Vol 06 No 18 The Rexburg Standard 1912-07-16

The Rexburg Newspapers is a digital collection of newspapers published in Rexburg, Idaho from 1894 through June of 2010. The titles of the newspapers in this collection include the "Rexburg Silver Hammer," the "Current Journal," the "Rexburg Standard," the "Rexburg...

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Format: Text
Published: Brigham Young University-Idaho Digitization Center 1912
Online Access:http://contentdm.lib.byu.edu/cdm/ref/collection/RexburgNews/id/842
id ftbrighametd:oai:contentdm.lib.byu.edu:RexburgNews/842
record_format openpolar
institution Open Polar
collection Brigham Young University (BYU): Digital Collections
op_collection_id ftbrighametd
language English
topic AN2.I2 R49
spellingShingle AN2.I2 R49
Vol 06 No 18 The Rexburg Standard 1912-07-16
topic_facet AN2.I2 R49
description The Rexburg Newspapers is a digital collection of newspapers published in Rexburg, Idaho from 1894 through June of 2010. The titles of the newspapers in this collection include the "Rexburg Silver Hammer," the "Current Journal," the "Rexburg Standard," the "Rexburg Standard Journal," and the "Standard Journal." This collection was Che §tanfcrtrt> r.uu*«a m*fr T*mm»i mt JUxtarg, Uaae. . "alerrd M second-class matter April I I 1908. mi tba PortJBc* i t Rev mar% Idaho, under the net nf O a - greas of l U r c h k, 1879. Habacriplio* f r i M l i n n Yew ( l a miimmct) M*> Turkey red wheat for sale by Heihurn Milling Company. Cub paid for hldaa, pelt*, furs, i veals. W. C. Hoik- <j>mtrtlsslon Co. James I I . Walli* win hnafte f n . Boise o t r r Sunday. Ed. Strong <"* SL Anthony wi , week on busi nek* Call on Jequr* for rrllahla w e t* repairing. NbxT lo C W - * U, C*-r~ psUag. The pollllcnl pot is •hnmering Fremonl County, and It Is pmlmble Uutl 75 per .rent nf Ihe vote w f " "~ east al thr primary election. Ladles' dresses and aulU cleaned Snd pressed. Fhoue 101. I l l s * Ksle Faroes I r f l for Ihr Na­tional Park Saturday morning. Shi w i l l l ^ l n the Miller parly at Yellow • atone. COST—Three head of horses; dh't brow.i ball raced saiMIe home; nm bay horse, lame nn left front foot one three-year old coll. strip It face. All roach maned. Notify Jnw C. Psrklnaon or deliver same, 'nml be rewarded. H. Fr 1>. No. 2, Hes burg. - T \ Bring your doctor's prescriptions to ua. We will sea lhat they are dlapeneed. City Drug at. C. Pratt, manager. D. Winger, candidal.; for rep-resenlalivc oit- the Democratic llrk- In luwn one day this week interest of his candidacy e pay cash for garden vegetables as radishes, green onions, peas, etc, when needed; also fresh eggs. CASH finoci i:y_. Joseph H. Pelerson, who has hern assistant allomey general for the lasl six years, wus in Jlrxburg this week, looking arter -his candidacy f o r Sltorney general. Mr. I'elrrson •was weU received here, and will without a doubt be Ihe nominee or Ihe Republican (tarty. Thr building just rnst or Tbe Standard office which ta tu be oc­cupied by tbe Farmers' Implement Company is nearly completed. Thr ccanpany, w i l l be i n iheir new quar­ters within a short lithe.- • - LOST—An open face lady's silver watch and' chain In aoulhwest pari of town- Finder please return to Stnmlsrd office snd receive reward. stark Auslin'has* commenced lo move his househuld - goods from Sugar City lo hla handsome new SlO.Oou reslttenrr in Rexburg. MV. Austin's home In Rexburg "Is/'a beauty, snd is mo. ler n both inside' Miss Mattie CJiritchlow or Ute C W. A M. st Idaho Falls apcnl Sunday In Rusburg with her relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Garner. Robert t.ilehri*!, u cundiilule for presenlellve on Ihc Republican ticket, was up from lewisville -the first of Iba week. Mr. t i i l r l i r l s t re­ports condllona favorable lo hi* andidaey wherever h c j i a * visitrd. l e mrl a numtier of Republican* u-re and received additional encour­agement. *Thc new building which is being reeled by Titos. (iconic i * certainly i handsome structure. R Is uliinal omplrted, and before Ihe nexl few recks Mr. (icorge w i l l havr his up-to- date picture show in opei-alUm. -IRalso condurl a confectioners business In connection. Mr. (icorKi­ll as erected u uiiniber