saints Cyprian and Justin 22—19 Martyrdom of Saints Cotylas and Axuwa, children of Shapur, king of Persia, and their friend Tatus Martyrdom of Julius of Aqfahs, recorder of martyrs' biographies 23—20 Martyrdom of Eunapius and Andrew Martyrdom of Saint Thecla Dedication of the Church of the Virgin in Harit al-Rum, after its closure 24—21 Gregory, Pachomian monk Commemoration of quadratus of the seventy disciples 25—22 Jonah the Prophet 26—23 Annunciation of John the Baptist's birth to his father, Zacharias 27—24 Martyrdom of Eustathius and his wife and two sons 28—25 Martyrdom of Abadir (Apater) and his ster Ira’I (Herai or Erai) 29—26 Martyrdom of Repsima and her sisters, all virgins, by Diocletian 30—27 Athanasius the Apostolic, 20th patriarch of Alexandria MONTH OF BABAH (SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER) 1 Babah-28 Sept. Martyrdom of Saint Anastasia 2—29 Advent of Severus, patriarch of Antioch, to Egypt 3—30 Simon II, 51st patriarch of Alexandria Martyrdom of Saint John the Soldier 4 Babah—1 Oct. Martyrdom of Wakhus (Bacchus) 5—2 Martyrdom of Paul, patriarch of Constantinople 6—3 Commemoration of Hinnah, mother of Prophet Samuel 7—4 Paul of Tammah, Martyr 8—5 Martyrdom of Saint Matra by Decius Martyrdom of Apa Hor, Tusya (Susanna) and her children, and Agathon the Hermit 9—6 Eumenius, 7th patriarch of Alexandria Eclipse of the sun in A.M. 958 Commemoration of Simon the Bishop 10—7 Martyrdom of Saint Sergius, companion of Saint Bacchus (Wakhus) 11—8 Jacob, patriarch of Antioch Commemoration of Saint Pelagia 12—9 Demetrius II, 12th patriarch of Alexandria Martyrdom of Matthew the Evangelist Commemoration of Archangel Michael 13—10 Commemoration of Saint Zacharias the Monk 14---11 Commemoration of Philip or Philas, one of the seven deacons 15—12 Martyrdom of Pantaleon the Physician 16—13 Agathon, 39th patriarch of Alexandria Commemoration of Saints Carpus, Papylus, and Peter 17—14 Dioscorus II, 31st patriarch of Alexandria 18—15 Theophilus, 23rd patriarch of Alexandria 19—16 Holy Synod of Antioch against Paul of Samosata Martyrdom of Saint Theophilus and his wife 20—17 Saint John Colobos 21—18 Commemoration of the Mother of God Translation of body of Lazarus Joel the Prophet Saint Evagrius 22—19 Saint Luke the Evangelist 23—20 Yusab I, 52nd patriarch of Alexandria Martyrdom of Dionysius the Bishop 24—21 Hilarion the Hermit Martyrdom of Saints Paul, Longinus, and Zena 25—22 Saints Apollo and Abib Dedication of the Church of Saint Julius of Aqfahs 26—23 Martyrdom of Saint Timon, one of the seventy disciples Commemoration of the seven martyrs in the mountain of Saint Antony 27—24 Martyrdom of Saint Macarius, bishop of Tkow (Idku) 28—25 Martyrdom of Saints Marcianus and Mercurius 29—26 Martyrdom of Saint Demetrius of Thessalonica 30—27 Dedication of Saint Mark's Church and apparition of his decapitated head Saint Abraham the Hermit of Minuf MONTH OF HATUR (OCTOBER-NOVEMBER) 1 Hatur—28 Oct. Martyrdom of Saints Maximus, Numitius, Victor, and Philip Commemoration of Saint Cleopas and his companion 2—29 Peter III (Mongus), 27th patriarch of Alexandria 3—30 Saint Cyriacus Saint Athanasius and his sister Irene 4—31 Martyrdom of Saints John and Jacob, bishops of Persia Martyrdom of Saints Epimachus and ‘Azaryanus 5 Hatur—1 Nov. Apparition of Saint Longinus' head Martyrdom of Saint Timothy and translation of the body of al-Amir Tadrus (Theodorus) of Shotep 6—2 Saint Felix, pope of Rome Dedication of the Church of Our Lady in Dayr al-Muharraq at Qusqam 7—3 Martyrdom of Saint Georgius of Alexandria Martyrdom of Saint Naharua Menas, bishop of Tmuis Dedication of the Church of Saint Georgius the Cappadocian 8—4 Commemoration of the Four Bodiless Beasts (Rev. 4:6-7) 9—5 Isaac, 41st patriarch of Alexandria Ecumenical Council of Nicaea (A.D. 325) 10—6 Martyrdom of the fifty virgins and their mother, Sophia Holy Synod of Rome to decide the dates of Epiphany