Vol 06 No 32 The Rexburg Standard 1912-10-22

The Rexburg Newspapers is a digital collection of newspapers published in Rexburg, Idaho from 1894 through June of 2010. The titles of the newspapers in this collection include the "Rexburg Silver Hammer," the "Current Journal," the "Rexburg Standard," the "Rexburg...

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Bibliographic Details
Format: Text
Published: Brigham Young University-Idaho Digitization Center 1912
Online Access:http://contentdm.lib.byu.edu/cdm/ref/collection/RexburgNews/id/951
id ftbrighametd:oai:contentdm.lib.byu.edu:RexburgNews/951
record_format openpolar
institution Open Polar
collection Brigham Young University (BYU): Digital Collections
op_collection_id ftbrighametd
language English
topic AN2.I2 R49
spellingShingle AN2.I2 R49
Vol 06 No 32 The Rexburg Standard 1912-10-22
topic_facet AN2.I2 R49
description The Rexburg Newspapers is a digital collection of newspapers published in Rexburg, Idaho from 1894 through June of 2010. The titles of the newspapers in this collection include the "Rexburg Silver Hammer," the "Current Journal," the "Rexburg Standard," the "Rexburg Standard Journal," and the "Standard Journal." This collection was <£he $tattbarb N * I U . * « M W T TeeeeUr at I I t i n , 11 lb* PortAca at Rex-burg. Idabo, ruder lha act of Con­gress of March 3, 1878. BebeerleUoa Price: l»o. Year ( l a advance] Loan a on Irrigated farms—B pei Ryland A Poole. FOR SALE—Six-year old Apply al Osborne House.- alias Kale Faroes and Mlaa Olivr Dudley apenl Sunday In Telon. Screen doors I Screen doors. Screen doors at Ihe SI. Anthony B. ft M. Co. aire. Fred Pincock wat over from Sugar Cily one day Ihla week. FOR SALE —Two good work teams. Apply to Jamea Woodmansee. airs. Summen of Ihc liolden store had s sudden attack uf blood poisoning in her arm Ihis wrek and war/forced lo slay home f r om work for a few days. We hope fo speedy recovery- Cesb paid for hides, pella, furs, chickens and ves Is. W. C HoIIr Co. 1 i >S'l—A small; gold l i b biers. sleeJ/case The dislricl school will be closed s l l this week, Ihe occasion being the teachers1 Jnst it Uie Bi Pocatello. and the school discontinued instnar. lion in order lo allow thr tearhers to "go to school" themselves. Phooe 101 to have your cleaned aBd pressed. Goods cslled far and-delivered. rilled welch w l l h John Deer, fob, .Finder return lo this o t f u r and receive reward. The Sugar City factory ef thi I i*h-Idaho Sagar CeaaaaBy have etarted up far 1912. .All asesi aeelr eaapleyssenl aheald apply either person er hy * letter te Hudolph Stock, au pert ate a seat. Tbe second week of Ihe school year si the Hicks Academy shows a large increase In Ihe attendance, there being the largest number of first-year students In Ihr history of thee*' institution, snd rtexburg Is taxed lo its futiest capacity in rnr-for the out-of-town scholur*. FOR SALE—Second hand huggy. la good condlllop, and harness, very cheap. Apply st Ihla office. r"OR SAU. CHF.AP—Six good work horses Apply at 1. Braun reach. 4 miles wrst or Rrsburg. Loans nn Irrigated farms—8 per cent Ryland ft Poole. aad lianipsbirr bufkx Aboul 1,200 buck lambs anil 3.V1 vearllnft Cols-welda. Enquire or Prank Reno of Mean. Idaho. Ed. Dewseup, who has been in Rexburg the last Tew months, regV resenting the Dayncs-Bcbec Music Company, lias returned tn Sail lake, where he will continue in Ihe em­ploy of lhat company. airs. W. P. Ricks to i n Provo, Utah, visiting ror s few weeks' w l l h her paresis. Millar Bras. HIGH GRADE FIOUR STOCK UNO SOCK SALT G R A I N Mosquito Fly Time We kave a reeaedg whleb we geeraetoe te keep the peels sway. Year money back IT bt aeesa-L Tb* price 15c aad See. R^burgDragCo •textWf Idaho WrJOLEHAl.K AND BaTAJL «eea -Ua Tear ataJJ Orders. DR. SCAHBOBOt'CH SriaeUfU Eye-Sight Speclallat Pitting Glasses to My Special­ly. Second Floor Crow snd Changnon Bldg. Suite 112-1 IS I Fbeae l i t Blk. Idaho Palls - . Idaho. R R R I I R R R R R R H R R !