of business ks in our town during Ihe past rn years. irties rx|ieellng lo enlrr Ihe hfir.se races at tlie Fair In Seplcmber •irking oul their favorites al­most even day The^lrsflt is in r»- l l e i i l eimdllon. Nearly every stall- Ibr Fair grounds is taken al Itiis time, and Ibe Association have un-h t eonsiilrrnlion the creeling of nd-illllonul stalls before the Fair, m lhal all who care - l o attend wiih Iturxcx w i l l lie taken cure of, Ihe premium list will be one In a very short, lime, nnd i l w i l l be n I thai nearly lill of Hie prikes have been doubled. - * S?l The IJberiy Comiianr arc now lo; enleil In Iheir new qdurters in Ihe Dr\)". bllRdlng. Thl*~ma*rs it y * ' --IMPORTANT CALL. There w i l l be a mass meeting of ie'people of Rexburg in Ihe.Com­mercial Club rooms Tuesday nighl. July 23, at H o'clock, f u r the pttrposr of considering the uua*isabillly of Ihe Cily of Rexburg purchasing Ute Rexburg Milling Company canal. All taxpayers are requested lo IMP presenL . *> ARCHIBALD. Mayo. mure roiivridrnl f- Ing Ihc winter. the public, am hrulcd dur Mr. and Mrs. Mark Pratt Spent Sunday at Sugar Cily. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department . o f Ihr Interior, f . N l a n d ( I f f i r e at JSl.nkfoot, Idaho, - July Olh, 1012. Notice I * March) given Ihul Sain-tel Bullcr, of Sunnydell. Idaho, who, un December.gill, l i ' l l , malic Hon e stead Entry, Serial No. 011223, foi S t i SE* Section 24, and N H NW', •Srr. 25, Township t North. Hunm- 10 East. Roise Meridian, has HLd •c of lutenlion to mukc fin ••year proof. I " establish rlrti •e land above, described, befo l _ C. Hylund. V. S. Ommilssinn. al Hexburg. Idaho, on the 7tb th of September. H IX Claimant names a- witnesses: Oscar I'aul. of l.vmun, Idaho:- John Martin. .r Stoinydetl. Id:.: William Smilh. or I.MIMUI. Idaho Cvrus llunsakrr. of Lyman, Ida! ** HENRY \)<KIEFER. Regis! < NOTICE- FOR PUBLICATION. Deportment of Ihe Inlerlnr, 0. S. U n d Office, al Hlarkfoot, Idaho, July 3rd.-I.M2. Notice is hereby given that \ V i l - im W. Krenr. of Canyon Creek, Frrmnnt Count v. Idaho, who, on MX, 1D0K. in,).le I I . IV. Serial i i t t f K , No. 12781. for NWH Serllon .11. Township R N. Range 43 F_ llolse Mt-rfdlrn. ha* filed notice of nteiition lo make Hirer-year final HVsHT IO establish claim to the land above drseu!,,.!. before M i l r h r l l E-Ring, Hi. ts Commissioner, at Si. An­thony, Idaho, on t h e T l l h duv o f Sep mber. 1912. Claimant names as witnesses: William J. l-ee. or Canyon Creek Idaho; _ PROfESSIONAL AND BUSINESS at: • A. •••••••••••a L BLACKBURN, • • Notary Public ••• Jastlcs of tbs Paaca. All Xinds Legal Documents -a Executed. Fish and Game « License, a Heabura) - - Idaho. • ••••••••••••at • ••••••«••••• i • as « / H . K. WHITHSTl • 3 / * t • Vatariaary baxgaaa. ' .* - All hinds Dental Work Doos\ oT s\ n],: f to; ses '*UUc Young. • Pbpne 1911. Rexburg, Idaho. I *••••• t. ••••••••••••••a • 0. W. POOL, • • Allors«j-U U v . • • ' • Offlca Over First National • reek. Idaho. Wlllimu E. >eek, Idaho. l e l l . of Canyon I !** Hsaburg . - -' "IdalM ol C a n y o n ^ l l l l l l l l l l l l l Idaho. • • N t l T I C E T t i CHERtTORS. tn Ihe Probate t j i u r t of the County of PresUOnLaSAUc or Idaho. I n Ihr mailer of the Batata of Charles H. Wooihnansce, de- Reglslrr.;,, g ^ T J U fc fl0U.TJa\ • • Altaraeyo-al-Law. •—- W practice in All Court* uf lha • Notice is hereby given by Ihe un-1 administrators of Ihc c , - t u • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Honcm We have recently purchased Ihe slallinn of % M. Worthlngton of Onkley. Idulio, known da Phallas YV (53600), and bss been duly rrgls-lered as STANDARD under rule ( I I In, volume XIX of .the American T r o l l i n g Reglsler. This slsllion w i l l be kepi ror arr-vlce- for Ihe following season, 1012. al Fred Elinglrr'x prlvste slalde on Main atreel, Rexburg, Idaho. ForJn*pedion of stallion and f u r ­ther partlculara rail on or write Mr. KlMiglrr »r Dr. N. K. Wlillnry. of Rexburg. Idaho. NOTICE FOR Pl'HLICATION. Drpnrtmrnt nf thf TnHTlor. V S. M i n d i r f f l r e at BlftraTool, Main July I2th. 1012. Nollee is hereby given Ihul Joh la Ralllf. »f Hertert. Idaho, who. .1 October UK 1007. made Hmneste . Entry No. 12219, Seriul ^No. OH'-i' for NW SW>i. t«a NWH Secli .ifT; 20. Tnwnsliip ."