and the fasts during the papacy of Demetrius I of Alexandria and Victor, pope of Rome 11—7 Saint Hinnah (Anna), mother of Our Lady Martyrdom of Saint Archelaus and Saint Elijah the Qummus 12—8 Commemoration of Michael the Archangel 13—9 Saint Timothy, bishop of Antinoopolis Zacharias, 64th patriarch of Alexandria 14—10 Saint Martinus, bishop of Tours 15—11 Martyrdom of Saint Menas the Miracle Maker 16—12 Fast of the Nativity in the Coptic Church Dedication of the Church of Onophrius (Abu Nofer) 17—13 Saint John Chrysostom 18—14 Martyrdom of Saints Adrusis and Yu’anna (Junia) Martyrdom of Saint Philip the Apostle 19—15 Dedication of the Church of Saints Sergius and Bacchus Commemoration of Saint Bartholomew 20—16 Anianus, 2nd patriarch of Alexandria Dedication of the churches of al-Amir Tadrus ibn Yuhanna of Shotep and al-Amir Tadrus al-Mashriqi 21—17 Commemoration of the Virgin Mary, Mother of God Saint Gregory the Miracle Maker Cosmas II, 54th patriarch of Alexandria Commemoration of Halfa (Alphaeus), Zakka (Zacharias), Romanus, and John, all martyrs Saints Thomas, Victor, and Isaac of al-Ashmunayn 22—18 Martyrdom of Saints Cosmas and Damian, their brothers, and their mother 23—19 Cornelius the Centurion Dedication of the Church of Saint Marina 24—20 Commemoration of the twenty-four elders (Rev 4:4, 10-11) 25—21 Martyrdom of Saint Mercurius (Abu Sayfayn) 26—22 Martyrdom of Valerianus and his brother Tibarcius Commemoration of Gregory, bishop of Nyssa 27—23 Martyrdom of Saint James Intercisus (Jacob the Sawn) 28—24 Martyrdom of Saint Sarapamon, bishop of Nikiou 29—25 Martyrdom of Saint Peter, 17th patriarch of Alexandria Martyrdom of Saint Clement, pope of Rome 30—26 Acacius, patriarch of Constantinople Martyrdom of Saint Macarius Dedication of the Church of Saints Cosmas and Damian, their Brother, and their Mother MONTH OF KIYAHK (NOVEMBER—DECEMBER) 1 Kiyahk-27 Nov Saint Peter al-Rahawi, bishop of Ghazza Dedication of Saint Shenute's Church 2—28 Saint Apa Hor the Ascetic 3—29 Commemoration of the entry of the Virgin into the Jerusalem sanctuary 4—30 Martyrdom of Saint Andrew the Apostle, brother of Peter 5 Kiyahk-1 Dec. Nahum the Prophet Martyrdom of Victor of Asyut Martyrdom of Saint Isidore 6—2 Martyrdom of Saint Batlas (Anatole) the Priest Abraham, 62nd pope of Alexandria 7—3 Matthew the Poor, ascetic 8—4 Heraclas, 13th pope of Alexandria Martyrdom of Saints Barbara and Juliana Martyrdom of Saints Paese and Thecla Commemoration of Saint Samuel of Dayr al-Qalamun 9—5 Saint Bimin (Pamin) the Confessor, bloodless martyr 10—6 Translation of the body of Saint Severus, patriarch of Antioch, to the Enaton Monastery west of Alexandria Saint Nicolas, bishop of Myra, bloodless martyr 11—7 Anba Pidjimi, ascetic in the wilderness of Shihat, from the city of Fishah 12—8 Commemoration of Archangel Michael Anba Hadra of Aswan Saint John the Confessor Council of Rome against Novatus 13—9 Martyrdom of Saint Barsanuphius Father Abrakiyus (Abracas), ascetic Dedication of the Church of Saint Misa’il 14—10 Martyrdom of Saints Bahnam and his sister Sarah Martyrdom of Saint Christodoulus Martyrdom of Saints Simeon of Minuf, Apa Hor, and Apa Mena the Elder Martyrdom of Saint Ammonius, bishop of Isna 15—11 Saint Gregory, patriarch of the Armenians 16—12 Gideon, Old Testament judge of the Israelites Martyrdom of Saints Harwaj, Ananius, and Khuzi Dedication of the Church of Saint Jacob the Persian 17—13 Commemoration of Saint Luke the Stylite and translation of his remains 18—14 Translation of the body of Saint Titus to Constantinople Commemoration of the martyr Heracleas and the priest Philemon 19—15 Saint John, bishop of Parallos, compiler of the Synaxarion 20—16 Haggai the Prophet 21—17 Commemoration of Mary, Mother of God Martyrdom of Saint Barnabas, one of the seventy elders 22—18 Commemoration of Archangel Gabriel Anastasius, 36th patriarch of Alexandria 23—19 David the Prophet