>>ans on irrigated farms—8 per rent. Ryland ft Poole. I,oana on irrigated farms—I per cent. Ryland ft Poole. The IJbcrty Company say lhal they arr in poaillun to supplv wants of .,11 sldirs In the line Nemo "Oirsets, one or Ihe besl makes be market loday. In their large rttoerncnl lasl week, Ihe typo misread lhe name or this popular corset, and made i l appear lhal Ihr Uberly Company were selling "Nencn" corsets—no such brand be­ing manufactured. LnSi cenl. s on irrigsled farms Ryland ft Poole. - per F.dmund Vaac* Cook Coming Tbe second number of tbe Ly­ceum attractions for Rexburg thla year w i l l be Edmund Vance Cooke, poet and author, wbo to scheduled ror November 6th. We consider ourselves fortunate In securing onr of t h e national fame of kfr. Cooke tn appear dn obr course this year at Rexburg. Such people Ofily brought here under a large guaranteed attendance, and We hope everybody who can come oul will avail themselves of this npporlunil: of hearing and seeing one Of the most inlerrsllng and popular at i n . w<- w i l l publish excerpla i . lis poems and notices nr his work in Ihe paper, so lhal afl may knnv e about him berore he arrives. THE MANAGEMENT. FOR SALE 1.000 yrarHng ewes, lop stuff, Cotswold bred. Enquire at Wr Whlltlngtnn, Si. Anlhony. Idaho, f t f 'OR SALE-MO choice Cols rams. 110.00 and up. A S Murdock, Sugar. Idaho. Pbooe 21—S. (JsV-6 Uircmo, Idaho, October, IV, 1012. To Ihe Electors of fcYemont County, Idaho: Without my knowledge or consent petition was filed In the office of the auditor and recorder of Fremont Counly, placing mr in noidinallon candidate ror Ihe office ol counly super!nlenilenI. Immedialr !> upon learning of that fact I weni to Ihe office of tbe auditor and re­corder and notified lhat officer of the fact that I decline to accept the nrrmination: urider his direction I prepared a written declaration, which he atarepted aa sufficient and f i l ed in his i iff Ice. II appears that acting now under Ihe arlvtce of thr Democratic counly atlorney,'the auditor and recorder refuses to leave my name nff the printed ballnl and lhat I shall ap­pear f r om tlie ballot as bring a can­didate for Ihe oceice of counly sup-rlnlcndent. I lake this means nr fttvlsing the rslr mimic,i people ~oT Fremont County that I am nnl a candidate for lhal or any nther office, and I respectfully urge all. o f ' m y friends and others to support the candidacy oT Harriet C Wood for rr-electlorn. do sn believing lhal it to the por- Poee of Ihose advising thr auditor and recorder to lake Ibe course In­dicated to sid In Ihe election of the Democrat ic candidate for rounty superintendent. Faithfully, yours. ANNIE J. or Jim. -LET GEORGE DO I T r •Let Creorge do what?" "Why, I T.eorge put nn Ihe Deal movinft plctnre show in Fremonl Count,." Thomas (Veorge bas been doing this ever since Ihe new Etk Thi afrsapp ened up. > Joe Mllchetl Chappie, in Ibe Na­tional Magstlne, says: Thougli I fell acquainted with Mr. Cooke. II was nnt until the daya al the-St. Louis exposition lhal I had the pleasure of meeting him, at