> Nnrlh. Range II Fast, Boise eMrldian. has filed nn-l , . ,"-r intention lo make f i n a l Oine-year proof, to estaWbaS claim lo the land above d r s r r l b i i l , iK-fore I . G. Rvland. 1'. S. Commissioner, at Rex­burg. Idaho, on the U l h <|*V or Si p Irmlh-r. 1012. Claimant Uames ox witnesses: (HI-v r r Andrrson, F. A. Crablree. Albi rt ladhv Pblnens Tempest, all irf l l r r - berl. Idnho. HENRY )V. KIEFER. i ' Regislrr. dn signet I lute of Churlea I I . Woodmanscc, 'de­ceased, to Ihe creditors or and nil • jirrsons havlpg claims against Ihi Di-.CB.AS.E. BOO EES, Oat«apaUrc*'rhyslelau !h- rWi^ssnry rohllY~nrirTl Suite 205-206 Salisbury-Earl llldg. Hours 10 to 12—1 to f. ' I'hone 111. Idaho I all* • -1 Idaho. , OCR MEAT MA UK ITT fumetl for the Quality of the meat re selL Our buyers are keen judges and select only Ihe finest In texlurc nod quality of freshly alauglitrred ininM*. • " CHOICE CUTS ir Ibe very* tiesl Titlely flavored meats w i l l be propintly delivered es-i l y as you order. Try our market today. SKFLTON & HUNT Rctourjr Idaho. Contractors Cragen and Tanner arp here thla week rrplaeing some of their cement work which was put In last f a l l that wpuld nol stand. Inspection. There Is nearly tarfj block* 1n all thai Is worthless. Mosquito -an d- Fly Jimp Wm bave .a remedy whirh we gsssranlll t* beep tha pe«U away. Tear ssaaey ajsck I t I I dasssa'L Tbe price O t aad 5*e. itexburg Drug Co Ladies' aad Gents Msde-to-Order SUITS • %NN(lVN CEMENT. (From Telon VnTTey News.l I wish to stale for Ihe Infor i n of the general public thul for good anil BUfOrleni reasons 1 Willi my name f r om nomlttalion be Tore Ihe Dtmioemtlc prirua>ies ot i s counts'. I am pleased lo note Ihe f a d lint r. | l . D. Wh'ger is a candidate f. Iheiofncc of rrpresentallvr lo tt ulng lrgisllurr. dr. Winger stands pre-cmlnenl iong Ihe business men nf Ihi* county ss a far-selng. rellaMe nnan •" He has proven I i i * ability to do things by Ibe record be hui in thr last 'eight years, during wRIeh time he has' filled a forelwn mission, spent as much time and money for ibr bcnefil-of unfortun­ate humanity as anv olher man In Ihe counts, and besides has nrruiuu-laled n Tot-tune. The Winger block in Driggs. m " ' In roursc nt conxtrticlinn, is Ihr equal of any building In Ihe counly nnd un abiding monument to i i d l l y ' a n d A t i b s l u n t i nl qualities or Ibr man who seeks your support at the [IOIIS in this. Prcmnnl Cnunfv mkirse blm. ns I know he will make good, . td'n. S. VOFNO. Millar Bros. NSW YOVH SEED eaarw CLEANED mmws^x. • G R A I N CANADA EXCURSION August 1st Via Oregon Short l i n e . Very low-rates lo Ciinlston. I^thbridRr. Ma-gralh, Raymond. Spring Coulee and Stirling, with . limit of. September 15th. See agenl* for rah * and fur­ther particulars. « ' .Mbit Ihem, with hers, within ten tlie •''st publication of dire U> Ui* said udminlstra-rs. nl I h r i r residence in Rcxbuig, rttmty Of FrrmonL Slale of Idaho.]* " • •• • • r T X i ^ m m S - Dated at SI. Anthony. Idaho, Iffls .1 day or June. 1012. • - VILVTE WOOIIMANSEE. JOHN E. MNCDCR, Adminislrplnrs. a n n n • • a (i£Q. iL LOWS. • a UfUce in the New, rlraadoa • hL Anlhony - - ldaba. II a a n a a a a g a i i a B H X * ,rON|C LAJUT1YB CAJCaJU tl Mimuialca-lhe Ruwela, Lira" M aud PockeL fJ Put I P and Sold by 11 U1ISU.N WAUiltAM, y. • Prescription Druggist. S Latubllahcd, Phona 01. • I l l l t l H l l l l l l d • ••••••••••••Ual - \i, 1* DH QRAEXh, • • Conu-aetor aad BaJlaW. • • • bltup .and 4Jffica Cor. P a r k -• • Ave. and B Street. • Pbuna 21 Black, • ASSESSMENT NOTICE. m Idaho Falls - • Idaho. J Liberty Park Irrigation Caatpaay. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, Department of the Inlerlnr. V. S. laind n i ' , - • at Rlarkfool. hlalm, July 15lh. 1912. vol lee is hereby given Ihul Phi-is Tempest, of Herix-rt. Idaho, io, on November .Mb. 1007. made Homestead Entry No. 12331. Serial in*!. r.r x»i mryt N^ NEW Section 30,- -T^vwitshlp—o North,- fIlthq-ndg e.n 1o1l i rFe- tisoLf .B Ionitsren tMh er idian, has I Ihrer-year proof. In establish claim lo Ihr land ssVrve drsrrlbeiL In-fore I . 