Summary:During the 1986-87 Expedition to Heard Island, a 3m inflatable boat was depoted at the shores of Winston Lagoon, on the islands' south-east coast. The boat was to allow access to the important Long Beach Elephant Seal harems for periods when flooding from the lagoon prevented passage across its spit. The availability of the boat together with a 'Furuno' echo sounder, a stabilised, floating, transducer platform (constructed by a crew member from Nella Dan), and field assistance allowed a bathymetric survey of Winston Lagoon to be conducted. Winston Lagoon depth work was done from 9/1/1987-14/1/1987 in the rare calm periods. We (the researchers) lived in the nearby Paddick Valley hut and sheltered there in rough weather. We only ran transects in calm weather. The map used was the largest Heard Island map available in 1986. 30 transects were run across the lake from known points on the map recognisable from the shore. We calibrated the echo sounder (a marine device) for fresh water by checking a range of measured depths against a weighted fibre-glass tape. Water samples were taken from a range of depths to the bottom and the lake was fresh throughout. Lake was very opaque with a secchi depth of 0.46m.