a galh-r r l n g nf the Nallonal Editorial As­sociation, where he recited a num­ber or his poems. an»j_there was nol a msn Ihere, I believe, who would not cheerfully have sacrific­ed his own npportunlly lo air Ids views In order to hear Mr. Cooke recite "hist one more," f o r be is an Inimitable actor. W i n can ever for­get Ms nellalinn^cm thr expert or putting ihc bahy tn sleep? goes right to the hesrt's core or o f f father and mother who h< I f TURKEY RED WHEAT. Tartar, Red wheat foe sale by Rexburg Milling Company. Miller Bros. KIMMEREtt SOCK SPRINGS DIAMOND C O A L Ladies' and Gents Made-to-Order SUITS * C l l S M O S U I T S m g g g g D AND The musical Shirley*, one of Ihc besl musical organisations traveling lugh Ibis scciiun, w i l l perform al lhe Flamm opera house nexl week. I Blanche Ncibour, well known bers), as a charming mibsiclsn ii pianist for the company. BSTKAY NOTICE. One red alecr cair, while star in forehead, halp underslope in Id ear; no brands visible. Above anl trial waa laken up Ocl. Is, \ - \ \ am IT nol claimed arid taken away be fore the t l h day of November, 1BI2, w i l l be sold lo the highest bidder f r i r cssb, lo pay cost of advertising and other expenses, al Ihe Rexburg Hal ray Pound, al 2 p. m. NKLS NiJ.snS. Poundbcrpri You've heard the recilers recite Edmund Vance Cooke's verses, but you haven't really beard them, unlil you've heard Cnokr i|r> Ihem him­self. Hexburg, Idaho. Oct. 21. 1911 Some l i m r ago I signed a petition for a Taxpayers' Party, not knowing al ibr lime Just what II was lo mi, but since .have found oul lhal meant Bull Moose. - Excuae me, as I think Ihe old party is good enough; and while my bead to pretty sore, Ihere are some worse than mine. GEO. H. STATHAM. seres of stubble ploughing. W i l l , for mold board •ploughing. I). M. Shields. II Nye discovered Edmund Vance Cooke early i n Cooke/a career snd be said: "None of Ihe younger poels snd few of the older ones have touched my tough old heart and made me s better msn st Mr: Cook* bst done. Let ua enjoy Mich men while Ihey live snd let them know it. rather than save our moo-for wneenwire-wretlhet of Im­mortelles for their cold and Irre­sponsive clay." You'll have sn opportunity in rot-tow Rin Nye's sstricc soon.' MEN WANTED v Tate Sugar eity Factory OF THB Utah-Idaho Sugar Company Has Started Up f o r 1 9 12 All Mea Desirinr Employment Should Apply Either in Person or by Letter RUDOLPH STOCK, Supt. .it LOOKING THROUGH" man) markets you w i l l Hnd meat • n i l methods thai can. scarcely be approved We arrive lo serve <Hjr patrons with choice ruts of THE REST MEATS ONLY. Criticism U lavlted— we are al­ways glad of soeaVrslion thai will Improve our market, our service, or our meals SKELTON & HUNT REXRURG. IDAHO. PROFESSIONAL AMD BUSINESS • j A. L. BLaUrxBUaUr, • Notary Pestle. R Jessica est she Peace. O All Kinds Legal Documents R Executed Pish sad Game • U cease. R Rexburg - - Idabo. I l l l l l l l l l l l l l 0. W. POOL, Atlorn«j-st-Law. R Ofllce Over First Nations] H l l l l l l l l l l l SOULE fit SOULE, • At te r a ey a-at* Le w. i Ail Courts of tbe State. I l l l l l l l l l l l l l Dr. CHAS, E. KOGEES, • • Oatcopathk Physician. I I ' b u i t e 2Vj-2UO Saiiibury-Lail I lUdg. Huurs 10 to 12—1 lo 5. I Pbone 31L I I Idaho Fait. I . I . - , , a • . . M i i i M i i i i a • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I P U.K. WHITNEY. J Veterinary Seigeea. / I R\ . • Ail Kinds peatsl Work Don>. f R MJld^ Horses Made Youni . I : -ti R• P