Vol 05 No 07 The Rexburg Standard 1910-05-19

The Rexburg Newspapers is a digital collection of newspapers published in Rexburg, Idaho from 1894 through June of 2010. The titles of the newspapers in this collection include the "Rexburg Silver Hammer," the "Current Journal," the "Rexburg Standard," the "Rexburg...

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Format: Text
Published: Brigham Young University-Idaho Digitization Center 1910
Online Access:http://contentdm.lib.byu.edu/cdm/ref/collection/RexburgNews/id/176
id ftbrighametd:oai:contentdm.lib.byu.edu:RexburgNews/176
record_format openpolar
institution Open Polar
collection Brigham Young University (BYU): Digital Collections
op_collection_id ftbrighametd
language English
topic AN2.I2 R49
spellingShingle AN2.I2 R49
Vol 05 No 07 The Rexburg Standard 1910-05-19
topic_facet AN2.I2 R49
description The Rexburg Newspapers is a digital collection of newspapers published in Rexburg, Idaho from 1894 through June of 2010. The titles of the newspapers in this collection include the "Rexburg Silver Hammer," the "Current Journal," the "Rexburg Standard," the "Rexburg Standard Journal," and the "Standard Journal." This collection was Not After Church But After System :t I * Dot Church (hat 1 am aller but Ih* irMwn ha stand* tor. It la Ih* •7*tats that not oaly myself but tbe • complain of. fl "Tba lead board la handling 110- f00,000 worth of property under Carer-; act project*, whlcb amounts to two-tblrda <>r the i n t e r aasesaed valuation uf cmr atata, and If we do not atop tbla tblng now and do not g1n> man to uu-d* re land thai they muat deal afaeolut*- | r booaatlr and fairly with tbe people , under the** Car or act project* we will l.i a few year* bare Just exactly euch condition! aa they have had In Pitta-,1 barg and Philadelphia, and there tar only one waj to prevent tbla and that: ia for every state official and every employe to keep absolutely clear from n participating In any Irrigation proftcr? or any other thing In which (he atata: I Interested. - '1 have takea rata aland from tbcj day I took the oath of offloe. and t\ rhall maintain it until tbe end of myj vervlcc. and I with to aay -here and: row thai If ibe good people of tbla •tale aboald aee fit to re-elect me In November, I whatl recommend In my -nniniT to the leglalature thai par-, itclpatton ID profit a or gain In any manner under the Carey act landa In whlcb the atal* In Interested Vii' be mad* a criminal act. and then If any. official or employe doe* such a thing we will be enabled under (he law to tiu( some one tb their place who will •ee thing- In a different llgbt and will work to benefit tbe people aa a whole and not for their persoeal gain. "Relative to my put record I wtah to now, a« I have aattj many tags** thai nrr ttf* te an open boob. Twpper Makes Reply In reply to (be letter from Church. Mr Ttipper vcyot* aa follows Honl|«ller. Idaho. Hay 5 aft. M. I . (hurch. Boise. Idaho. Dnar Sir: In reply to your* ot May Ii-d. 1410. aahJjj for me Io give you Mr. Brady* out record, which I will gladly do aa far n . my expert-tire gtiee In dealing wild +rY. Ilrcdy. ao yoa ran let Ibe poopl* I Idaho know berore they raat tb ' lr rot* for Ihe MM Rovernor. — I will .law that I waa Itr. Bradvs M M t a t at Pocsletlo In the electrtc light linalneea for iwo or three y*4Is -• .1 W . . . BV Br».l> very wpll, 1 re- BMsaad my position with Ur. Brad* Id otipunjtlun plant ugalno bim Bradya abll- Commencement Week - at Ricks Academy Awful Murder Committed by Son T in Thirteen High School Graduates and Thirty-one Preparatory > eg* Tb'i; •ertairdv know Mr Bra i Unirrri-t, una liu.ltlci f-.- ! -i.n.favd We had a IIIK finln. U.ili in th* anuria and out '! Hi tl. f'ir nearly •«., years, and mill aay^ during .111 ihla time I never i n.»l Mi liudv io ihi un unbualnfan-' 'ki> ncl or a Jl.hnueat act uobacumlDg .< a hu«lr.e.a man when nil kin da of, :-i.iti ami inmhii'i i .-ft- ]iUt U|i lu htm.' itid tixixt any hia abtllly waa equal lu The Rlckn Academy haa Just com- Iter wag g due [lifted a very aucceaaful acbool year * Ufa appropriate <-o name DC* meat ex I relae* i h1« week. Tbe Academy haa don* noelloat work daring tho laal eeaaoo. Tha II ual large "erowda sere to attend t>nca and a* a whole the eiartriMa mnked'tmong the brut ever giv«n by I (hn> eter JUNIOR PROGRAM The Junior Otai |-*ogram, Monday i umber waa a w r*0gfal Juniors * a (are. which w • land boar. • OjovemoT ] of tb* atata . attempt by bt tkw aeapeail recMea * f the Jamea H Brady, chalr nan ajf tbe land hoard for the part • hie* Can rUet euewtiv* af the state look tn the lave.I Station af isnreb'a wKh Carey art prohrete an official ooaittoa. hy wMmm wtth -vjMgfe to ee-t U M ' t b l BJJWgfgOf mad* public OOT-araar nmdy tadajy aa an evapkntie and .weeping ataiameat aeelBrod tfcst It hi rot Ohnreh he kt after hag the a r t t t tt (hat churr-b staou far. Tba Chief ea-ecuilre a***rt*d thai Ua ova Ufa la aa ty pa** of whiah any par- 'cutlra ataei opeu book, a / BOB m ay |*a •-11-111 Of what la believed ta bf « whaliaali attempt oa iha pan of the dapoaaj regular t* gather all Inlornaa- 1 Hon b connexion *Uh the paat l i t* of tba governor and caal reflection opoa bim, or make th« anm* tha aabject of an attack os> th* governor la retalia­tion tor tba treatment received during lha Investigation by iha land board, waa rvaairad at th* office ot th* gt>* amor laat even log la th* ahapa of a letter from Church to John H. Tapper, manager ot tha MontpelW Light A t-owcr coBjunny. tac*th*r with Tap • ,p*r*a reply to Charts. The letter from i h * dnpoaed rogl.ter to Mr Tapper ta a* foilowa: Botaa, Idaho. May «.