Vol 06 No 11 The Rexburg Standard 1912-05-28

The Rexburg Newspapers is a digital collection of newspapers published in Rexburg, Idaho from 1894 through June of 2010. The titles of the newspapers in this collection include the "Rexburg Silver Hammer," the "Current Journal," the "Rexburg Standard," the "Rexburg...

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Published: Brigham Young University-Idaho Digitization Center 1912
Online Access:http://contentdm.lib.byu.edu/cdm/ref/collection/RexburgNews/id/792
Summary:The Rexburg Newspapers is a digital collection of newspapers published in Rexburg, Idaho from 1894 through June of 2010. The titles of the newspapers in this collection include the "Rexburg Silver Hammer," the "Current Journal," the "Rexburg Standard," the "Rexburg Standard Journal," and the "Standard Journal." This collection was New Second Hand Store Secona Hand Goods Bought and S o l d . . . If VouWrnrnt ht SmU erSmw, CmK Im NEXT TO HANDS STORE He*Wg. Ida. • * SiS' J o h a n n e s on C A N D O Y O UR J Plllrnbing and Steam Fitting J • la • manner that wtll please and five you satisfaction • • Rexburg Hardware Co * el . •• . •_/" * « . . « . . . . . « . . « • * » • • . . . C . s a 9 . « * * . . « « Everything for a Building from the Cellar to the ^Roof ~- l*awaW»^e>,w»^'I. —^ P A I N T S , O I L S and G L A SS wa LXAD, OTBTPtf 7OLL0W~ St. Anthony B. & M, Co j News Notes From Lyman Lyman. Idaho. May 23, 1913. A MlDotn waa rait over ihr rntlre rommunliy mi May 17th. when it was learnrtl lhal Belva Simmons bad died, after an illness of, Iwo weeks, nf pncumools. She waa ihe daughter uf Hyrum b. and Anna A. Slbhelt Simmons, nn! win born at Lyman, Idaho, No­vember «lh. 1893. Her amiable and cheerful dlsposl- • i'<•> hud won Tor her a wide cir­cle or cloae friends. She waa also a (eidtiui church worker, having been a teacher In Ihr Sabbath School and sarrrtary or Ihe Y. I i at " I . A. Tor W vera I years. \ I jitji and fmpreaajve funeral services were held on Sunday afier-noon. Bishops' Counselor C. F. Bytltng presided. The speakers were Presidents Mark Austin and James lllake or the Slake presidency; Hy­rum Itleks und Dr. Walker or Rex­burg; t l I . (ialbraith and Thomas Atkinson. Eulogies in .the highest terms were spoken of Ihe deceased. The singing was appropriate and was rrndercd wllh feeling. A trl-afhair or Ihe officers and teachers is* the Sabbath School was id by Alice Randall, and each mber or Ihc kindergarten class placed n carnation upon the casket. hlch was envcrrd with bcaulirul 11'.i .iI offerings. A large procession fn.owciI_.tbe em sin* lo Ihe cemetery. ' Ihe remains of Iceland Nlcholes, ,.m of Edwin and Mildred Nlcholes. ,vho dlcd-i>r pneumonia while work-ng In Arlrnna, arrived here on May last. The Tunrral, held nn May Zlst indrr (be direction of Bishop C P. to wen, was vrry largely attended, •resident Albert Heath and Eli Mr-fnl. n- gf Bexburg and Jofan Hlll-nan of Sunnydell. paid tribute lo he deeeaseil and offered words of undolenre tn Ihe bereaved; also ihey spoke upon Ihc. resurrection. There were many bcaxutiful floral irrerings. Edwin Nlcholes was In Utah al-lending the Tunrral or his mother FIRST NATIONAL BANK O r R E X B U RG Hap Hal Stock $50,000.00 Surplus $18,000.00 Undivided Profits $9X2.00 wbes he received the sad news or inc death uf bis sou. Tbe V-ycsr-okl son of Cyrus Hun-aaker, who accidentally shot bim-self while handling an old gun, was sent lo Sail 1-ake City last week to i i operated upon to locale Ihc bul­let lodged m tils body, lie is now rapidly recovering. Ibe l^-ycnr-old daughter ul Mr. and Mrs. Hancock died Ibis morning or appendicitis. The sympathy ut Ibc nxnmujrity is extended Ibeui In tbcfr bereavement. Our district school has closed so­other very successful yearn work. Tbe eighth grade graduates were Ethel Zinuaerman, Abide Nlcholes. John Wilson and Millard Hylling. l.ornracucemenl exercises were In­definitely postponed on scounl ol Ibe lllnesg -and death of Miss Sim Principal Anna Morrlsavy ties re­lumed Iu her home In lows, bul will return al lha reopening of Ihe school |o resume her labors as prln-rlpaL ' ' A Tri bale. Tribute from Ihe Lyman Ward Sunday School lo their co-laborci und teacher', Sisler Ilelva Simmons. Written by Sister Ann Atkinson. Sabbath School teacher: How worthy Ibe name: so true