Saint Timotheus the Wanderer 24—20 Martyrdom of Saint Ignatius, patriarch of Constantinople Saint Philogonius, patriarch of Antioch Birth of Saint Takla Haymanot the Abyssinian 25—21 Saint John Kama (the Black) of Scetis 26—22 Martyrdom of Saint Anastasia Martyrdom of Saint Juliana 27—23 Martyrdom of Saint Bisada the Bishop 28—24 Martyrdom of 150 men and 24 women from Antinoopolis 29—25 Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord 30—26 Commemoration date of Anba Yu’annis, Hegumenos of Scetis MONTH OF TUBAH (DECEMBER-JANUARY) 1 Tubah-27 Dec. Martyrdom of Saint Stephen the Archdeacon Martyrdom of Saint Leontianus 2—28 Theonas, 16th patriarch of Alexandria Martyrdom of Saint Callinicus, bishop of Awsim 3—29 Murder of the Innocents of Bethlehem by King Herod 4—30 Saint John the Evangelist 5—31 Martyrdom of Saint Eusignius, general in Constantine's army 6 Tubah-1 Jan. Circumcision of Jesus Christ Commemoration of Elijah the Prophet Marcianus, 8th patriarch of Alexandria Saint Basil the Great, bishop of Caesarea 7—2 Sylvester, pope of Rome 8—3 Dedication of the Church of Saint Macarius Andronicus, 37th patriarch of Alexandria Benjamin, 38th patriarch of Alexandria 9—4 Saint Abraam, ascetic of Scetis and companion of Anba Jawirjah (George) 10—5 Paramone of the Epiphany (Christ's baptism) 11—6 Theophany (apparition of Our Lord) Epiphany 12—7 Commemoration of the Archangel Michael Martyrdom of Saint Theodorus the Oriental Martyrdom of Saint Anatolius 13—8 Feast of Cana in Galilee Theophilus the Ascetic Martyrdom of Saint Dimyanah 14—9 Saint Archellides, ascetic of Saint Romanos Monastery Saint Maximus, brother of Saint Domitius, both sons of the king of the Romans 15—10 Obadiah the Prophet 16—11 Martyrdom of Saint Philotheus John IV, 48th patriarch of Alexandria 17—12 Saints Maximus and Domitius, ascetics of Scetis Anba Yusab, bishop of Jirja, known as al-Abahh 18—13 Saint Jacob, bishop of Nisibis 19—14 Discovery of the remains of Saints Apa Hor and Pisura and their mother, Empira, all martyrs 20—15 Saint Prochorus, one of the seventy elders Dedication of the Church of Saint John of the Golden Gospel and translation of his remains to it Martyrdom of Saint Bahna and Anba Kaluj the Presbyter 21—16 Commemoration of Our Lady's death Saint Hilaria, daughter of Emperor Zeno Saint Gregory, brother of Basil the Great 22—17 Commemoration of Saint Antony the Great 23—18 Martyrdom of Saint Timotheus the Elder Cyril IV, 110th patriarch of Alexandria 24—19 Saint Mary, ascetic recluse Anba Bisadah the Presbyter 25—20 Saint Peter the Ascetic Saint Ascla (Askirla) the Martyr 26—21 Martyrdom of the 49 saints and elders of Scetis Saint Anastasia, ascetic of the reign of Justinian 27—22 Martyrdom of Saint Sarapion Commemoration of the angel Suryal (Suri’il) Translation of the body of Saint Timotheus the Elder Martyrdom of Saint Ab Fam (Epiphanius), a soldier 28—23 Martyrdom of Saint Clement Martyrdom of Saint Ka’u (Kaou) from the town of Bamwayh in the Fayyum 29—24 Commemoration of Saint Aksani (Xene) Commemoration of Saint Cyriacus 30—25 Martyrdom of Saints Pistis, Helpis, and Agape, virgins, and their mother, Sophia MONTH OF AMSHIR (JANUARY-FEBRUARY) 1 Amshir-26 Jan. Ecumenical Council of Constantinople (A.D. 381) Dedication of the first church built in commemoration of Saint Peter the "Seal of the Martyrs" 2—27 Saint Paul the Great, first of the wanderer saints Saint Longinus, abbot of the Enaton (Dayr al-Zujaj) 3—28 Saint Jacob the Ascetic 4—29 Saint Agapius, one of the seventy elders 5—30 Agrippinus, 10th patriarch of Alexandria Anba Bishoi, abbot of Dayr Akhmim and Anba Abanub (Nob) Saint Apollo, companion of Anba Abib Translation of the bodies of the forty-nine elders of the Shihat wilderness 6—31 Apparition of Saint Hippolytus of Rome Martyrdom of Saint Apa Kir (Cyrus) and Saint John and three virgins—Theodora, Theopista, Theodoxia—and their mother, Athanasia 7 