—Joajv A Tup- - - - aaat aha., Blacatraw.ld*a*a, Dear BOl 1 bar* bean Informed thai yon can give i i * aocn* eaiaabla information relative to Oovernor Brady1 a paat record. Those of a* who know be In a traitor .•calrr to let the balance of tfa* people ot th* atata know It before they cast rheir rotas for the next governor. Any Information you «an gi .e me will be kept entirely confidential It yon ao de­alr*. • It yon will give me aa Intimation of ' tfa* Und of a record yon hate, wheth­er I I la la aaoh a afann* that f t oaa b* .worn to, Or a certified copy of gar -cord, ihla will be good **1d*BOI Wa*id b* pleased to bear from yoa at your earliest oonvenlenoe. iu> JudgtfUHmi thai I know ul In Idaho, under aucb trying 4/lrcuniBt ance*. I wan caiNTlei.ceil In the bualneaa liraII> » u v » IUBQ In (he tK-ld. but hi-nhllKy anil puah nnd raimclty lor do !ag thing* dl<l certainly aururlHe me, t R | r Ml alao aailafled.nol being In • b ' ^ r l . i l c . poUUea. thai Mr Brady baa taade the T * , 0 " c 1 ,t.(e »r Maim . rtnt Aia*, gmam, ^ *"n r m T r ,0" • I I .»> iudgemnni. he I . equal to band- r W B W F , , » °* , h p r ' » r , , , , > " " M P TC ie any pro,«.l.l.n put up U, him ID an ", , n burleaque hy tho clas. crw Maja) nnd bu.ln.ullke manner, and " * 1 ' d* " °* m * r T l r o " U - t h" certainly think, aa a r l i l i e n . If e » I ^ ^ f J ? ! . , _ n r t r " c , . 0 , . . H " 1 * T L r M * :. i l . j Idabu eill have g goramor la Mm with ability, hooeeii and pufhlog i io neceaaary la a lining I Iceplug- Natl waa ui a clever take-off rawing attention In to nnine uf (heir The Hlgli School a lieautlfiil uumber oung aialv like Idaho, and If nominal d 1 will —uro you i will do all In ay power IO eW( him aa our nait guveruor. " Your* truly. JOHN A. TUPPHR. aaager Bat* l.ahe Power Oo., Mot,; aiw.au Idaho. Churcti Out ef City Tb* leitrr written by Church, to-being eaiMvlally amiialng. The IUOUAUO* by Elbe! Young and ibe rioalhg sobg. twm't Worry Bekrure. «ere alao gooi, Tho entire program waa interesting ad kept the audlenre ronttnually deltgtiteit. PNEPARATOflV ORADUATINO EX ERCIBC8 When lbs curtain rolled up Toee- •lay nlgbt. tbe large claaa of young on the atage received an ova­tion Tbe alag* was artlalcally decor, vied It, white and green The pro-ipy of the reply by! a r * m *M"t«D w ' t b a good openlDg elnaa Inpper were received at th* office of. a o a * Prayer wa* oflered by Joseph the chief eiecttllee laat evening. ' ''ndd Neil waa a male quartatte by ChMBHl in lb* aajme envelope, bnt hot "'eeley Oreeo. Kara Audredge. Alela rrcomiionled by any commaot or ex- <:'e*n gnd "Harold Anderson. Tb* ^ t n l l o u . Before making tba OOLUOU I'realdent'a addre-s wa* give* by * Iheietier public the chief riecuilve M l r * 8 e » " ^ I - " " * - • n i l Tanner asking h1».permia- U.D which waa grsotod. ' ! <•»•" , u ' leacnen. and the An rriort ansa made to aee IL L b o a n l '°r >l>e educaUoa they had re- .•hnreb, who la th* principal Inrolvorf f ^ ' f e i and bid all a cordial welcome. •a ih* cane and aocure a a U t a q j a a t ' < h * e i e r c l ^ . Etra AUdredgeJ •.ran bim today relative lo tb* mailer, rendered a vocal »o1o. Alvin Oreeo bat owing to hia nbaeoce from the city • » * • * • »*<!**aff. He apoke witfa ihla waa aot posalble. Th* diacloant*' Interwal of th* varloua aubject* (hey t t nr. attempl by Church to defame th* h l " 1 ataaWpi and i-ilntvd out the ad-rtlef aiataalij appareotly-oo aooonnt I * antage each would b« In . l i f e . He »l the ata;.d taken by the governor dor I voiced the acntlmvnt ut the claaa io Ing the Inveailgallon before tbf atal*!""" ba coi.tenl with wbal Ibey bad land board iirovrd • .tr.-^i lurprlaa l o ' attained bol tb go on A vwaaa MBh frienla of the former regular. | »aa reniered new try frraaiar Oovernor Brady when aeon relative M"™* J " >. Iangton followed with a (o the ataitac dlacuaaad It at length j wholarly addresa to the graduatei advix-atlLg tbe enactment of a l a * Beferrlng to tho word a of Pope that making It a criminal offense for atata | " a mile learning la a dangerous thing' offlciale or employee to partloJpat* tn no proceeded to ahow that tbe llltle oroflta under tbe Carey act projects, learning received, by thla claaa waa aay other *undert*klng In which the k neat apeecb 1 x prvaasd tbe gralllnda uf tbe atato ta Intereated. Tbla la In line with provlakin. of * bin which waa contemplated .luring the aasatoc of tha nth leglalatnre. bnt which was never dangerous. Irht helpful. A Uttla learning by great men In (ho past had LntDhhl great maulta ID tbo world of thought. A llltle learning had tangbl hy Mlaa Pearl llali-eirou and Mlas Bevlllr l^rag liene-d: rtlon was pronom.red hy MIa> Ruby Ulcbs. MAQQIC TOUT RECITAL Th* Tout recital Wednesday night drew a full liuua« . i the eudlrner waa .'iilhualaadr throughout the htiaa Tout waa fully up to the eipoct. ulloa nnd the public regarded It as a i are truat to hear her. aha . hah i rich well trained voice ol .great nl^apirfanM T'-nstii nr. i rharm and we .all erv Tue.<!*t toyed Ibe aplendld program She waa* rjroWnn u„ | I'tcompanled by lliaa Mhlona Of M [ r T h ^ ^ •gden. aa planlat. whoa* work* nlao much appreciated. . Mr Tom has' an exrelloot I veia* and hU nutnliere wero wwl II. a trail known cltlien of I jirenio neighbor, aad i-'Bd Monday afur-mad lieiam-n Kobert anJ Tbe man had boon fright. If) beaten with an ate. ibe head be­ing .In. ' 1 . , IT .