0; Rvland. V. S. Commlv Rexburg. Idaho, on the Hth das of September. 1912. Clalmanl name* as svllnesses: Edaar Thnlrber. of Itexburg. Idaho: John L Rollif. or Herbert. Idaho; t f r r b r n Morris, of Rrxburg, Idaho; C. Blunl. or H r r b r t lflaho. HENRY W. KIEFER. Register. Ihurnton, Idaho, Msy 10, 1911 Notice is hereby ifiveu that at a meeting of tbe directors of Ihe Lib­erty Park Irrigation Company, held on.May 10th, tllta, an assessment of 8 cents per share was levied upon Ihe capital slock of the corporation, payable on or before ihe 101b day'of Junr, 1912. Any slock upon which thla sssess-mcnt remains unpaid on June 10th, 1912, w i l l be delinquent, snd will lie i d al public uurUon ,,, p a y assess­ment, together wHh cost of adver-ludne; — d n i p f " f —St-i • ^ C > X ^ A > J 0 j a v S 0 N , Secretary; Best Fishing on Earth If you waul- to spend a pleasant day In the Pines Set oft oi M A C K 'S Trade "Sution u tke place Oar Carriages at Yonr Service FAMILY TELEPHONE ORGANIZATION Modern conditions bave . brought about the need for \ what might be called a long distance telephone organiza­tion of the fwnity. ' ^ h en is doubt, telephone" is an axiom that ought to be im' , pressed upon every nfember ol the family going on a /journey, or to live at a dis­tance. The mother can reach, her children at school, and children should be required to telephone home occas­ionally. When husband ot wife set out on a journey • telephone itinerary should be j o t t e d d o w n a n d (eft behind. Members ol the family -traveJuig should not be con-lent w i t n p r o v i d i n g means by w h i c h ihose l e f t at home may teach t h em q u i c k l y , but s h o u l d communicate w i th the borne frequently, and particularly when there is b a d weather, transportation delay, disturbance of public order, or any other unusual c o n d i t i o n where the traveler happens to be. Bad news flies f a s t , a n d is magnified by distance. These things cause apprehension at botne. No other medium conveys t h e personal assurance and . causes such peace o i w a d as t b e l o n g dist soce telcphooe talk can give* POLITICAL ANNOUNCE ME NFS un liekel itrpubtlri Surveyor. lo announce m> candL-urre)' wr o Itepiibll-subjee! In lha w i l l of Ihe t ul Ibe primary election Jul) 30. A. S. ANDERSON, Mi-ntin-Precincl. Sheriff. I 'I eleby annopuec myself as fl candidate for abetHf on Ihe Rr|.ubll-ron lirkrl. subject- In Ihe will of Ibc Republican* al lUc piiuiar> . l.-.j^ [ion lo be held JutyvauJi^ 1J •- : rE. J. H.tllHOP. Keller Implement Co.; Tha W.Uer A. Wood's Muwerw. RJikei and Binders that . v e r y l u n w l . k r i , c r i e d in abundance. Kxtrae al w a y . in atocli. 1 1 ^ A carload o l Uoon Brc*. Buaales jrat arriving Wa carry In stock snd ore'agents for: RACINE WAGON3 AND BUGU1E3. WINONA \CAG0NS, D B L A V A I - CREAU SECARATOKS. MAJESTIC RANGES. J. L. CASE THRESHING MACHINERY. FAIRBANKS' WINDMILLS snd SCALES. HOLT COMBINED HARVES­TERS. OLIVER CHILLED PLOWS and Extras. C. G. K£LLER. General Manager;; ••••••••»»»easaee»»e»»»a»a Hss. a Foil Lina of S FISHING TACKLE Aminunitba sod Other Sappliea for Heritors Carried io Stock; also Eacellent Stock of Kodaks and Supplies
format Text
title Vol 06 No 18 The Rexburg Standard 1912-07-16
title_short Vol 06 No 18 The Rexburg Standard 1912-07-16
title_full Vol 06 No 18 The Rexburg Standard 1912-07-16
title_fullStr Vol 06 No 18 The Rexburg Standard 1912-07-16
title_full_unstemmed Vol 06 No 18 The Rexburg Standard 1912-07-16
title_sort vol 06 no 18 the rexburg standard 1912-07-16
publisher Brigham Young University-Idaho Digitization Center
publishDate 1912
url http://contentdm.lib.byu.edu/cdm/ref/collection/RexburgNews/id/842
long_lat ENVELOPE(-56.692,-56.692,-63.209,-63.209)
geographic Archibald
geographic_facet Archibald
genre Faroes
genre_facet Faroes
op_source Ricks College
op_relation BYUI-Rexburg Idaho Newspapers
op_rights The contents of the BYUI-Rexburg Newspapers collection may be copied for the limited purposes of private study, scholarship or research. Any reproduction or copying of the contents of the BYUI-Rexburg Newspapers digital collection for commercial purposes is not permitted without the express written consent of Pioneer Newspapers Inc.