Amshir-1 Feb. Alexander II, 43rd patriarch of Alexandria Theodore, 45th patriarch of Alexandria 8—2 Feast of the entry of Jesus Christ into the Temple 9—3 Saint Barsuma, father of the Syrian monks Martyrdom of Saint Paul the Syrian 10—4 Martyrdom of Jacob the Elder, son of Halfa (Alphaeus) Martyrdom of Saint Justus, son of Emperor Numerianus Saint Isidorus of Pelusium (al-Farama) Martyrdom of Philo, bishop of Persia 11—5 Martyrdom of Fabianus, pope of Rome 12—6 Commemoration of Archangel Michael Saint Gelasius 13—7 Martyrdom of Saint Sergius of Atrib, his father, and his mother Timothy III, 32nd patriarch of Alexandria 14—8 Severus, patriarch of Antioch Jacob, 50th patriarch of Alexandria 15—9 Zechariah the Prophet Dedication of the first Church of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste Saint Paphnutius the Ascetic 16—10 Saint Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist 17—11 Martyrdom of Saint Menas the Ascetic from Akhmim 18—12 Malatius, patriarch of Antioch 19—13 Translation of the body of Saint Martinianus from Athens to Antioch 20—14 Peter II, 21st patriarch of Alexandria Martyrdom of Saints Basil, Theodore, and Timothy 21—15 Commemoration of the Virgin Mary Martyrdom of Saint Onesimus, Saint Paul the Apostle's pupil Gabriel I, 57th patriarch of Alexandria Saint Zacharias, bishop of Sakha 22—16 Martyrdom of Maruta, bishop of Mayafirqin 23—17 Martyrdom of Eusebius, son of Basilidas, minister of Diocletian 24—18 Saint Agapitus the Bishop Martyrdom of Timotheus and Matthias, priests 25—19 Martyrdom of Archippus, Philemon, and Abfiyyah the Virgin Martyrdom of Saints Quna (Conon) of Rome and Menas of Cyprus 26—20 Hosea the Prophet Martyrdom of Saint Zadok and his 118 companions 27—21 Saint Eustathius, patriarch of Antioch 28—22 Martyrdom of Saint Theodorus the Roman 29—23 Martyrdom of Saint Polycarpus, bishop of Smyrna (A.D. 167) 30—24 Discovery of John the Baptist's head MONTH OF BARAMHAT (FEBRUARY-MARCH) 1 Baramhat-25 Feb Saint Narcissus, bishop of Jerusalem (A.D. 222) Martyrdom of Saint Alexandrus, bishop of Cappadocia Saint Mercurius the Bishop 2—26 Martyrdom of Saint Makrawi (Macrobius), bishop of Nikiou 3—27 Cosmas III, 58th patriarch of Alexandria Martyrdom of Saint Porphyrius (Porphyry) Anba Hadid the Presbyter 4—28 Holy synod of the Island of Bani ‘Amr for deciding the date of Easter Martyrdom of Saint Hanulius, prince of Perga 5 Baramhat-1 Mar. Anba Sarapamon, presbyter of Dayr Abu Yuhannis Martyrdom of Saint Eudoxia Saint Peter the Presbyter 6—2 Martyrdom of Saint Dioscorus Saint Theodotus the Bishop 7—3 Martyrdom of Saints Philemon and Apollonius Martyrdom of Saint Mary the Israelite 8—4 Martyrdom of Saint Matthias the Elder Julian, 11th patriarch of Alexandria Martyrdom of Arianus, governor of Antinoopolis 9—5 Saint Conon Martyrdom of Saints Andrianus and Martha, his wife, Eusebius, Armaniyus, and the forty martyrs 10—6 Commemoration of the apparition of the Holy Cross 11—7 Martyrdom of Saint Basilios the Bishop (A.D. 298) 12—8 Commemoration of Archangel Michael Apparition of Saint Demetrius, 12th patriarch of Alexandria Martyrdom of Saint Malachias in Palestine Martyrdom of Saint Gelasinus in Damascus 13—9 Saint Dionysius, 14th patriarch of Alexandria Return of Saints Macarius the Great and Macarius Alexandrinus from exile Martyrdom of the forty martyrs of Sebaste 14—10 Anba Kyrillos (Cyril), 75th patriarch of Alexandria Martyrdom of Saint Shenute of Bahnasa Martyrdom of Saints Eugenius, Agathodorus, and Elpidius 15—11 Saint Sarah the Ascetic Martyrdom of Saint Helias of Hnes (Ahnas) 16—12 Anba Kha’il, 46th patriarch of Alexandria 17—13 Lazarus, friend of Our Lord George the Ascetic, Belasius the Martyr, and Anba Yusab the Bishop Anba Basilios, archbishop of Jerusalem Martyrdom of Sidhom Bishay in Damietta 18—14 Martyrdom of Isidorus, companion of Sina the Soldier 19—15 Saint Aristobulus the Elder Martyrdom of the seven