-,] [;,,(,, the body. I he BaBrd*r«d man waa about Itfty and ihe occupa- *«hsf and rrelghler. Al the waa re tun. Ing -nut tfn?m ttm Mud UaVa coumry whefe he bad freighted a M uC*Ko>iia He had two I'ad made rauiu ror th.' uliht whtfre lb* bud) a a. foOiid He wa«_w»tf knowu ihrouahout Ibe rwnntaf »•/!• h i . win aud many *tate that trie «on would ordllarlly tie ibe ;n»l CBV-rrtiier.teTt sf tha crime.ware U uoi (rOH Up u n ttyii he ihe • i] one seer, uiin h|* father and had ra«a *B waj appr. hefrjed un (he deaert, Mi uV Mhrki i Isjte and wa* at one* iced • th* haaula Nf the oftircrs of ry. the) betall rVpuly Sheriff I'd liar. nd i . hri The dm unity Attorney Me­re atarled with hlui rompajiy with Ike •hg .hot and k i l l ** - a . pie. •old whlah daughter Vere received with great Trelolr ihe part = PP'"We. (IHI rfa u SENIOR COMMENCEMENT PRO- _ m u i „ ORAM Thirrn.lay tilghl com .rciaeai ol tbe high achool graduateo n r i l H rere held. The l-ally decorated riowore and when the curtain waa rnlaot! the rim., made a vary beasil-fui t . ' l l Imprasatvw applamail. , The program waa romnwaead by .inglng by the g l r f . choma Into B R O W N W I L L « P U T , N *«VLUM 'tid had < i K Vuunr who rest, charged with io yuung Tim killed hia father down aa Market lalned for a few i bock lo th* dee • alleged, lodged bt young l ^ i l l e ] hi. Tl'm UrowL. who. in*in-1 near Rob-day, waa taken through iy to lllackfoot and will ie In.ane aaylum until ie. off a guard having lh»l.y for Ihe purpose pj of the man. It la u CB.O and hia u n i ty one to ffl ! taking chi irohable lhat r i l l be teat.d ~ttirough regular rourae t law at a later da<e, II la atated that young Brown mad* ration waa Riven by ABbis Clark tol lowed by another .election by tbe rhorua Tha President! Addreaa waa given by iaaae. R Taunt He epoke with appredailon of ibe good the Academy had done for fata claaa and rthera who had graduated, and urged I hi claaa mate* to go onward Mlaa Man] Tttrman aat.g a nolo wblcb was well received Mlaa Lottie Plncock rxad an eicellout paper ot.' What Do neatic Bcieoca Haa Dona Par th* I oiiie ' Mlaa Ida Davla rendered a .-nation neat. Tha valedictory ad- t fun autement of i h * atory ofV' alven fay Mlaa earah Cook, gmipaj & bla father to the authoritlea g work of h*r . , pepmont County, and readily ad (laaa mates and urged them lo Hr* n i l , I B f l - l h B k \ } \ i a f _ and aa w* get the an to tb* Ideala of troth and loyalty. l l o r i n e ,n „ b l , fa,i,ar had oall- The addreaa to tha graduates wad , d hhn a t.ame (ha( da Dot generasV given by Superintendent H. H. Com „w a ] | 0wed In (he west tinleae the oth-nunga. Ha congratnlated th* stad- r j a i M n D U a K U n , ,„.i that he waa , nts on their present attainments n i m d k l l ) e ( , n l m w t t h an are. red­an d tb* oommnnlty on Ita earCaatt, |oajrt*aj the murder II moat be conclud- . i i.riitiaiit young people. "Ma a poke , a t t v m ( B J l voting njan'a sUlamaat. ol tba perfect ayelam of education „ , h e m u ,„ m *,ea4. H* att-en iB.onr church acbool eyatan^^^Jt ^ lo, | 0 w i n g the kllllLg he had Ills' talk was enriched by anecd-Owa M-odped Ihe bratni ont of hia faibar*a fiow bla OWB eaperleoco aa a, rrf*v.,1 P f c j w , , h h l l f h s n i | w h l r h doubtiaaa Umt tesrher He gave all at. Inapt- r r P W i m , p j , bla gory appearance when ration 10 strive forward h„ w u w n b y aerar a i partlee. After In the abeanoe of President Ba*e*t1 „ , „ M anh1lehed the horao* anJ the diplomas were glren fay Prlncl- f, . .|., . 1*1 B. C. Dalfay. He alao delivered a M k P d b T ( n o m c * T why be abort far-well speech to bla BtDdenta. o W n o | u k e % horns' and rid* After a aelectlon by the orcbaetra. the deaert to Roberta Inatead of walk-benediction waa pronounced by hflaa IR| d t n a t n e k D C W ( f ] < . norwaa B'abca JobBBoa. were boBgry. so he nnbltched them. The selection! by the Rexburg Coo- y M f j & j j f a „ a , n j red thorn baia. rt orchestra were" very fine There n e inataace would hardly abow . that ihe pleneta' were IS graduate. four from the Introduced for the reason It W M nn-j revolvajLabout the aoa; other men ("rratood tbat anch a bll would not re-»wilh gTeater learning bad proved thla telve favorable act loo, at the hands o l l l m * . By n HUle learttBg aa to the he law makera. «,at [-wTruarritre piwer of etesm. Folio* aao ta tutatnant | sailed a at cam boat. Oreaier learning novernor Brady when iniarrlewad' had developed the ocean greyhouBda relative to the attempt nf Chore* loU-t today. Pope hlmaelt knew a little defame hia character with bla put j phlloaopfay and bad given bla greal record, aald: ' Gaaay on Man. He had B l l t t l * l*arn- " I not* tbat Mr. church tn bla tetter log In Greek H . - t Th* a DOT. letter.lo Twpper from Chare* la written cat a tetter bead of th* land office aad appeers to ha a copy * f the earwlar letter, the body of to Mr. Topper, of Monipetier, aay*: " I have been Informed thai yoa can give mo oom* valuable lnformailoB retallr* to Ooveroor Brady's put rec-crd. The** of na who know he [s'a liaHor desire to let ta* baianoa of th* people kaow It before they'out thadr votes Tor the next governor. Aay in formation yoa can give ma wfll b* khpt Mtlroly confldsotlsj If yoa ao a> aaaairf •—, .