bo•oe• .1•39•. ••He•x•bu•rg•, IIdaRbr . S* SEO. g LOWE, Lawyer. I Ofllce in the New Uraodoi. J SL Anthony - - - Idsbc. ft I l l l l l l l l l l l l l R TONIC LAXATIVE CAbCaJLA I . Slimufsles Ibe bowels. Liver I and Pocket I Pul Up sod Sold by R ORSON WALDHAM, . I Prescription Druggist, • Established lSlai. I'bone Is. • I I I I I I I I I I I I K I I I I I I I I I I I R f L. DE CEAENE. • Centsecler and builder. Shop.and Office Cor. Park Ave. aad U Street. Phono 21 Black. Idabo Falls - - Idaha LOST—An open Tace isdy'a silver watch and chain in southwest part or town. Finder please return to .Standard otrire and receive reward. i r you can't swat that f l y , buy screen door al the B. 4 I t Co. Prepare your exhibits for Counly Fair. Ladies' dresses and sullt cleaned nd pressed Pbone 101. Bring your1 doctor's prescript.! fcV to us. We w i l l see that Ihey | f properly dUpcnced Cily Ortg Slor; I L C Pratt, manager. l a w requires name ot makers ol buller on wrappers. The Stanc^rC prints wrappers. I-OST-aJhe night or Ihe W. O. W dance initiation, bufr also r i t e, f i n d e r leave al Ihis office t. Ml oblige I I . P. Pattee. The Liberty Where Good Goods Is the Main Thin;- Ladies' and Misses' Suits and Coats ' j A BIG SELECTION IN ALL THE LATEST MODELS. surrs-.-49.90. $12.50, $15.00, $18.50 ^nd up to.: 925.00 COATS~.$6\90, $8.75. $9.50, $12.00 and np to --<22.56 Men's and Young Men's Clothing. GOOIjSstllT OR OVERCOAT AT . . . . . . k . y .7. ej,n : BETTER ONES i . w \ . V y / . $1M, laMS, 112.00 AND UP € ^ Mtscallaneous GOOD HEAVY OUTING FLANNEL ? 3 YARDS.FOR 2Sc WOOL DRESS GOODS v He 29c, Ue, 4tc AND, UP BLANKETS '.: k. 4te. 74c. Ste I I . l t AND l l t V TO IsUO LADIES' UNION SUITS, BEST QUALTTT , *U, Tic A M i He SILE WAISTS .*. 11.88, I J - I J J S3.50 AND I3.9K PETTICOATS 4**, Tee, Me AND UP TO WJ8 HAIR PINS I PACKAGES FOB Sc PINS I PACKAGES FOR 5c COMBS r 'lie, He. 1st AsND tte CORSETS «c He, %U AND 11.48 NEMO CORSETS .'.-T v ttM TO H-OO Fars A RIG VARIETY TO SELECT' FROM AT LOW PRICES. Hats and Caps for Men and Boys v 5 HATS. . CAPS . Mc, 11.41. AND UP TO UM \ « « . » f t V * »fc AMD UP TO MM Ladies' Skirts U D I E 8 - S K I i r r a UM, U M AND UP TO M M Shoes for Men MCN-8 SUCKS ,.- »Ut. U M . U M AND I IP TO w oo ALL KINDS OF UNDaaWBA* FOa MEN AND BOYS Kc PER GARMENT AND UP YOU WILL FIND OUR PRICES A U VERY LOW I F YOU CONSIDER QUALITY AND MAKE. The Liberty Co. REXBURG IDAHO The Hoase ef Good Staff aaaasaai
format Text
title Vol 06 No 32 The Rexburg Standard 1912-10-22
title_short Vol 06 No 32 The Rexburg Standard 1912-10-22
title_full Vol 06 No 32 The Rexburg Standard 1912-10-22
title_fullStr Vol 06 No 32 The Rexburg Standard 1912-10-22
title_full_unstemmed Vol 06 No 32 The Rexburg Standard 1912-10-22
title_sort vol 06 no 32 the rexburg standard 1912-10-22
publisher Brigham Young University-Idaho Digitization Center
publishDate 1912
url http://contentdm.lib.byu.edu/cdm/ref/collection/RexburgNews/id/951
long_lat ENVELOPE(140.018,140.018,-66.663,-66.663)
geographic Blanche
St. Louis
geographic_facet Blanche
St. Louis
genre Faroes
First Nations
genre_facet Faroes
First Nations
op_source Ricks College
op_relation BYUI-Rexburg Idaho Newspapers
op_rights The contents of the BYUI-Rexburg Newspapers collection may be copied for the limited purposes of private study, scholarship or research. Any reproduction or copying of the contents of the BYUI-Rexburg Newspapers digital collection for commercial purposes is not permitted without the express written consent of Pioneer Newspapers Inc.