saints, Alexandrus, Agapius, and their companions 20—16 Anba Kha’il III, 56th patriarch of Alexandria Raising of Lazarus from the dead 21—17 Commemoration of Our Lady, the Virgin Mother of God Commemoration of the advent of Our Lord Jesus Christ to the house of ‘Anya Consultation of the chief priests for killing Lazarus, whom the Lord raised from the dead 22—18 Saint Cyril, bishop of Jerusalem Saint Michael, bishop of Naqadah 23—19 Daniel the Prophet 24—20 Apparition of Our Lady at the Church of Zaytun Anba Macarius, 59th patriarch of Alexandria 25—21 Saint Fresca, one of the seventy disciples (elders) Matthew IV, 102nd patriarch of Alexandria 26—22 Saint Euphrasia, virgin Peter VI, 104th patriarch of Alexandria 27—23 Crucifixion of Our Lord Jesus Christ Saint Macarius the Great Martyrdom of Saint Domicius 28—24 Emperor Constantine the Great Peter VII, 109th patriarch of Alexandria Anba Sarapamon, surnamed Abu Tarhah, bishop of Minufiyyah Province 29—25 The Annunciation The Resurrection of Our Lord 30—26 Commemoration of Archangel Gabriel Translation of the body of Saint Jacob the Sawn (James Intercisus) Samson, judge of the Israelites MONTH OF BARAMUDAH (MARCH-APRIL) 1 Baramudah—27 Mar. Silvanus, ascetic of Scetis Raid of Arabs of Upper Egypt on the wilderness of Shihat (Scetis) Aaron the Priest, brother of Moses 2—28 Martyrdom of Saint Christophorus Anba Yu’annis (John IX), 81st patriarch of Alexandria 3—29 Saint John, bishop of Jerusalem Michael V, 71st patriarch of Alexandria 4—30 Martyrdom of Saints Victor, Decius, Irene the Virgin, and their companions 5—31 Ezekiel the Prophet Martyrdom of Hibatyus, bishop of Gangra 6 Baramudah—1 Apr. Apparition of Our Lord to Thomas after His resurrection Saint Mary the Egyptian 7—2 Joachim, Christ's grandfather Saint Macrobius Saints Agapius, Theodora, and Macrobius (Abu Maqrufah) 8—3 Martyrdom of the saintly virgins Agapia, Irene, and Siyunyah Martyrdom of the 150 believers at the hands of the king of Persia 9—4 Saint Zosimus Commemoration of the miracle performed by Shenute I, 55th patriarch of Alexandria 10—5 Anba Isaac, disciple of Anba Apollos Gabriel II, 70th patriarch of Alexandria 11—6 Saint Theodora Saint John, bishop of Ghazza 12—7 Saint Alexandrus, bishop of Jerusalem Saint Antuniyus, bishop of Thmuis 13—8 Martyrdom of Saints Yashu‘ and Joseph Martyrdom of Dayunisyah the Deaconess and Midyus Anba Yu’annis (John XVII), 105th patriarch of Alexandria 14—9 Maximus, 15th patriarch of Alexandria 15—10 Dedication of the first altar of Saint Nicholas, bishop of Myra, for the Jacobite Christians Dedication of the Church of Saint Agapius the Disciple Saint Alexandra the Queen Mark VI, 101st patriarch of Alexandria 16—11 Martyrdom of Saint Antipas, bishop of Pergamon 17—12 Martyrdom of Saint Jacob the Disciple, brother of Saint John the Evangelist 18—13 Martyrdom of Saint Arsenius, follower of Saint Susinius 19—14 Martyrdom of Saint Simeon the Armenian, bishop of Persia, together with 150 companions Martyrdom of Saint John (Yuhanna Abu Najah) the Great Martyrdom of Abu al-‘Ala’ Fahd ibn Ibrahim and his companions Martyrdom of David the Ascetic 20—15 Martyrdom of Saint Paphnutius of Dandarah 21—16 Commemoration of Our Lady, Mother of God Saint Protheus the Latin 22—17 Saint Ishaq al-Hurini Anba Alexandros I, 19th patriarch of Alexandria Mark II, 49th patriarch of Alexandria Kha’il II, 53rd patriarch of Alexandria 23—18 Martyrdom of Saint George the Great (A.D. 307) 24—19 Shenute I, 55th patriarch of Alexandria Martyrdom of Saint Sina, soldier 25—20 Martyrdom of Saint Sarah and her two sons Commemoration of Saint Paphnutius the Hermit and Saint Theodorus the Ascetic and 120 Martyrs 26—21 Martyrdom of Saint Susinius John VII, 77th patriarch of Alexandria 27—22 Martyrdom of Victor, son of Romanus 28—23 Martyrdom of Saint Milius the Ascetic 29—24 Erastus, one of seventy disciples Saint Acacius, bishop of Jerusalem 30—25 