— l " I haw* nothing t Mr. Church's method* of 1 action that I bar* taken official of thla atata. t C o s i i n u e d on pa**. * 1 Mai And ao a little leernlBg W M not danger ova where.lt waa rightly directed. TI.I» clue should likewise I ulld on tbelr present foundation which had beeo we^ll laid, and their present learning would bear rich frntta. loatroeior H. H. Hal*, director of (ho department then preeented tfae names of tbe I I •ladenta as having completed th*. work u l worthy ot say relative to trsdnatlon. Principal D»U,y congrat- ' I'lated tha students on their ancoesa and preeented ihem with dipmmM. Cach' atBsVcat received a neat boo, tjuet. the Call* Uly. their class flower being con.picuouB. Th* closing num. •unUn* tfae la axajsing JlarordeJ mind, for la face of the t ' th acbool; five from the normal. , , , , , t i a ( h i , h > l , bra tally nnd fonr from th* domeollc scJeoe*. [ U t u j m with an axe. an Idea pravall- St«clal certificates In typwriUng and y ,„ h | , m l n A t h t > t ebs borhea most short hand, wort alra-p, to Miss Mary j , ^ - ^ so he fed the tu ami walked gx,d Neelay and blUa Lottl* Nlcbola. rumbled over the Jesret until he w u . r r R i D AY , . p t u r ed Tfa* fsrewell meeting of etndacta -n,,. I I I U ) t . r „„,.,, Blroeloua, uii and taacfaers w u held at 10 a. m. ,,.„ atatementa that hare been aeered Th* AlomBl meeting and banqnea |n h l m l l n P ( , ) n M U r a e ara %o were bald at the Clnb room* at 7 P. f t B n k M r t l h ( . „ o r r „, mdrd*T is M Bad a grand ballfla th* evening- I I P M W | t h ' ao many necnllar Inci Dla tbat the Mrs. IJxxle Radford, sister of tho . tVwMBpav^aoont the greater part of r>( lha week vi.iHi.g In Raa burg Mr?.-' Bedford ia a resident of loaan . L only conclusion that Drink the Cause of it Prom Senator Hart, era* through Rigby WM BB bla way I f pen car. The l i a r i or tha billing of Geo. T cer mat Baturday s Bred by Ik* Trslolr. impiuy uf the Woods Lire OaaaB (ompany reached 8p*Loar VBaaB>f momlBg, and about tbe asms nana) ah* Trelolr and Ju. Ross, srhe wars aa ibe Um* in tb* employ ef tha oaav P*ay. reached Bpeemer aArhaf aamhb a» for a load of auppBM. n appear. tbsM Thumu brought a qusnUty of whaah* with hlm ahd th* throe named hate proceeded bp got away with th* etnas, but tbe supply becoming aabasaaasL Trelolr and Ron boarded the mldsighl • t'nlu an-d went to Mocdds, where they In a somewhat lata ondltion. reaching thai i nay mon. lag. Un filing to the ( t u kh I'rltig three abou. one at whaah w*M through tbe calling,' airlklaai TWiaaM. who waa sleeping op staira, am Ma •Ight ride, tha ball | kad Informed rta ( t ight previous and others' oh* ami i-aUiered. thai ba aad bee* shot, aaa eXfurt was at onoe made to render ami und ail tbat was poaatbk* w u dnsM aag ihe Unfortunate max., hat ta aa aa he died oom* two hours after he wu abot. Bator* expiring fa* aaaaal thai he and To-iolr had aiway* beam the b u t ot mends aad that tha aaaM*- Ing waa not let ended'u dsaikarti. Buaiar H u t Udaitaa oa ahat T**> k*> «** awtdMUy i d l ^ h nV aad lo bis rJr.nJien frewy to ***** . Bolae. he abot and killed hat aaa a* frlaod. ^— Trelolr w u placed eader arraat aad a ken to Rt_ Aiithoay by Bhrrt/t Ga-l. oon and Deputy Harrop Tendsnf •vcnlBg. And thus baa whiahy :laam •ne more victim aad i t a g t l l ataP Don iu .iividuaj oa tha * u aa aaa l-enltentlary. It aot a tat* aaara ta h* deplored.—Rigby BUT. $50,000 Hotel For Rexburg Th* Soake River Ruivy Oe*a**n*)T> one of the llva Miwaankaa af thaa aar* of Idaho, hsvs tahaa sr. atwiea o* th* i ulidinf and f n a — I egpeeem ah* * *» burg Drug company store and ar* ar> ganlalng burg. Th.r. hi a* « ih* ReaHy Mmpaay w*n a* * fui In their v dertaklnaa than this aata. Go to the Ceme­tery May 27ih Friday. th* r f t h of that aawawa bee*, aat apart by the mayor council u a day la I burg < called upon to arjeod thla ear/ al ta* c*m*Ury and do thair ahar* af oa* work. 'Thla U rertainly a * able i t j can should lata oat * that la waa tba work -'ike T >li bare ball same Bara Ansbradga1 rato of oa* bar* for roust trln^tirmafaIrate of on* fart for round trip, maaaaaj lichad ih* bay up and awuag aim | on sale ion* lat to llth inclusivs eoa-1 'TI aaj* June 1st to 14th Isi!servo aasj-iround resulting u stated above 111 nous isiugi la each dliactton .arlth ! naoua passage ta each 6 final return limit of June lSth-10. (f i n a l retort, limit of Jaa J. R Young mad* a profagatoawl j , J. P. fhyaara, 1 J. F. I trip to Talon Wadaaaahv. Agent. » llth-W.
format Text
title Vol 05 No 07 The Rexburg Standard 1910-05-19
title_short Vol 05 No 07 The Rexburg Standard 1910-05-19
title_full Vol 05 No 07 The Rexburg Standard 1910-05-19
title_fullStr Vol 05 No 07 The Rexburg Standard 1910-05-19
title_full_unstemmed Vol 05 No 07 The Rexburg Standard 1910-05-19
title_sort vol 05 no 07 the rexburg standard 1910-05-19
publisher Brigham Young University-Idaho Digitization Center
publishDate 1910
url http://contentdm.lib.byu.edu/cdm/ref/collection/RexburgNews/id/176
long_lat ENVELOPE(-67.150,-67.150,-66.467,-66.467)
geographic Bedford
geographic_facet Bedford
genre IPY
genre_facet IPY
op_source Ricks College
op_relation BYUI-Rexburg Idaho Newspapers
op_rights The contents of the BYUI-Rexburg Newspapers collection may be copied for the limited purposes of private study, scholarship or research. Any reproduction or copying of the contents of the BYUI-Rexburg Newspapers digital collection for commercial purposes is not permitted without the express written consent of Pioneer Newspapers Inc.