_version_ 1765996441481773056
spelling ftbrighametd:oai:contentdm.lib.byu.edu:RexburgNews/951 2023-05-15T16:11:18+02:00 Vol 06 No 32 The Rexburg Standard 1912-10-22 1912-10-22 application/pdf http://contentdm.lib.byu.edu/cdm/ref/collection/RexburgNews/id/951 English; eng; en eng Brigham Young University-Idaho Digitization Center BYUI-Rexburg Idaho Newspapers http://contentdm.lib.byu.edu/cdm/ref/collection/RexburgNews/id/951 The contents of the BYUI-Rexburg Newspapers collection may be copied for the limited purposes of private study, scholarship or research. Any reproduction or copying of the contents of the BYUI-Rexburg Newspapers digital collection for commercial purposes is not permitted without the express written consent of Pioneer Newspapers Inc. Ricks College AN2.I2 R49 text 1912 ftbrighametd 2017-12-02T08:20:30Z The Rexburg Newspapers is a digital collection of newspapers published in Rexburg, Idaho from 1894 through June of 2010. The titles of the newspapers in this collection include the "Rexburg Silver Hammer," the "Current Journal," the "Rexburg Standard," the "Rexburg Standard Journal," and the "Standard Journal." This collection was <£he $tattbarb N * I U . * « M W T TeeeeUr at I I t i n , 11 lb* PortAca at Rex-burg. Idabo, ruder lha act of Con­gress of March 3, 1878. BebeerleUoa Price: l»o. Year ( l a advance] Loan a on Irrigated farms—B pei Ryland A Poole. FOR SALE—Six-year old Apply al Osborne House.- alias Kale Faroes and Mlaa Olivr Dudley apenl Sunday In Telon. Screen doors I Screen doors. Screen doors at Ihe SI. Anthony B. ft M. Co. aire. Fred Pincock wat over from Sugar Cily one day Ihla week. FOR SALE —Two good work teams. Apply to Jamea Woodmansee. airs. Summen of Ihc liolden store had s sudden attack uf blood poisoning in her arm Ihis wrek and war/forced lo slay home f r om work for a few days. We hope fo speedy recovery- Cesb paid for hides, pella, furs, chickens and ves Is. W. C HoIIr Co. 1 i >S'l—A small; gold l i b biers. sleeJ/case The dislricl school will be closed s l l this week, Ihe occasion being the teachers1 Jnst it Uie Bi Pocatello. and the school discontinued instnar. lion in order lo allow thr tearhers to "go to school" themselves. Phooe 101 to have your cleaned aBd pressed. Goods cslled far and-delivered. rilled welch w l l h John Deer, fob, .Finder return lo this o t f u r and receive reward. The Sugar City factory ef thi I i*h-Idaho Sagar CeaaaaBy have etarted up far 1912. .All asesi aeelr eaapleyssenl aheald apply either person er hy * letter te Hudolph Stock, au pert ate a seat. Tbe second week of Ihe school year si the Hicks Academy shows a large increase In Ihe attendance, there being the largest number of first-year students In Ihr history of thee*' institution, snd rtexburg Is taxed lo its futiest capacity in rnr-for the out-of-town scholur*. FOR SALE—Second hand huggy. la good condlllop, and harness, very cheap. Apply st Ihla office. r"OR SAU. CHF.AP—Six good work horses Apply at 1. Braun reach. 