_version_ 1765996441979846656
spelling ftbrighametd:oai:contentdm.lib.byu.edu:RexburgNews/842 2023-05-15T16:11:18+02:00 Vol 06 No 18 The Rexburg Standard 1912-07-16 1912-07-16 application/pdf http://contentdm.lib.byu.edu/cdm/ref/collection/RexburgNews/id/842 English; eng; en eng Brigham Young University-Idaho Digitization Center BYUI-Rexburg Idaho Newspapers http://contentdm.lib.byu.edu/cdm/ref/collection/RexburgNews/id/842 The contents of the BYUI-Rexburg Newspapers collection may be copied for the limited purposes of private study, scholarship or research. Any reproduction or copying of the contents of the BYUI-Rexburg Newspapers digital collection for commercial purposes is not permitted without the express written consent of Pioneer Newspapers Inc. Ricks College AN2.I2 R49 text 1912 ftbrighametd 2017-12-02T08:20:22Z The Rexburg Newspapers is a digital collection of newspapers published in Rexburg, Idaho from 1894 through June of 2010. The titles of the newspapers in this collection include the "Rexburg Silver Hammer," the "Current Journal," the "Rexburg Standard," the "Rexburg Standard Journal," and the "Standard Journal." This collection was Che §tanfcrtrt> r.uu*«a m*fr T*mm»i mt JUxtarg, Uaae. . "alerrd M second-class matter April I I 1908. mi tba PortJBc* i t Rev mar% Idaho, under the net nf O a - greas of l U r c h k, 1879. Habacriplio* f r i M l i n n Yew ( l a miimmct) M*> Turkey red wheat for sale by Heihurn Milling Company. Cub paid for hldaa, pelt*, furs, i veals. W. C. Hoik- <j>mtrtlsslon Co. James I I . Walli* win hnafte f n . Boise o t r r Sunday. Ed. Strong <"* SL Anthony wi , week on busi nek* Call on Jequr* for rrllahla w e t* repairing. NbxT lo C W - * U, C*-r~ psUag. The pollllcnl pot is •hnmering Fremonl County, and It Is pmlmble Uutl 75 per .rent nf Ihe vote w f " "~ east al thr primary election. Ladles' dresses and aulU cleaned Snd pressed. Fhoue 101. I l l s * Ksle Faroes I r f l for Ihr Na­tional Park Saturday morning. Shi w i l l l ^ l n the Miller parly at Yellow • atone. COST—Three head of horses; dh't brow.i ball raced saiMIe home; nm bay horse, lame nn left front foot one three-year old coll. strip It face. All roach maned. Notify Jnw C. Psrklnaon or deliver same, 'nml be rewarded. H. Fr 1>. No. 2, Hes burg. - T \ Bring your doctor's prescriptions to ua. We will sea lhat they are dlapeneed. City Drug at. C. Pratt, manager. D. Winger, candidal.; for rep-resenlalivc oit- the Democratic llrk- In luwn one day this week interest of his candidacy e pay cash for garden vegetables as radishes, green onions, peas, etc, when needed; also fresh eggs. CASH finoci i:y_. Joseph H. Pelerson, who has hern assistant allomey general for the lasl six years, wus in Jlrxburg this week, looking arter -his candidacy f o r Sltorney general. Mr. I'elrrson •was weU received here, and will without a doubt be Ihe nominee or Ihe Republican (tarty. Thr building just rnst or Tbe Standard office which ta tu be oc­cupied by tbe Farmers' Implement Company is nearly completed. Thr ccanpany, w i l l be i n iheir new quar­ters within a short lithe.- • - LOST—An open face lady's silver watch and' chain In aoulhwest pari of town- Finder please return to Stnmlsrd office snd receive reward. stark Auslin'has* commenced lo move his househuld - goods from Sugar City lo hla handsome new SlO.Oou reslttenrr in Rexburg. MV. Austin's home In Rexburg "Is/'a beauty, snd is mo. ler n both inside' Miss Mattie CJiritchlow or Ute C W. A M. st Idaho Falls apcnl Sunday In Rusburg with her relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Garner. Robert t.ilehri*!, u cundiilule for presenlellve on Ihc Republican ticket, was up from lewisville -the first of Iba week. Mr. t i i l r l i r l s t re­ports condllona favorable lo hi* andidaey wherever h c j i a * visitrd. l e mrl a numtier of Republican* u-re and received additional encour­agement. *Thc new building which is being reeled by Titos. (iconic i * certainly i handsome structure. R Is uliinal omplrted, and before Ihe nexl few recks Mr. (icorge w i l l havr his up-to- date picture show in opei-alUm. -IRalso