_version_ 1766046924924780544
spelling ftbrighametd:oai:contentdm.lib.byu.edu:RexburgNews/176 2023-05-15T16:55:53+02:00 Vol 05 No 07 The Rexburg Standard 1910-05-19 1910-05-19 application/pdf http://contentdm.lib.byu.edu/cdm/ref/collection/RexburgNews/id/176 English; eng; en eng Brigham Young University-Idaho Digitization Center BYUI-Rexburg Idaho Newspapers http://contentdm.lib.byu.edu/cdm/ref/collection/RexburgNews/id/176 The contents of the BYUI-Rexburg Newspapers collection may be copied for the limited purposes of private study, scholarship or research. Any reproduction or copying of the contents of the BYUI-Rexburg Newspapers digital collection for commercial purposes is not permitted without the express written consent of Pioneer Newspapers Inc. Ricks College AN2.I2 R49 text 1910 ftbrighametd 2017-12-02T08:19:55Z The Rexburg Newspapers is a digital collection of newspapers published in Rexburg, Idaho from 1894 through June of 2010. The titles of the newspapers in this collection include the "Rexburg Silver Hammer," the "Current Journal," the "Rexburg Standard," the "Rexburg Standard Journal," and the "Standard Journal." This collection was Not After Church But After System :t I * Dot Church (hat 1 am aller but Ih* irMwn ha stand* tor. It la Ih* •7*tats that not oaly myself but tbe • complain of. fl "Tba lead board la handling 110- f00,000 worth of property under Carer-; act project*, whlcb amounts to two-tblrda <>r the i n t e r aasesaed valuation uf cmr atata, and If we do not atop tbla tblng now and do not g1n> man to uu-d* re land thai they muat deal afaeolut*- | r booaatlr and fairly with tbe people , under the** Car or act project* we will l.i a few year* bare Just exactly euch condition! aa they have had In Pitta-,1 barg and Philadelphia, and there tar only one waj to prevent tbla and that: ia for every state official and every employe to keep absolutely clear from n participating In any Irrigation proftcr? or any other thing In which (he atata: I Interested. - '1 have takea rata aland from tbcj day I took the oath of offloe. and t\ rhall maintain it until tbe end of myj vervlcc. and I with to aay -here and: row thai If ibe good people of tbla •tale aboald aee fit to re-elect me In November, I whatl recommend In my -nniniT to the leglalature thai par-, itclpatton ID profit a or gain In any manner under the Carey act landa In whlcb the atal* In Interested Vii' be mad* a criminal act. and then If any. official or employe doe* such a thing we will be enabled under (he law to tiu( some one tb their place who will •ee thing- In a different llgbt and will work to benefit tbe people aa a whole and not for their persoeal gain. "Relative to my put record I wtah to now, a« I have aattj many tags** thai nrr ttf* te an open boob. Twpper Makes Reply In reply to (be letter from Church. Mr Ttipper vcyot* aa follows Honl|«ller. Idaho. Hay 5 aft. M. I . (hurch. Boise. Idaho. Dnar Sir: In reply to your* ot May Ii-d. 1410. aahJjj for me Io give you Mr. Brady* out record, which I will gladly do aa far n . my expert-tire gtiee In dealing wild +rY. Ilrcdy. ao yoa ran let Ibe poopl* I Idaho know berore they raat tb ' lr rot* for Ihe MM Rovernor. — I will .law that I waa Itr. Bradvs M M t a t at Pocsletlo In the electrtc light linalneea for iwo or three y*4Is -• .1 W . . . BV Br».l> very wpll, 1 re- BMsaad my position with Ur. Brad* Id otipunjtlun plant ugalno bim Bradya abll- Commencement Week - at Ricks Academy Awful Murder Committed by Son T in Thirteen High School Graduates and Thirty-one Preparatory > eg* Tb'i; •ertairdv know Mr Bra i Unirrri-t, una liu.ltlci f-.- ! -i.n.favd We had a IIIK finln. U.ili in th* anuria and out '! Hi tl. f'ir nearly •«., years, and mill aay^ during .111 ihla time I never i n.»l Mi liudv io ihi un unbualnfan-' 'ki> ncl or a Jl.hnueat act uobacumlDg .< a hu«lr.e.a man when nil kin da of, :-i.iti ami inmhii'i i .-ft- ]iUt U|i lu htm.' itid tixixt any hia abtllly waa equal lu The Rlckn Academy haa Just com- Iter wag g due [lifted a very aucceaaful acbool year * Ufa appropriate <-o name DC* meat ex I relae* i h1« week. Tbe Academy haa don* noelloat work daring tho laal eeaaoo. Tha II ual large "erowda sere to attend t>nca and a* a whole the eiartriMa mnked'tmong the brut ever giv«n by I (hn> eter JUNIOR PROGRAM The Junior Otai |-*ogram, Monday i umber waa a w r*0gfal Juniors * a (are. which w • land boar. • OjovemoT ] of tb* atata . attempt by bt tkw aeapeail recMea * f the Jamea H Brady, chalr nan ajf tbe land hoard for the part • hie* Can rUet euewtiv* af the state look tn the lave.I Station af isnreb'a wKh Carey art prohrete an official ooaittoa. hy wMmm wtth -vjMgfe to ee-t U M ' t b l BJJWgfgOf mad* public OOT-araar nmdy tadajy aa an evapkntie and .weeping ataiameat aeelBrod tfcst It hi rot Ohnreh he kt after hag the a r t t t tt (hat churr-b staou far. Tba Chief ea-ecuilre a***rt*d thai Ua ova Ufa la aa ty pa** of whiah any par- 'cutlra ataei opeu book, a / BOB m ay |*a •-11-111 Of what la believed ta bf « whaliaali attempt oa iha pan of the dapoaaj regular t* gather all Inlornaa- 1 Hon b connexion *Uh the paat l i t* of tba governor and caal reflection opoa bim, or make th« anm* tha aabject of an attack os> th* governor la retalia­tion tor tba treatment received during lha Investigation by iha land board, waa rvaairad at th* office ot th* gt>* amor laat even log la th* ahapa of a letter from Church to John H. Tapper, manager ot tha MontpelW Light A t-owcr coBjunny. tac*th*r with Tap • ,p*r*a reply to Charts. The letter from i h * dnpoaed rogl.ter to Mr Tapper ta a* foilowa: Botaa, Idaho. May «.