4 miles wrst or Rrsburg. Loans nn Irrigated farms—8 per cent Ryland ft Poole. aad lianipsbirr bufkx Aboul 1,200 buck lambs anil 3.V1 vearllnft Cols-welda. Enquire or Prank Reno of Mean. Idaho. Ed. Dewseup, who has been in Rexburg the last Tew months, regV resenting the Dayncs-Bcbec Music Company, lias returned tn Sail lake, where he will continue in Ihe em­ploy of lhat company. airs. W. P. Ricks to i n Provo, Utah, visiting ror s few weeks' w l l h her paresis. Millar Bras. HIGH GRADE FIOUR STOCK UNO SOCK SALT G R A I N Mosquito Fly Time We kave a reeaedg whleb we geeraetoe te keep the peels sway. Year money back IT bt aeesa-L Tb* price 15c aad See. R^burgDragCo •textWf Idaho WrJOLEHAl.K AND BaTAJL «eea -Ua Tear ataJJ Orders. DR. SCAHBOBOt'CH SriaeUfU Eye-Sight Speclallat Pitting Glasses to My Special­ly. Second Floor Crow snd Changnon Bldg. Suite 112-1 IS I Fbeae l i t Blk. Idaho Palls - . Idaho. R R R I I R R R R R R H R R !>>ans on irrigated farms—8 per rent. Ryland ft Poole. I,oana on irrigated farms—I per cent. Ryland ft Poole. The IJbcrty Company say lhal they arr in poaillun to supplv wants of .,11 sldirs In the line Nemo "Oirsets, one or Ihe besl makes be market loday. In their large rttoerncnl lasl week, Ihe typo misread lhe name or this popular corset, and made i l appear lhal Ihr Uberly Company were selling "Nencn" corsets—no such brand be­ing manufactured. LnSi cenl. s on irrigsled farms Ryland ft Poole. - per F.dmund Vaac* Cook Coming Tbe second number of tbe Ly­ceum attractions for Rexburg thla year w i l l be Edmund Vance Cooke, poet and author, wbo to scheduled ror November 6th. We consider ourselves fortunate In securing onr of t h e national fame of kfr. Cooke tn appear dn obr course this year at Rexburg. Such people Ofily brought here under a large guaranteed attendance, and We hope everybody who can come oul will avail themselves of this npporlunil: of hearing and seeing one Of the most inlerrsllng and popular at i n . w<- w i l l publish excerpla i . lis poems and notices nr his work in Ihe paper, so lhal afl may knnv e about him berore he arrives. THE MANAGEMENT. FOR SALE 1.000 yrarHng ewes, lop stuff, Cotswold bred. Enquire at Wr Whlltlngtnn, Si. Anlhony. Idaho, f t f 'OR SALE-MO choice Cols rams. 110.00 and up. A S Murdock, Sugar. Idaho. Pbooe 21—S. (JsV-6 Uircmo, Idaho, October, IV, 1012. To Ihe Electors of fcYemont County, Idaho: Without my knowledge or consent petition was filed In the office of the auditor and recorder of Fremont Counly, placing mr in noidinallon candidate ror Ihe office ol counly super!nlenilenI. Immedialr !> upon learning of that fact I weni to Ihe office of tbe auditor and re­corder and notified lhat officer of the fact that I decline to accept the nrrmination: urider his direction I prepared a written declaration, which he atarepted aa sufficient and f i l ed in his i iff Ice. II appears that acting now under Ihe arlvtce of thr Democratic counly atlorney,'the auditor and recorder refuses to leave my name nff the printed ballnl and lhat I shall ap­pear f r om tlie ballot as bring a can­didate for Ihe oceice of counly sup-rlnlcndent. I lake this means nr fttvlsing the rslr mimic,i people ~oT Fremont County that I am nnl a candidate for lhal or any nther office, and I respectfully urge all. o f ' m y friends and others to support the candidacy oT Harriet C Wood for rr-electlorn. do sn believing lhal it to the por- Poee of Ihose advising thr auditor and recorder to lake Ibe course In­dicated to sid In Ihe election of the Democrat ic candidate for rounty superintendent. Faithfully, yours. ANNIE J. or Jim. -LET GEORGE DO I T r •Let Creorge do what?" "Why, I T.eorge put nn Ihe Deal movinft plctnre show in Fremonl Count,." Thomas (Veorge