nnd devoted she was lo her work. Tenderly' guiding little rootsteps to lhc\CnriU above, gathering In Ihe little lost lambs lhal perchance were straying, and laying the roundel h sloncs upon whicry-ln limit strong, and noble characters, sh, hiuv-tcff tor a season. Tor God who docth all llysngs well, saw fit in his wii doro to csll her lo bis home abov there to continue Ihe great work sh hss begun here below. Tho' gone, ill not be rorgotlcn; lillie ones will miss Ihr sweet race and lender •/bile Ihe teachers' ranks will he hcrril on a strong and vallunl vnrkrr tor Ihe cause ot (ruth and ighl. Wc keenly sense our loss, but leel In say Cod's will, nol ours, be done. Weep nol, dear parents, your her gsin. for your fsfr bud of womanhood, so fresh and pure from Ihe sins oi this world, has only1 been trsnsplantcd lo Ihe eternal shore, Ihere In bloom and matu In land's garden of love. May Ihe kind rather of all snot the aching hearts tit the bereaved, und gently pour his healing balm upon their wounded souls, that Ihey •nay ieel lo say: The Ix>rd rib and Ihc l»rd lakrlh away blessed be Ihe name oi Ihe l-ord." "Weep nol tor her, bul be content For she to you was only lent; In life was loved. In peace she died. Her UTe was asked, bul God de­nied. 'Her name will never perish. Nor her memory crown the dust For the Saints or 6od will cherish The remembrance ot Ihe lust. Dearest Belva, we will miss you- Wc will miss yonr presnce here; But we hope again tn meet ynu- Farewell, Belvn. farewell, dear." Tha Ofiloors astd Pi rec fra are? t u t J. Coeutaet. FraaMeat I. J. Flaainv Vtat-r MtMa ,t A. m. Carblaa. CaiUer DIRECTC >F tS s-.t W. W. titer ___! C I. Car aio, k O.f. Saeae Barttal n * Sart tt aaatfea' tar tSe i a ^ . a f a a - c l im at af Itaiiyjrr.aa. tlaWly. Ws tart cmfieeata saras, a ^ you lo tare ia « s-s ^p-s sraax'asj. • .' •. •. •^• j• as 'i wa wa wg wa w ALABAMA MIN STB ELS PLAV TO CROWDED TENT. c Alabama Colored Minstrels gave an amusing production under rnnvas al Ihr corner of Third and Jackson streets load nlghl. The crowd rilled Ibe lent lo lis capacity The acta most worthy of comment were'those of Ihr Clark brothers, who opened the perform snec. wsrds was excellent Oh the slack wire, and proved himself lo be an exceptionally good dancer and come­dian. A very unique cigar smoking act by Walls, tbe giant and funt fellow, was highly commendabl his imlislion of s trombone very clever, .The feature of Ihe tire performance was a flre-cating and contortion act by High Henry Hunt. There was a good bond snd orchestra, which furnished . for the songs through Ibe entire show. , The Alsbams minstrels lesve this morning for Msrlln in their two private cars, which are also worthy of mention.—Waco (Texas) Morning News. • » t SBYTI st IA N ' CMU SB of n Bank I S . Character M l l I K i tK in n struct un.< which Dfery. inBtilution I builds fur itself. It in railed character, and . ™ every net is a tttunu in t: i structun>. .An LDStitUtion in order to INIVW a good chaumcttr. X \ "' * mustthhik honesty.net In-iiesty, breuthe honesty. \ ^ The pedpk* suion detertilirte hrtireeai the genuine) ' • and thu counterf^t. They know the ring of the trtto metal ami Uie lust-. —1. M Jones. On this the whole structure of tnir bank U based. The inc'reasinji busiuesg is a guarantee thrt i l is ap-precU. edvhy depositors. Accounts of_ compames aod individnals sdliciied. Every facility given consistent with conservative baukidg. We havo o|H«utI a rfgular savingl dt>|tartment, nod pay iuhiteat nt . "> pc* cent jn-r annum, rompdiinded smtai-s^nuaJly. A depftMt nf $1 will serun one- of our limm1 gatvifxgg bunks. R e x b u r g S t a t e B a nk Rexbars, Idaho. Capital $20,0*0 Surpiai $10,000 OrTICllS iMl IHKM T0K>: R. 8. HUNT, Pres. J. E. Cosoiuj-'r-. Vi I JA*. I i WRIOIIT, Cashier is prus. 1 H. X. VVKIUHT, AS. t>shi«r Butter Wraps at the Standard] The Idaho Cafe Under New Management It prtparad ta five bail ttolct at an Up-lo-data laatarul Mpdls at Alll Hours A Complete Una ot Cifart, Tobacco. Confcctloaeiy aai Canned Goadt, Freth Hilt and Oysters Every Tlnmdar . . . BREAD and PASTRIES A SPCCULTV H.J.Bi6ler &iSon Proprietors • B E S T E Q U I P P ED UNB-BRTAKBRS AND BMBALMBRS Flamm's Undertaking Dopt t . M > a »a»«a New Livery and Fea* Stable I n Connection with tht .New Central Ho Bt. B(. Baincr. Pror.