Martyrdom of Saint Mark the Evangelist MONTH OF BASHANS (APRIL-MAY) 1 Bashans-26 Apr. Nativity of the Virgin Mary, Mother of God 2—27 Job the Prophet Saint Tadrus (Theodorus), disciple of Saint Pachomius Martyrdom of Saint Philotheus 3—28 Saint Jason, one of the seventy elders Saint Utimus, priest from Fuwwah Gabriel IV, 86th patriarch of Alexandria 4—29 John I, 29th patriarch of Alexandria John V, 72nd patriarch of Alexandria 5—30 Martyrdom of Jeremiah the Prophet 6 Bashans—1 May Martyrdom of Saint Isaac of Difrah Saint Macarius the Alexandrian Saint Babnudah (Paphnutius) of al-Bandarah 7—2 Saint Athanasius I the Apostolic, 20th patriarch of Alexandria 8—3 Martyrdom of Saint John of Sanhut Saint Daniel, qummus of Shihat 9—4 Saint Helena the Queen (A.D. 327) John XI, 89th patriarch of Alexandria Gabriel VIII, 97th patriarch of Alexandria 10—5 The Three Youths in the Furnace: Ananias, Azarias, and Misael 11—6 Martyrdom of Saint Theoclia, wife of Saint Justus Saint Paphnutius the Bishop 12—7 Dedication of the Church of Saint Dimyanah Translation of the remains of Saint John Chrysostom Apparition of a cross of light on Golgotha Mark VII, 106th patriarch of Alexandria Martyrdom of Mu‘allim Malati, scribe of the Mamluk Ayyub Bey al-Defterdar in A.M. 1519/A.D. 1811 13—8 Saint Arsenius, mentor of the royal children (A.D. 445) 14—9 Saint Pachomius of Tabennese, father of the cenobitic rule Martyrdom of Saint Epimachus of Pelusium (al-Farama) 15—10 Martyrdom of Sim‘an al-Ghayyur (Simon Zelotes) Four hundred martyrs of Dandarah Saint Mena the Deacon 16—11 Saint John the Evangelist 17—12 Saint Epiphanius, bishop of Cyprus 18—13 Saint George, companion of Saint Abraam Pentecost (Whitsuntide) 19—14 Saint Isaac, priest of the cells (al-Qalali) Martyrdom of Saint Isidor of Antioch 20—15 Saint Ammonius the Recluse 21—16 Commemoration of the Virgin Mary Saint Martinianus (Motianus) 22—17 Saint Andronicus, one of the seventy disciples 23—18 Saint Yunyas (Julius), one of the seventy disciples Martyrdom of Julian and his mother at Alexandria 24—19 Commemoration of the advent of Christ into Egypt Habakkuk the Prophet Martyrdom of Bashnunah, monk of Dayr Anba Maqar 25—20 Martyrdom of Saint Colluthus of Antinoopolis (surnamed Abu Qultah) Commemoration of Mu‘allim Ibrahim al-Jawhari 26—21 Saint Thomas the Apostle 27—22 John II, 30th patriarch of Alexandria Lazarus, brother of Mary and bishop of Cyprus 28—23 Translation of the body of Saint Epiphanius to Cyprus (A.D. 403) 29—24 Saint Simeon Stylite 30—25 Michael IV, 68th patriarch of Alexandria Saint Phorus, one of the seventy disciples MONTH OF BA’UNAH (MAY-JUNE) 1 Ba’unah-26 May Dedication of the Church of Saint Leontius the Syrian Martyrdom of Saint Cosmas of Taha and his companions Martyrdom of Saint Epiphanius the Soldier 2—27 Finding of the bodies of John the Baptist and the Prophet Elijah in Alexandria John XVIII, 107th patriarch of Alexandria 3—28 Dedication of Church of Mar Jirjis at Birma and another at Bir Ma’ in the Oases Saint Martha the Egyptian Martyrdom of Saint Alladyus the Bishop Cosmas I, 44th patriarch of Alexandria Anba Abraam, bishop of Fayyum (A.D. 1914) 4—29 Martyrdom of Saint Sinusyus Martyrdom of Saint Ammon and Saint Sophia Martyrdom of Saint Yuhanna al-Hiraqli (John of Heraclea) Saint Apa Hor John VIII, 80th patriarch of Alexandria 5—30 Saint Jacob the Oriental (al-Mashriqi) Martyrdom of Anba Bishoi and Anba Butrus Dedication of Saint Victor's Church at Shu 6—31 Martyrdom of Saint Theodorus the Ascetic 7 Ba’unah—1 June Martyrdom of Saint Abiskhrun the Soldier 8—2 Dedication of the Church of the Virgin at al-Mihmah Saint Tamada and her children, and Saint Armanus and his mother Martyrdom of Jirjis al-Jadid (the Isma‘ilite) (A.D. 1387) 9—3 Saint Samuel the Prophet Martyrdom of Saint Lucilianus and four companions Translation of the remains of Saint Mercurius to Egypt 10—4 Martyrdom of Saint Dabamon Closure of the