bas been doing this ever since Ihe new Etk Thi afrsapp ened up. > Joe Mllchetl Chappie, in Ibe Na­tional Magstlne, says: Thougli I fell acquainted with Mr. Cooke. II was nnt until the daya al the-St. Louis exposition lhal I had the pleasure of meeting him, at a galh-r r l n g nf the Nallonal Editorial As­sociation, where he recited a num­ber or his poems. an»j_there was nol a msn Ihere, I believe, who would not cheerfully have sacrific­ed his own npportunlly lo air Ids views In order to hear Mr. Cooke recite "hist one more," f o r be is an Inimitable actor. W i n can ever for­get Ms nellalinn^cm thr expert or putting ihc bahy tn sleep? goes right to the hesrt's core or o f f father and mother who h< I f TURKEY RED WHEAT. Tartar, Red wheat foe sale by Rexburg Milling Company. Miller Bros. KIMMEREtt SOCK SPRINGS DIAMOND C O A L Ladies' and Gents Made-to-Order SUITS * C l l S M O S U I T S m g g g g D AND The musical Shirley*, one of Ihc besl musical organisations traveling lugh Ibis scciiun, w i l l perform al lhe Flamm opera house nexl week. I Blanche Ncibour, well known bers), as a charming mibsiclsn ii pianist for the company. BSTKAY NOTICE. One red alecr cair, while star in forehead, halp underslope in Id ear; no brands visible. Above anl trial waa laken up Ocl. Is, \ - \ \ am IT nol claimed arid taken away be fore the t l h day of November, 1BI2, w i l l be sold lo the highest bidder f r i r cssb, lo pay cost of advertising and other expenses, al Ihe Rexburg Hal ray Pound, al 2 p. m. NKLS NiJ.snS. Poundbcrpri You've heard the recilers recite Edmund Vance Cooke's verses, but you haven't really beard them, unlil you've heard Cnokr i|r> Ihem him­self. Hexburg, Idaho. Oct. 21. 1911 Some l i m r ago I signed a petition for a Taxpayers' Party, not knowing al ibr lime Just what II was lo mi, but since .have found oul lhal meant Bull Moose. - Excuae me, as I think Ihe old party is good enough; and while my bead to pretty sore, Ihere are some worse than mine. GEO. H. STATHAM. seres of stubble ploughing. W i l l , for mold board •ploughing. I). M. Shields. II Nye discovered Edmund Vance Cooke early i n Cooke/a career snd be said: "None of Ihe younger poels snd few of the older ones have touched my tough old heart and made me s better msn st Mr: Cook* bst done. Let ua enjoy Mich men while Ihey live snd let them know it. rather than save our moo-for wneenwire-wretlhet of Im­mortelles for their cold and Irre­sponsive clay." You'll have sn opportunity in rot-tow Rin Nye's sstricc soon.' MEN WANTED v Tate Sugar eity Factory OF THB Utah-Idaho Sugar Company Has Started Up f o r 1 9 12 All Mea Desirinr Employment Should Apply Either in Person or by Letter RUDOLPH STOCK, Supt. .it LOOKING THROUGH" man) markets you w i l l Hnd meat • n i l methods thai can. scarcely be approved We arrive lo serve <Hjr patrons with choice ruts of THE REST MEATS ONLY. Criticism U lavlted— we are al­ways glad of soeaVrslion thai will Improve our market, our service, or our meals SKELTON & HUNT REXRURG. IDAHO. PROFESSIONAL AMD BUSINESS • j A. L. BLaUrxBUaUr, • Notary Pestle. R Jessica est she Peace. O All Kinds Legal Documents R Executed Pish sad Game • U cease. R Rexburg - - Idabo. I l l l l l l l l l l l l l 0. W. POOL, Atlorn«j-st-Law. R Ofllce Over First Nations] H l l l l l l l l l l l SOULE fit SOULE, • At te r a ey a-at* Le w. i Ail Courts of