—Joajv A Tup- - - - aaat aha., Blacatraw.ld*a*a, Dear BOl 1 bar* bean Informed thai yon can give i i * aocn* eaiaabla information relative to Oovernor Brady1 a paat record. Those of a* who know be In a traitor .•calrr to let the balance of tfa* people ot th* atata know It before they cast rheir rotas for the next governor. Any Information you «an gi .e me will be kept entirely confidential It yon ao de­alr*. • It yon will give me aa Intimation of ' tfa* Und of a record yon hate, wheth­er I I la la aaoh a afann* that f t oaa b* .worn to, Or a certified copy of gar -cord, ihla will be good **1d*BOI Wa*id b* pleased to bear from yoa at your earliest oonvenlenoe. iu> JudgtfUHmi thai I know ul In Idaho, under aucb trying 4/lrcuniBt ance*. I wan caiNTlei.ceil In the bualneaa liraII> » u v » IUBQ In (he tK-ld. but hi-nhllKy anil puah nnd raimclty lor do !ag thing* dl<l certainly aururlHe me, t R | r Ml alao aailafled.nol being In • b ' ^ r l . i l c . poUUea. thai Mr Brady baa taade the T * , 0 " c 1 ,t.(e »r Maim . rtnt Aia*, gmam, ^ *"n r m T r ,0" • I I .»> iudgemnni. he I . equal to band- r W B W F , , » °* , h p r ' » r , , , , > " " M P TC ie any pro,«.l.l.n put up U, him ID an ", , n burleaque hy tho clas. crw Maja) nnd bu.ln.ullke manner, and " * 1 ' d* " °* m * r T l r o " U - t h" certainly think, aa a r l i l i e n . If e » I ^ ^ f J ? ! . , _ n r t r " c , . 0 , . . H " 1 * T L r M * :. i l . j Idabu eill have g goramor la Mm with ability, hooeeii and pufhlog i io neceaaary la a lining I Iceplug- Natl waa ui a clever take-off rawing attention In to nnine uf (heir The Hlgli School a lieautlfiil uumber oung aialv like Idaho, and If nominal d 1 will —uro you i will do all In ay power IO eW( him aa our nait guveruor. " Your* truly. JOHN A. TUPPHR. aaager Bat* l.ahe Power Oo., Mot,; aiw.au Idaho. Churcti Out ef City Tb* leitrr written by Church, to-being eaiMvlally amiialng. The IUOUAUO* by Elbe! Young and ibe rioalhg sobg. twm't Worry Bekrure. «ere alao gooi, Tho entire program waa interesting ad kept the audlenre ronttnually deltgtiteit. PNEPARATOflV ORADUATINO EX ERCIBC8 When lbs curtain rolled up Toee- •lay nlgbt. tbe large claaa of young on the atage received an ova­tion Tbe alag* was artlalcally decor, vied It, white and green The pro-ipy of the reply by! a r * m *M"t«D w ' t b a good openlDg elnaa Inpper were received at th* office of. a o a * Prayer wa* oflered by Joseph the chief eiecttllee laat evening. ' ''ndd Neil waa a male quartatte by ChMBHl in lb* aajme envelope, bnt hot "'eeley Oreeo. Kara Audredge. Alela rrcomiionled by any commaot or ex- <:'e*n gnd "Harold Anderson. Tb* ^ t n l l o u . Before making tba OOLUOU I'realdent'a addre-s wa* give* by * Iheietier public the chief riecuilve M l r * 8 e » " ^ I - " " * - • n i l Tanner asking h1».permia- U.D which waa grsotod. ' ! <•»•" , u ' leacnen. and the An rriort ansa made to aee IL L b o a n l '°r >l>e educaUoa they had re- .•hnreb, who la th* principal Inrolvorf f ^ ' f e i and bid all a cordial welcome. •a ih* cane and aocure a a U t a q j a a t ' < h * e i e r c l ^ . Etra AUdredgeJ •.ran bim today relative lo tb* mailer, rendered a vocal »o1o. Alvin Oreeo bat owing to hia nbaeoce from the city • » * • * • »*<!**aff. He apoke witfa ihla waa aot posalble. Th* diacloant*' Interwal of th* varloua aubject* (hey t t nr. attempl by Church to defame th* h l " 1 ataaWpi and i-ilntvd out the ad-rtlef aiataalij appareotly-oo aooonnt I * antage each would b« In . l i f e . He »l the ata;.d taken by the governor dor I voiced the acntlmvnt ut the claaa io Ing the Inveailgallon before tbf atal*!""" ba coi.tenl with wbal Ibey bad land board iirovrd • .tr.-^i lurprlaa l o ' attained bol tb go on A vwaaa MBh frienla of the former regular. | »aa reniered new try frraaiar Oovernor Brady when aeon relative M"™* J " >. Iangton followed with a (o the ataitac dlacuaaad It at length j wholarly addresa to the graduatei advix-atlLg tbe enactment of a l a * Beferrlng to tho word a of Pope that making It a criminal offense for atata | " a mile learning la a dangerous thing' offlciale or employee to partloJpat* tn no proceeded to ahow that tbe llltle oroflta under tbe Carey act projects, learning received, by thla claaa waa aay other *undert*klng In which the k neat apeecb 1 x prvaasd tbe gralllnda uf tbe atato ta Intereated. Tbla la In line with provlakin. of * bin which waa contemplated .luring the aasatoc of tha nth leglalatnre. bnt which was never dangerous. Irht helpful. A Uttla learning by great men In (ho past had LntDhhl great maulta ID tbo world of thought. A llltle learning had tangbl hy Mlaa Pearl llali-eirou and Mlas Bevlllr l^rag liene-d: rtlon was pronom.red hy MIa> Ruby Ulcbs. MAQQIC TOUT RECITAL Th* Tout recital Wednesday night drew a full liuua« . i the eudlrner waa .'iilhualaadr throughout the htiaa Tout waa fully up to the eipoct. ulloa nnd the public regarded It as a i are truat to hear her. aha . hah i rich well trained voice ol .great nl^apirfanM T'-nstii nr. i rharm and we .all erv Tue.<!