Yearbook 1916 101

THE INDIAN The Bellevue Balloo Fishial Publication of Bellevue College Published Every Few Minutes in a Padded Cell by the Junior Class. vOL. 000 Bellevue, Nebr., April 1, 1916 Number 23 [Two columned newsletter] STATEMENT OF PUBLICATION Ralph Martin, being first duly sworn, states that he is the ed...

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Summary:THE INDIAN The Bellevue Balloo Fishial Publication of Bellevue College Published Every Few Minutes in a Padded Cell by the Junior Class. vOL. 000 Bellevue, Nebr., April 1, 1916 Number 23 [Two columned newsletter] STATEMENT OF PUBLICATION Ralph Martin, being first duly sworn, states that he is the editor of this publica- tion, and that it has a circulation of seven- teen million and nine copies daily. Sworn to before me this 31st day of February, 1916. Charles Patrick, Notary Public. Subscription Rates: Anywhere in America or Greenland, 2 cents per year, or longer if the subscriber is not dead be- fore that time shall have expired. For rates in Pender, Ponca and La Platte, apply to editor. We solicity no booze or chewing-gum ads, and support no can- didates for Presidency of Fontenelle Hall House Board. We employ no solicitors. --- CUMMINGS MAY RESIGN PRESIDENCY RUMOR CURRENT THAT HE WILL NO LONGER HEAD THIS COLLEGE - The student body and faculty suffered a sever shock last night when some scoundrel started the rumor that Steve Cummings may sever his connections with Bellevue College. For the last year Mr. Cummings has been at the head of that institution, after being unanimously elect- ed by Stephen Cummins of Council Bluffs. During his statesmanlike adminis- tration, the progress of the college has been measured by leaps and bounds. Last night the student body was prostrated by the news that his services to the college may be terminated. A special meeting of the faculty, board of trustes, prohibition association and [Column Two] gospel team was held in great secrecy in the boiler room of Hamilton Hall. Mr. Foster Kast, acting as chairman, ex-'pressed himself as strongly in favor of re-fusing Mr. Cumming's resignation should it be proffered. Meanwhile the student body has been awaiting with great anxiety the decision of Mr. Cummings. In case Mr. Cummings should resign, the choice for his successor would prob- ably be a toss-up between Mr. Weir Dobbin of Bertrand and Mr. Randall Biart of our own fair city. -- SHOCKING EVENT - ARLINE SMITH CUTS A CLASS - Accompanying the terrible news of Mr. Cummings' possible resignation, comes the yet unsupported rumor that ARline Smith yesteray deliberately and malici- ously cut a class. Our entire force of re- porters and secret service men has been dispatched to find confirmation of this terrible rumor, but as we go to press they have not yet succeeded. Miss Smith, when interviewed, had nothing to say be- yond this statement: "Gentlemen, I beg of you to remember my past record." Miss Minnie Luella Carter states that she has not yet recovered from the shock caused by the rumor, but said, "I am, to quote the poet, teetotally dumbfounded. Miss Smith has always been my right-hand woman. I am hoping against hope that my confidence has not been mis- placed." Knowing Miss Smith as the Balloo does, we certainly hope that she will soon be able to disprove this rumor. 1916 Page Ninety-five