pagan temples and opening of churches John XVI, 103rd patriarch of Alexandria Demetrius II, 111th patriarch of Alexandria 11—5 Martyrdom of Saint Claudius Dedication of the Altar of the Forty Martyrs in the Church of the Resurrection 12—6 Justus, 6th patriarch of Alexandria Cyril II, 67th patriarch of Alexandria Commemoration of Archangel Michael Saint Euphemia 13—7 Saint John, bishop of Jerusalem Archangel Gabriel and Daniel the Prophet 14—8 John XIX, 113th patriarch of Alexandria Martyrdom of Saints Apa Kr (Cyrus), John, Ptolemeus, and Philip 15—9 Transfer of the remains of Saint Mark the Apostle (from Italy to Cairo) by Paul VI, pope of Rome Dedication of the Church of Saint Mena in Mareotis 16—10 Saint Onophrius (Apa Nofer) the Wanderer 17—11 Depositing of the remains of Saint Mark in the new Saint Mark's Cathedral (in Cairo) Saint Latson of Bahnasa (al-Bahnasawi) 18—12 Dedication of Saint Mark's Cathedral in Dayr Anba Ruways Damian, 35th patriarch of Alexandria 19—13 Celebration of the first liturgy in the new Saint Mark's Cathedral (June 1968) Achillas, 18th patriarch of Alexandria Martyrdom of Saint George, known as Jirjis al-Muzauim (A.D. 959) Martyrdom of Saint Bishay Anub at ‘Ayn Shams (Heliopolis) 20—14 Elijah the Prophet 21—15 Dedication of the first Church of the Virgin Mary in Philippi Martyrdom of Saint Timotheus the Egyptian Cerdon, 4th patriarch of Alexandria 22—16 Dedication of the Church of Saints Cosmas and Damian, Their Brothers, and Their Mother in a city of the land of the Arabs 23—17 Saint Apa Nob the Confessor 24—18 Saint Moses the Black 25—19 Martyrdom of Judas, one of the seventy disciples Peter IV, 34th patriarch of Alexandria 26—20 The Prophet Yashu’ (Joshua) ibn Nun Dedication of the Church of the Archangel Gabriel 27—21 Martyrdom of Saint Ananias the Disciple Martyrdom of Saint Tumas (Thomas) al-Shandalati 28—22 Theodosius I, 33rd patriarch of Alexandria Dedication of the Church of Anba Sarapamon, bishop of Nikiou 29—23 Martyrdom of the seven ascetics on the mountain of Tunah Martyrdom of Saints Apa Hor, Anba Bishoi (Bishay), and their mother, Diodora (Theodora) 30—24 Nativity of Saint John the Baptist MONTH OF ABIB (JUNE-JULY) 1 Abib—25 June Martyrdom of Saint Afrunyah (Febronia) the Ascetic Saints Biyukhah and Binayin, priests 2—26 Saint Thaddaeus the Disciple 3—27 Cyril I, 24th patriarch of Alexandria Saint Celestine, pope of Rome 4—28 Translation of the remains of Saints Apa Kir (Cyrus) and Yuhanna (John) 5—29 Martyrdom of the Apostles Peter and Paul 6—30 Martyrdom of Saints Olimpas the Disciple and Theodosia and her companions 7 Abib—1 July Saint Shenute, Father of the Hermits Martyrdom of Saint Ignatius, bishop of Antioch, at Rome 8—2 Anba Bishoi the Saint Martyrdom of Abiruh (Piru) and Atom Martyrdom of Saint Balana the presbyter Martyrdom of Anba Bimanun (Epima) Saint Karas (Cyrus), brother of Emperor Theodosius 9—3 Martyrdom of Saint Simeon (son of) Kluba the Disciple Celadion, 9th patriarch of Alexandria 10—4 Martyrdom of Saint Theodorus, bishop of the Five Towns Martyrdom of Saint Theodorus, bishop of Corinthos, and his companions Gabriel VII, 95th patriarch of Alexandria 11—5 Martyrdom of Saints John and Simeon, his cousin Saint Isaiah the Hermit 12—6 Commemoration of Archangel Michael Martyrdom of Saint Apa-Hor of Siryaqus 13—7 Saint Pisentius, bishop of Qift Martyrdom of Saint Abamun of Tukh Martyrdom of Anba Shinudah, at the beginning of the Arab period 14—8 Martyrdom of Saint Procopius of Jerusalem Peter V, 83rd patriarch of Alexandria 15—9 Saint Ephraem the Syrian (A.D. 379) Martyrdom of Saint Cyriacus and Julita, his mother Martyrdom of Saint Hursiyus (Horsiesios) 16—10 Saint John of the Golden Gospel Translation of the body of the martyr Saint George to Old Cairo 17—11 Martyrdom of Saint Euphemia 18—12 Martyrdom of Saint Jacob the Apostle, bishop of Jerusalem 19—13 Martyrdom of Saints Bidaba, bishop of Qift, and