Stock structure of black scabbardfish (Aphanopus carbo Lowe, 1839) in the southern northeast Atlantic

SuMMarY: Black scabbardfish stock structure is still unknown in european waters where, due to the scarcity of biological information, the IceS considers that there is a single stock unit. this study is the final outcome of a scientific project that applies a holistic approach to research on the popu...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Leonel Serrano Gordo, Irineu Baptista, Lucília Carvalho, Valentina Costa, Cristina Cruz, Jorge C Eiras, Inês Farias, Ivone Figueiredo, Helena Lourenço, Pedro Bordalo-Machado, Ana Neves, Maria Leonor Nunes, Sara Reis, Maria João Santos, Saraiva, Ana Rita Vieira
Other Authors: The Pennsylvania State University CiteSeerX Archives
Format: Text
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Summary:SuMMarY: Black scabbardfish stock structure is still unknown in european waters where, due to the scarcity of biological information, the IceS considers that there is a single stock unit. this study is the final outcome of a scientific project that applies a holistic approach to research on the population structure of the black scabbardfish and aims to define the most appropriate strategy for the conservation of this resource in southern ne atlantic waters. the factors studied include life history parameters, otolith shape analysis, parasites, landings-and-effort data and contaminants. Sampling was conducted between 2005 and 2007 in three areas of the southern ne atlantic: mainland portugal, Madeira and the azores. the mainland and the azores have an established commercial fishery, whereas the azores has only an exploratory fishery. the majority of results indicated the existence of different stocks of black scabbardfish in the study area. of the 8 parameters, 6 were in agreement with separate stocks between the mainland and Madeira, 5 were in agreement with separate stocks between the mainland and the azores, and 4 were in agreement with separate stocks between Madeira and the azores. Keywords: Aphanopus carbo, black scabbardfish, stock identity, holistic approach, northeast atlantic. reSuMen: Estructura de stock de sable negro (AphAnopus cArbo Lowe, 1839) en el sur del Atlántico nordeste. -La estructura de la población de sable negro en las aguas europeas es todavía desconocida y, debido a la escasez de la información biológica disponible, IceS ha considerado una sola unidad de stock en la totalidad de dichas aguas. el proyecto que originó este estudio es un trabajo integrado para investigar la estructura poblacional de sable negro y pretende definir la estrategia más apropiada para la conservación de este recurso en aguas del sur del atlántico nordeste. para cumplir con el objetivo del proyecto se llevaron a cabo varios estudios: determinación de parámetros que definen el ciclo vital, análisis de forma del ...