tbe State. I l l l l l l l l l l l l l Dr. CHAS, E. KOGEES, • • Oatcopathk Physician. I I ' b u i t e 2Vj-2UO Saiiibury-Lail I lUdg. Huurs 10 to 12—1 lo 5. I Pbone 31L I I Idaho Fait. I . I . - , , a • . . M i i i M i i i i a • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I P U.K. WHITNEY. J Veterinary Seigeea. / I R\ . • Ail Kinds peatsl Work Don>. f R MJld^ Horses Made Youni . I : -ti R• P bo•oe• .1•39•. ••He•x•bu•rg•, IIdaRbr . S* SEO. g LOWE, Lawyer. I Ofllce in the New Uraodoi. J SL Anthony - - - Idsbc. ft I l l l l l l l l l l l l l R TONIC LAXATIVE CAbCaJLA I . Slimufsles Ibe bowels. Liver I and Pocket I Pul Up sod Sold by R ORSON WALDHAM, . I Prescription Druggist, • Established lSlai. I'bone Is. • I I I I I I I I I I I I K I I I I I I I I I I I R f L. DE CEAENE. • Centsecler and builder. Shop.and Office Cor. Park Ave. aad U Street. Phono 21 Black. Idabo Falls - - Idaha LOST—An open Tace isdy'a silver watch and chain in southwest part or town. Finder please return to .Standard otrire and receive reward. i r you can't swat that f l y , buy screen door al the B. 4 I t Co. Prepare your exhibits for Counly Fair. Ladies' dresses and sullt cleaned nd pressed Pbone 101. Bring your1 doctor's prescript.! fcV to us. We w i l l see that Ihey | f properly dUpcnced Cily Ortg Slor; I L C Pratt, manager. l a w requires name ot makers ol buller on wrappers. The Stanc^rC prints wrappers. I-OST-aJhe night or Ihe W. O. W dance initiation, bufr also r i t e, f i n d e r leave al Ihis office t. Ml oblige I I . P. Pattee. The Liberty Where Good Goods Is the Main Thin;- Ladies' and Misses' Suits and Coats ' j A BIG SELECTION IN ALL THE LATEST MODELS. surrs-.-49.90. $12.50, $15.00, $18.50 ^nd up to.: 925.00 COATS~.$6\90, $8.75. $9.50, $12.00 and np to --<22.56 Men's and Young Men's Clothing. GOOIjSstllT OR OVERCOAT AT . . . . . . k . y .7. ej,n : BETTER ONES i . w \ . V y / . $1M, laMS, 112.00 AND UP € ^ Mtscallaneous GOOD HEAVY OUTING FLANNEL ? 3 YARDS.FOR 2Sc WOOL DRESS GOODS v He 29c, Ue, 4tc AND, UP BLANKETS '.: k. 4te. 74c. Ste I I . l t AND l l t V TO IsUO LADIES' UNION SUITS, BEST QUALTTT , *U, Tic A M i He SILE WAISTS .*. 11.88, I J - I J J S3.50 AND I3.9K PETTICOATS 4**, Tee, Me AND UP TO WJ8 HAIR PINS I PACKAGES FOB Sc PINS I PACKAGES FOR 5c COMBS r 'lie, He. 1st AsND tte CORSETS «c He, %U AND 11.48 NEMO CORSETS .'.-T v ttM TO H-OO Fars A RIG VARIETY TO SELECT' FROM AT LOW PRICES. Hats and Caps for Men and Boys v 5 HATS. . CAPS . Mc, 11.41. AND UP TO UM \ « « . » f t V * »fc AMD UP TO MM Ladies' Skirts U D I E 8 - S K I i r r a UM, U M AND UP TO M M Shoes for Men MCN-8 SUCKS ,.- »Ut. U M . U M AND I IP TO w oo ALL KINDS OF UNDaaWBA* FOa MEN AND BOYS Kc PER GARMENT AND UP YOU WILL FIND OUR PRICES A U VERY LOW I F YOU CONSIDER QUALITY AND MAKE. The Liberty Co. REXBURG IDAHO The Hoase ef Good Staff aaaasaai Text Faroes First Nations Brigham Young University (BYU): Digital Collections Blanche ENVELOPE(140.018,140.018,-66.663,-66.663) Combs ENVELOPE(-79.150,-79.150,-73.483,-73.483) Hicks ENVELOPE(64.763,64.763,-71.144,-71.144) Lowe ENVELOPE(-30.309,-30.309,-80.537,-80.537) Osborne ENVELOPE(-84.767,-84.767,-78.617,-78.617) Pratt ENVELOPE(176.683,176.683,-85.400,-85.400) Rudolph ENVELOPE(-62.433,-62.433,-64.900,-64.900) St. Louis ENVELOPE(-67.496,-67.496,-67.132,-67.132) Vance ENVELOPE(-139.567,-139.567,-75.467,-75.467)