*t toyed Ibe aplendld program She waa* rjroWnn u„ | I'tcompanled by lliaa Mhlona Of M [ r T h ^ ^ •gden. aa planlat. whoa* work* nlao much appreciated. . Mr Tom has' an exrelloot I veia* and hU nutnliere wero wwl II. a trail known cltlien of I jirenio neighbor, aad i-'Bd Monday afur-mad lieiam-n Kobert anJ Tbe man had boon fright. If) beaten with an ate. ibe head be­ing .In. ' 1 . , IT .-,] [;,,(,, the body. I he BaBrd*r«d man waa about Itfty and ihe occupa- *«hsf and rrelghler. Al the waa re tun. Ing -nut tfn?m ttm Mud UaVa coumry whefe he bad freighted a M uC*Ko>iia He had two I'ad made rauiu ror th.' uliht whtfre lb* bud) a a. foOiid He wa«_w»tf knowu ihrouahout Ibe rwnntaf »•/!• h i . win aud many *tate that trie «on would ordllarlly tie ibe ;n»l CBV-rrtiier.teTt sf tha crime.ware U uoi (rOH Up u n ttyii he ihe • i] one seer, uiin h|* father and had ra«a *B waj appr. hefrjed un (he deaert, Mi uV Mhrki i Isjte and wa* at one* iced • th* haaula Nf the oftircrs of ry. the) betall rVpuly Sheriff I'd liar. nd i . hri The dm unity Attorney Me­re atarled with hlui rompajiy with Ike •hg .hot and k i l l ** - a . pie. •old whlah daughter Vere received with great Trelolr ihe part = PP'"We. (IHI rfa u SENIOR COMMENCEMENT PRO- _ m u i „ ORAM Thirrn.lay tilghl com .rciaeai ol tbe high achool graduateo n r i l H rere held. The l-ally decorated riowore and when the curtain waa rnlaot! the rim., made a vary beasil-fui t . ' l l Imprasatvw applamail. , The program waa romnwaead by .inglng by the g l r f . choma Into B R O W N W I L L « P U T , N *«VLUM 'tid had < i K Vuunr who rest, charged with io yuung Tim killed hia father down aa Market lalned for a few i bock lo th* dee • alleged, lodged bt young l ^ i l l e ] hi. Tl'm UrowL. who. in*in-1 near Rob-day, waa taken through iy to lllackfoot and will ie In.ane aaylum until ie. off a guard having lh»l.y for Ihe purpose pj of the man. It la u CB.O and hia u n i ty one to ffl ! taking chi irohable lhat r i l l be teat.d ~ttirough regular rourae t law at a later da<e, II la atated that young Brown mad* ration waa Riven by ABbis Clark tol lowed by another .election by tbe rhorua Tha President! Addreaa waa given by iaaae. R Taunt He epoke with appredailon of ibe good the Academy had done for fata claaa and rthera who had graduated, and urged I hi claaa mate* to go onward Mlaa Man] Tttrman aat.g a nolo wblcb was well received Mlaa Lottie Plncock rxad an eicellout paper ot.' What Do neatic Bcieoca Haa Dona Par th* I oiiie ' Mlaa Ida Davla rendered a .-nation neat. Tha valedictory ad- t fun autement of i h * atory ofV' alven fay Mlaa earah Cook, gmipaj & bla father to the authoritlea g work of h*r . , pepmont County, and readily ad (laaa mates and urged them lo Hr* n i l , I B f l - l h B k \ } \ i a f _ and aa w* get the an to tb* Ideala of troth and loyalty. l l o r i n e ,n „ b l , fa,i,ar had oall- The addreaa to tha graduates wad , d hhn a t.ame (ha( da Dot generasV given by Superintendent H. H. Com „w a ] | 0wed In (he west tinleae the oth-nunga. Ha congratnlated th* stad- r j a i M n D U a K U n , ,„.i that he waa , nts on their present attainments n i m d k l l ) e ( , n l m w t t h an are. red­an d tb* oommnnlty on Ita earCaatt, |oajrt*aj the murder II moat be conclud- . i i.riitiaiit young people. "Ma a poke , a t t v m ( B J l voting njan'a sUlamaat. ol tba perfect ayelam of education „ , h e m u ,„ m *,ea4. H* att-en iB.onr church acbool eyatan^^^Jt ^ lo, | 0 w i n g the kllllLg he had Ills' talk was enriched by anecd-Owa M-odped Ihe bratni ont of hia faibar*a fiow bla OWB eaperleoco aa a, rrf*v.,1 P f c j w , , h h l l f h s n i | w h l r h doubtiaaa Umt tesrher He gave all at. Inapt- r r P W i m , p j , bla gory appearance when ration 10 strive forward h„ w u w n b y aerar a i partlee. After In the abeanoe of President Ba*e*t1 „ , „ M anh1lehed the horao* anJ the diplomas were glren fay Prlncl- f, . .|., . 1*1 B. C. Dalfay. He alao delivered a M k P d b T ( n o m c * T why be abort far-well speech to bla BtDdenta. o W n o | u k e % horns' and rid* After a aelectlon by the orcbaetra. the deaert to Roberta Inatead of walk-benediction waa pronounced by hflaa IR| d t n a t n e k D C W ( f ] < . norwaa B'abca JobBBoa. were boBgry. so he nnbltched them. The selection! by the Rexburg Coo- y M f j & j j f a „ a , n j red thorn baia. rt orchestra were" very fine There n e inataace would hardly abow . that ihe pleneta' were IS graduate. four from the Introduced for the reason It W M nn-j revolvajLabout the aoa; other men ("rratood tbat anch a bll would not re-»wilh gTeater learning bad proved thla telve favorable act loo, at the hands o l l l m * . By n HUle learttBg aa to the he law makera. «,at [-wTruarritre piwer of etesm. Folio* aao ta tutatnant | sailed a at cam boat. Oreaier learning novernor Brady when iniarrlewad' had developed the ocean greyhouBda relative to the attempt nf Chore* loU-t today. Pope hlmaelt knew a little defame hia character with bla put j phlloaopfay and bad given bla greal record, aald: ' Gaaay on Man. He had B l l t t l * l*arn- " I not* tbat Mr. church tn bla tetter log In Greek H . - t Th* a DOT. letter.lo Twpper from Chare* la written cat a tetter bead of th* land office aad appeers to ha a copy * f the earwlar letter, the body of to Mr. Topper, of Monipetier, aay*: " I have been Informed thai yoa can give mo oom* valuable lnformailoB retallr* to Ooveroor Brady's put rec-crd. The** of na who know he [s'a liaHor desire to let ta* baianoa of th* people kaow It before they'out thadr votes Tor the next governor. Aay in formation yoa can give ma wfll b* khpt Mtlroly confldsotlsj If yoa ao a> aaaairf •—, .