condurl a confectioners business In connection. Mr. (icorKi­ll as erected u uiiniber of business ks in our town during Ihe past rn years. irties rx|ieellng lo enlrr Ihe hfir.se races at tlie Fair In Seplcmber •irking oul their favorites al­most even day The^lrsflt is in r»- l l e i i l eimdllon. Nearly every stall- Ibr Fair grounds is taken al Itiis time, and Ibe Association have un-h t eonsiilrrnlion the creeling of nd-illllonul stalls before the Fair, m lhal all who care - l o attend wiih Iturxcx w i l l lie taken cure of, Ihe premium list will be one In a very short, lime, nnd i l w i l l be n I thai nearly lill of Hie prikes have been doubled. - * S?l The IJberiy Comiianr arc now lo; enleil In Iheir new qdurters in Ihe Dr\)". bllRdlng. Thl*~ma*rs it y * ' --IMPORTANT CALL. There w i l l be a mass meeting of ie'people of Rexburg in Ihe.Com­mercial Club rooms Tuesday nighl. July 23, at H o'clock, f u r the pttrposr of considering the uua*isabillly of Ihe Cily of Rexburg purchasing Ute Rexburg Milling Company canal. All taxpayers are requested lo IMP presenL . *> ARCHIBALD. Mayo. mure roiivridrnl f- Ing Ihc winter. the public, am hrulcd dur Mr. and Mrs. Mark Pratt Spent Sunday at Sugar Cily. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department . o f Ihr Interior, f . N l a n d ( I f f i r e at JSl.nkfoot, Idaho, - July Olh, 1012. Notice I * March) given Ihul Sain-tel Bullcr, of Sunnydell. Idaho, who, un December.gill, l i ' l l , malic Hon e stead Entry, Serial No. 011223, foi S t i SE* Section 24, and N H NW', •Srr. 25, Township t North. Hunm- 10 East. Roise Meridian, has HLd •c of lutenlion to mukc fin ••year proof. I " establish rlrti •e land above, described, befo l _ C. Hylund. V. S. Ommilssinn. al Hexburg. Idaho, on the 7tb th of September. H IX Claimant names a- witnesses: Oscar I'aul. of l.vmun, Idaho:- John Martin. .r Stoinydetl. Id:.: William Smilh. or I.MIMUI. Idaho Cvrus llunsakrr. of Lyman, Ida! ** HENRY \)<KIEFER. Regis! < NOTICE- FOR PUBLICATION. Deportment of Ihe Inlerlnr, 0. S. U n d Office, al Hlarkfoot, Idaho, July 3rd.-I.M2. Notice is hereby given that \ V i l - im W. Krenr. of Canyon Creek, Frrmnnt Count v. Idaho, who, on MX, 1D0K. in,).le I I . IV. Serial i i t t f K , No. 12781. for NWH Serllon .11. Township R N. Range 43 F_ llolse Mt-rfdlrn. ha* filed notice of nteiition lo make Hirer-year final HVsHT IO establish claim to the land above drseu!,,.!. before M i l r h r l l E-Ring, Hi. ts Commissioner, at Si. An­thony, Idaho, on t h e T l l h duv o f Sep mber. 1912. Claimant names as witnesses: William J. l-ee. or Canyon Creek Idaho; _ PROfESSIONAL AND BUSINESS at: • A. •••••••••••a L BLACKBURN, • • Notary Public ••• Jastlcs of tbs Paaca. All Xinds Legal Documents -a Executed. Fish and Game « License, a Heabura) - - Idaho. • ••••••••••••at • ••••••«••••• i • as « / H . K. WHITHSTl • 3 / * t • Vatariaary baxgaaa. ' .* - All hinds Dental Work Doos\ oT s\ n],: f to; ses '*UUc Young. • Pbpne 1911. Rexburg, Idaho. I *••••• t. ••••••••••••••a • 0. W. POOL, • • Allors«j-U U v . • • ' • Offlca Over First National • reek. Idaho. Wlllimu E. >eek, Idaho. l e l l . of Canyon I !** Hsaburg . - -' "IdalM ol C a n y o n ^ l l l l l l l l l l l l l Idaho. • • N t l T I C E T t i CHERtTORS. tn Ihe Probate t j i u r t of the County of PresUOnLaSAUc or Idaho. I n Ihr mailer of the Batata of Charles H. Wooihnansce, de- Reglslrr.;,, g ^ T J U fc fl0U.TJa\ • • Altaraeyo-al-Law. •—- W practice in All Court* uf lha • Notice is hereby given by Ihe un-1 administrators of Ihc c , - t u • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Honcm We have recently purchased Ihe slallinn of % M. Worthlngton of Onkley. Idulio, known da Phallas YV (53600), and bss been duly rrgls-lered as STANDARD under rule ( I I In, volume XIX of .the American T r o l l i n g Reglsler. This slsllion w i l l be kepi ror arr-vlce- for Ihe following season, 1012. al Fred Elinglrr'x prlvste slalde on Main atreel, Rexburg, Idaho. ForJn*pedion of stallion and f u r ­ther partlculara rail on or write Mr. KlMiglrr »r Dr. N. K. Wlillnry. of Rexburg. Idaho. NOTICE FOR Pl'HLICATION. Drpnrtmrnt nf thf TnHTlor. V S. M i n d i r f f l r e at BlftraTool, Main July I2th. 1012. Nollee is hereby given Ihul Joh la Ralllf. »f Hertert. Idaho, who. .1 October UK 1007. made Hmneste . Entry No. 12219, Seriul ^No. OH'-i' for NW SW>i. t«a NWH Secli .ifT; 20. Tnwnsliip ."