Anba Andrew and Christodoulus Martyrdom of Saint Batlan (Pantaleon) the Physican John X, 85th patriarch of Alexandria 20—14 Martyrdom of Saint Theodorus of Shotep (A.D. 220) 21—15 Saint Susinius the Eunuch 22—16 Martyrdom of Saint Macarius, son of Basilides, minister of Diocletian Martyrdom of Saint Leontius of Tripoli 23—17 Martyrdom of Saint Longinus the General Martyrdom of Saint Marina 24—18 Martyrdom of Saint Apa-Nob Simon I, 42nd patriarch of Alexandria 25—19 Saint Thecla, follower of the Apostle Paul Martyrdom of Saint Isaac Martyrdom of Saint Hilaria Martyrdom of Saints Thecla and Muj Martyrdom of Saint Antoninus (Andura) Martyrdom of Saint Aba Krajon Martyrdom of Saint Domadius the Syrian Dedication of the Church of Abu Sayfayn Saint Palamon, Father of the Monks (A.D. 316) 26—20 Saint Joseph the Carpenter Timothy I, 22nd patriarch of Alexandria 27—21 Dedication of the Church of Epiphanius Martyrdom of Saint Abamun of Tarnut in Upper Egypt 28—22 Saint Mary Magdalene 29—23 Translation of the remains of Saint Andrew the Apostle Martyrdom of Saint Barsanuphius 30—24 Martyrdom of Saints Mercurius and Ephraem MONTH OF MISRA OR MESORE (JULY-AUGUST) 1 Misra—25 July Martyrdom of Saint Apoli, son of Justus Cyril V, 112th patriarch of Alexandria 2—26 Commemoration of Saint Ba’issah of Minuf 3—27 Translation of the body of Saint Simeon Stylite to Antioch Primus, 5th patriarch of Alexandria 4—28 Ezekiel the King Dedication of the Church of Saint Anthony 5—29 Saint John, the general of Julian the Apostate 6—30 Martyrdom of Saint Julita 7—31 Annunciation of the birth of the Virgin Mary to Saint Joachim Timothy II, 26th patriarch of Alexandria 8 Misra—1 Aug. Martyrdom of Saint Lazarus, his wife Salome, and their children The Apostle Peter's confession that Christ is the Son of God 9—2 Martyrdom of Saint Uri of Shatanuf 10—3 Martyrdom of Saint Bikhibis (Bikabes) of Ashmun Tanah 11—4 Anba Moses, bishop of Awsim 12—5 Commemoration of the archangel Michael Accession of Constantine the Great 13—6 Transfiguration of Our Lord on Tur Tabur 14—7 Theodosius, 33rd patriarch of Alexandria 15—8 Saint Mary, better known as Marina the Ascetic 16—9 Ascension of the body of Mary the Virgin Matthew IV, 102nd patriarch of Alexandria 17—10 Martyrdom of Saint Jacob the Soldier 18—11 Alexandros, patriarch of Constantinople Martyrdom of Saint Eudamon of Armant 19—12 Return of the body of Saint Macarius to his monastery in Shihat 20—13 Martyrdom of the seven youths of Ephesus 21—14 Commemoration of Our Lady, Mother of God Saint Irene, daughter of King Licinius 22—15 Micah the Prophet Martyrdom of Saint Hadid of Giza (A.D. 1387) 23—16 Martyrdom of thirty thousand Christians in Alexandria Martyrdom of Saint Damian of Antioch 24—17 Saint Thecla Haymanot the Abyssinian Saint Thomas, bishop of Mar‘ash in Syria 25—18 Saint Bessarion the Great Macarius III, 114th patriarch of Alexandria 26—19 Martyrdom of Saint Moses and his sister, Sarah Martyrdom of Saint Agapius the Soldier and his sister, Thecla 27—20 Martyrdom of Saint Benjamin and his sister, Eudoxia Martyrdom of Saint Mary the Armenian 28—21 Commemoration of the saintly fathers Abraham, Jacob, and Isaac 29—22 Martyrdom of Saint Athanasius the Bishop, and Saints Jerasimus and Theodotus Advent of the body of Saint John Colobus into the Shihat wilderness 30—23 Malachi the Prophet INTERCALARY DAYS OF NASI (AUGUST) 1 Nasi—24 Aug. Saint Eutychius, disciple of Saint John the Evangelist Martyrdom of Saint Bishoi of Antioch 2—25 Saint Titus, disciple of Saint Paul 3—26 Commemoration of Archangel Raphael Martyrdom of Saint Andrianus John XIV, 96th patriarch of Alexandria 4—27 Saint Liberius, bishop of Rome Anba Bimin (Poemen) the Hermit 5—28 Father Jacob, bishop of Misr Amos the Prophet Saint Barsum the Naked John XV, 99th patriarch of Alexandria 6—29 Thanks be to God the High LIST OF THE MOVABLE FEASTS Easter Holy Thursday Pentecost AZIZ S. ATIYA