ABSTRACT. Raised marine features of the lowlands in the vicinity of Cape Sparbo were as 15,500 before present and that the most rapid isostatic uplift (approx. 6.5 m.per century) investigated. The carbon14 dates of marine shells indicate that the area was clear of ice as early took place between 9,0...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: F. Muller, W. Barr, Ecjih Cambie, Pahhhk Bopact, B H Jiet, A Raiiiwo, Bpemehh Ojipe, Ejieh Jipabhibho
Other Authors: The Pennsylvania State University CiteSeerX Archives
Format: Text
Online Access:
Summary:ABSTRACT. Raised marine features of the lowlands in the vicinity of Cape Sparbo were as 15,500 before present and that the most rapid isostatic uplift (approx. 6.5 m.per century) investigated. The carbon14 dates of marine shells indicate that the area was clear of ice as early took place between 9,000 and 8,000 years ago; the total isostatic rebound having been about 110 m. The two oldest dates (15,000 and 13,000 B.P.), if correct, give a rare indication of the slow onset of the isostatic uplift. Rl?SUMl?. Isostasie postglaciaire dans le nord-est de rile Devon, Archipel Arctique canadien. Les auteurs ont CtudiC la morphologie isostatique des basses terres au voisinage du cap Sparbo. Les datations par le carbonel4 de coquillages marins indiquent que la rCgion Ctait libre de glace dbs 15,500 av. p. et que le relbvement le plus rapide (approx. 6.5 m. par sibcle) s’est produit entre le neuvibme et le huitibme millhaire av. p. Le rebondissement isostatique, total a CtC denviron 110 m. Les deux datations les plus anciennes (15,000 et 13,000 av. p.), SI elles sont justes, sont une rare preuve de la lenteur du relbvement son debut.