— l " I haw* nothing t Mr. Church's method* of 1 action that I bar* taken official of thla atata. t C o s i i n u e d on pa**. * 1 Mai And ao a little leernlBg W M not danger ova where.lt waa rightly directed. TI.I» clue should likewise I ulld on tbelr present foundation which had beeo we^ll laid, and their present learning would bear rich frntta. loatroeior H. H. Hal*, director of (ho department then preeented tfae names of tbe I I •ladenta as having completed th*. work u l worthy ot say relative to trsdnatlon. Principal D»U,y congrat- ' I'lated tha students on their ancoesa and preeented ihem with dipmmM. Cach' atBsVcat received a neat boo, tjuet. the Call* Uly. their class flower being con.picuouB. Th* closing num. •unUn* tfae la axajsing JlarordeJ mind, for la face of the t ' th acbool; five from the normal. , , , , , t i a ( h i , h > l , bra tally nnd fonr from th* domeollc scJeoe*. [ U t u j m with an axe. an Idea pravall- St«clal certificates In typwriUng and y ,„ h | , m l n A t h t > t ebs borhea most short hand, wort alra-p, to Miss Mary j , ^ - ^ so he fed the tu ami walked gx,d Neelay and blUa Lottl* Nlcbola. rumbled over the Jesret until he w u . r r R i D AY , . p t u r ed Tfa* fsrewell meeting of etndacta -n,,. I I I U ) t . r „„,.,, Blroeloua, uii and taacfaers w u held at 10 a. m. ,,.„ atatementa that hare been aeered Th* AlomBl meeting and banqnea |n h l m l l n P ( , ) n M U r a e ara %o were bald at the Clnb room* at 7 P. f t B n k M r t l h ( . „ o r r „, mdrd*T is M Bad a grand ballfla th* evening- I I P M W | t h ' ao many necnllar Inci Dla tbat the Mrs. IJxxle Radford, sister of tho . tVwMBpav^aoont the greater part of r>( lha week vi.iHi.g In Raa burg Mr?.-' Bedford ia a resident of loaan . L only conclusion that Drink the Cause of it Prom Senator Hart, era* through Rigby WM BB bla way I f pen car. The l i a r i or tha billing of Geo. T cer mat Baturday s Bred by Ik* Trslolr. impiuy uf the Woods Lire OaaaB (ompany reached 8p*Loar VBaaB>f momlBg, and about tbe asms nana) ah* Trelolr and Ju. Ross, srhe wars aa ibe Um* in tb* employ ef tha oaav P*ay. reached Bpeemer aArhaf aamhb a» for a load of auppBM. n appear. tbsM Thumu brought a qusnUty of whaah* with hlm ahd th* throe named hate proceeded bp got away with th* etnas, but tbe supply becoming aabasaaasL Trelolr and Ron boarded the mldsighl • t'nlu an-d went to Mocdds, where they In a somewhat lata ondltion. reaching thai i nay mon. lag. Un filing to the ( t u kh I'rltig three abou. one at whaah w*M through tbe calling,' airlklaai TWiaaM. who waa sleeping op staira, am Ma •Ight ride, tha ball | kad Informed rta ( t ight previous and others' oh* ami i-aUiered. thai ba aad bee* shot, aaa eXfurt was at onoe made to render ami und ail tbat was poaatbk* w u dnsM aag ihe Unfortunate max., hat ta aa aa he died oom* two hours after he wu abot. Bator* expiring fa* aaaaal thai he and To-iolr had aiway* beam the b u t ot mends aad that tha aaaM*- Ing waa not let ended'u dsaikarti. Buaiar H u t Udaitaa oa ahat T**> k*> «** awtdMUy i d l ^ h nV aad lo bis rJr.nJien frewy to ***** . Bolae. he abot and killed hat aaa a* frlaod. ^— Trelolr w u placed eader arraat aad a ken to Rt_ Aiithoay by Bhrrt/t Ga-l. oon and Deputy Harrop Tendsnf •vcnlBg. And thus baa whiahy :laam •ne more victim aad i t a g t l l ataP Don iu .iividuaj oa tha * u aa aaa l-enltentlary. It aot a tat* aaara ta h* deplored.—Rigby BUT. $50,000 Hotel For Rexburg Th* Soake River Ruivy Oe*a**n*)T> one of the llva Miwaankaa af thaa aar* of Idaho, hsvs tahaa sr. atwiea o* th* i ulidinf and f n a — I egpeeem ah* * *» burg Drug company store and ar* ar> ganlalng burg. Th.r. hi a* « ih* ReaHy Mmpaay w*n a* * fui In their v dertaklnaa than this aata. Go to the Ceme­tery May 27ih Friday. th* r f t h of that aawawa bee*, aat apart by the mayor council u a day la I burg < called upon to arjeod thla ear/ al ta* c*m*Ury and do thair ahar* af oa* work. 'Thla U rertainly a * able i t j can should lata oat * that la waa tba work -'ike T >li bare ball same Bara Ansbradga1 rato of oa* bar* for roust trln^tirmafaIrate of on* fart for round trip, maaaaaj lichad ih* bay up and awuag aim | on sale ion* lat to llth inclusivs eoa-1 'TI aaj* June 1st to 14th Isi!servo aasj-iround resulting u stated above 111 nous isiugi la each dliactton .arlth ! naoua passage ta each 6 final return limit of June lSth-10. (f i n a l retort, limit of Jaa J. R Young mad* a profagatoawl j , J. P. fhyaara, 1 J. F. I trip to Talon Wadaaaahv. Agent. » llth-W. Text IPY Brigham Young University (BYU): Digital Collections Bedford ENVELOPE(-67.150,-67.150,-66.467,-66.467) Billing ENVELOPE(160.900,160.900,-75.717,-75.717) Bol ENVELOPE(9.843,9.843,63.758,63.758) Dee ENVELOPE(-59.767,-59.767,-62.433,-62.433) Gar’ ENVELOPE(162.014,162.014,57.140,57.140) Ida ENVELOPE(170.483,170.483,-83.583,-83.583) Isi ENVELOPE(-38.550,-38.550,65.617,65.617) Kad’ ENVELOPE(40.287,40.287,64.964,64.964) Raa ENVELOPE(14.933,14.933,68.583,68.583) Rata ENVELOPE(19.216,19.216,69.928,69.928) Rigby ENVELOPE(-154.583,-154.583,-85.550,-85.550) Riven ENVELOPE(17.693,17.693,69.525,69.525) Ruet ENVELOPE(13.468,13.468,64.574,64.574) Tac ENVELOPE(-59.517,-59.517,-62.500,-62.500) Talon ENVELOPE(148.658,148.658,59.762,59.762)