> Nnrlh. Range II Fast, Boise eMrldian. has filed nn-l , . ,"-r intention lo make f i n a l Oine-year proof, to estaWbaS claim lo the land above d r s r r l b i i l , iK-fore I . G. Rvland. 1'. S. Commissioner, at Rex­burg. Idaho, on the U l h <|*V or Si p Irmlh-r. 1012. Claimant Uames ox witnesses: (HI-v r r Andrrson, F. A. Crablree. Albi rt ladhv Pblnens Tempest, all irf l l r r - berl. Idnho. HENRY )V. KIEFER. i ' Regislrr. dn signet I lute of Churlea I I . Woodmanscc, 'de­ceased, to Ihe creditors or and nil • jirrsons havlpg claims against Ihi Di-.CB.AS.E. BOO EES, Oat«apaUrc*'rhyslelau !h- rWi^ssnry rohllY~nrirTl Suite 205-206 Salisbury-Earl llldg. Hours 10 to 12—1 to f. ' I'hone 111. Idaho I all* • -1 Idaho. , OCR MEAT MA UK ITT fumetl for the Quality of the meat re selL Our buyers are keen judges and select only Ihe finest In texlurc nod quality of freshly alauglitrred ininM*. • " CHOICE CUTS ir Ibe very* tiesl Titlely flavored meats w i l l be propintly delivered es-i l y as you order. Try our market today. SKFLTON & HUNT Rctourjr Idaho. Contractors Cragen and Tanner arp here thla week rrplaeing some of their cement work which was put In last f a l l that wpuld nol stand. Inspection. There Is nearly tarfj block* 1n all thai Is worthless. Mosquito -an d- Fly Jimp Wm bave .a remedy whirh we gsssranlll t* beep tha pe«U away. Tear ssaaey ajsck I t I I dasssa'L Tbe price O t aad 5*e. itexburg Drug Co Ladies' aad Gents Msde-to-Order SUITS • %NN(lVN CEMENT. (From Telon VnTTey News.l I wish to stale for Ihe Infor i n of the general public thul for good anil BUfOrleni reasons 1 Willi my name f r om nomlttalion be Tore Ihe Dtmioemtlc prirua>ies ot i s counts'. I am pleased lo note Ihe f a d lint r. | l . D. Wh'ger is a candidate f. Iheiofncc of rrpresentallvr lo tt ulng lrgisllurr. dr. Winger stands pre-cmlnenl iong Ihe business men nf Ihi* county ss a far-selng. rellaMe nnan •" He has proven I i i * ability to do things by Ibe record be hui in thr last 'eight years, during wRIeh time he has' filled a forelwn mission, spent as much time and money for ibr bcnefil-of unfortun­ate humanity as anv olher man In Ihe counts, and besides has nrruiuu-laled n Tot-tune. The Winger block in Driggs. m " ' In roursc nt conxtrticlinn, is Ihr equal of any building In Ihe counly nnd un abiding monument to i i d l l y ' a n d A t i b s l u n t i nl qualities or Ibr man who seeks your support at the [IOIIS in this. Prcmnnl Cnunfv mkirse blm. ns I know he will make good, . td'n. S. VOFNO. Millar Bros. NSW YOVH SEED eaarw CLEANED mmws^x. • G R A I N CANADA EXCURSION August 1st Via Oregon Short l i n e . Very low-rates lo Ciinlston. I^thbridRr. Ma-gralh, Raymond. Spring Coulee and Stirling, with . limit of. September 15th. See agenl* for rah * and fur­ther particulars. « ' .Mbit Ihem, with hers, within ten tlie •''st publication of dire U> Ui* said udminlstra-rs. nl I h r i r residence in Rcxbuig, rttmty Of FrrmonL Slale of Idaho.]* " • •• • • r T X i ^ m m S - Dated at SI. Anthony. Idaho, Iffls .1 day or June. 1012. • - VILVTE WOOIIMANSEE. JOHN E. MNCDCR, Adminislrplnrs. a n n n • • a (i£Q. iL LOWS. • a UfUce in the New, rlraadoa • hL Anlhony - - ldaba. II a a n a a a a g a i i a B H X * ,rON|C LAJUT1YB CAJCaJU tl Mimuialca-lhe Ruwela, Lira" M aud PockeL fJ Put I P and Sold by 11 U1ISU.N WAUiltAM, y. • Prescription Druggist. S Latubllahcd, Phona 01. • I l l l t l H l l l l l l d • ••••••••••••Ual - \i, 1* DH QRAEXh, • • Conu-aetor aad BaJlaW. • • • bltup .and 4Jffica Cor. P a r k -• • Ave. and B Street. • Pbuna 21 Black, • ASSESSMENT NOTICE. m Idaho Falls - • Idaho. J Liberty Park Irrigation Caatpaay. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, Department of the Inlerlnr. V. S. laind n i ' , - • at Rlarkfool. hlalm, July 15lh. 1912. vol lee is hereby given Ihul Phi-is Tempest, of Herix-rt. Idaho, io, on November .Mb. 1007. made Homestead Entry No. 12331. Serial in*!. r.r x»i mryt N^ NEW Section 30,- -T^vwitshlp—o North,- fIlthq-ndg e.n 1o1l i rFe- tisoLf .B Ionitsren tMh er idian, has I Ihrer-year proof. In establish claim lo Ihr land ssVrve drsrrlbeiL In-fore I . 0; Rvland. V. S. Commlv Rexburg. Idaho, on the Hth das of September. 1912. Clalmanl name* as svllnesses: Edaar Thnlrber. of Itexburg. Idaho: John L Rollif. or Herbert. Idaho; t f r r b r n Morris, of Rrxburg, Idaho; C. Blunl. or H r r b r t lflaho. HENRY W. KIEFER. Register. Ihurnton, Idaho, Msy 10, 1911 Notice is hereby ifiveu that at a meeting of tbe directors of Ihe Lib­erty Park Irrigation Company, held on.May 10th, tllta, an assessment of 8 cents per share was levied upon Ihe capital slock of the corporation, payable on or before ihe 101b day'of Junr, 1912. Any slock upon which thla sssess-mcnt remains unpaid on June 10th, 1912, w i l l be delinquent, snd will lie i d al public uurUon ,,, p a y assess­ment, together wHh cost of adver-ludne; — d n i p f " f —St-i • ^ C > X ^ A > J 0 j a v S 0 N , Secretary; Best Fishing on Earth If you waul- to spend a pleasant day In the Pines Set oft oi M A C K 'S Trade "Sution u tke place Oar Carriages at Yonr Service FAMILY TELEPHONE ORGANIZATION Modern conditions bave . brought about the need for \ what might be called a long distance telephone organiza­tion of the fwnity. ' ^ h en is doubt, telephone" is an axiom that ought to be im' , pressed upon every nfember ol the family going on a /journey, or to live at a dis­tance. The mother can reach, her children at school, and children should be required to telephone home occas­ionally. When husband ot wife set out on a journey • telephone itinerary should be j o t t e d d o w n a n d (eft behind. Members ol the family -traveJuig should not be con-lent w i t n p r o v i d i n g means by w h i c h ihose l e f t at home may teach t h em q u i c k l y , but s h o u l d communicate w i th the borne frequently, and particularly when there is b a d weather, transportation delay, disturbance of public order, or any other unusual c o n d i t i o n where the traveler happens to be. Bad news flies f a s t , a n d is magnified by distance. These things cause apprehension at botne. No other medium conveys t h e personal assurance and . causes such peace o i w a d as t b e l o n g dist soce telcphooe talk can give* POLITICAL ANNOUNCE ME NFS un liekel itrpubtlri Surveyor. lo announce m> candL-urre)' wr o Itepiibll-subjee! In lha w i l l of Ihe t ul Ibe primary election Jul) 30. A. S. ANDERSON, Mi-ntin-Precincl. Sheriff. I 'I eleby annopuec myself as fl candidate for abetHf on Ihe Rr|.ubll-ron lirkrl. subject- In Ihe will of Ibc Republican* al lUc piiuiar> . l.-.j^ [ion lo be held JutyvauJi^ 1J •- : rE. J. H.tllHOP. Keller Implement Co.; Tha W.Uer A. Wood's Muwerw. RJikei and Binders that . v e r y l u n w l . k r i , c r i e d in abundance. Kxtrae al w a y . in atocli. 1 1 ^ A carload o l Uoon Brc*. Buaales jrat arriving Wa carry In stock snd ore'agents for: RACINE WAGON3 AND BUGU1E3. WINONA \CAG0NS, D B L A V A I - CREAU SECARATOKS. MAJESTIC RANGES. J. L. CASE THRESHING MACHINERY. FAIRBANKS' WINDMILLS snd SCALES. HOLT COMBINED HARVES­TERS. OLIVER CHILLED PLOWS and Extras. C. G. K£LLER. General Manager;; ••••••••»»»easaee»»e»»»a»a Hss. a Foil Lina of S FISHING TACKLE Aminunitba sod Other Sappliea for Heritors Carried io Stock; also Eacellent Stock of Kodaks and Supplies Text Faroes Brigham Young University (BYU): Digital Collections Archibald ENVELOPE(-56.692,-56.692,-63.209,-63.209) Blackburn ENVELOPE(-147.267,-147.267,-86.283,-86.283) Canada Fairbanks Homestead ENVELOPE(-119.369,-119.369,55.517,55.517) Ida ENVELOPE(170.483,170.483,-83.583,-83.583) Keller ENVELOPE(-58.406,-58.406,-62.073,-62.073) Lent ENVELOPE(-66.783,-66.783,-66.867,-66.867) Lira ENVELOPE(48.900,48.900,-67.867,-67.867) Pratt ENVELOPE(176.683,176.683,-85.400,-85.400) Salisbury ENVELOPE(-153.617,-153.617,-85.633,-85.633) Stirling ENVELOPE(164.117,164.117,-71.550,-71.550)