Summary:The data set consists of cosmogenic exposure ages for samples collected by Research School of Earth Sciences in the Prince Charles Mountains and vicinity. Thus far work has been carried out in the 2001/2002, 2002/2003, 2003/2004 and 2004/2005 field seasons. Currently, the only data publicly available is an excel spreadsheet detailing sampling locations. The objectives of this project were: To develop a comprehensive understanding of the Lambert Glacier of East Antarctica, from the time of the last maximum glaciation to the present, through an integrated and interdisciplinary study combining new field evidence - ice retreat history from cosmogenic exposure dating, geodetic measurements of crustal rebound, satellite measurements of present ice heights and changes therein - with other geological and glaciological data and numerical geophysical modelling advances. The project contributes to the quantitative characterisation of the complex interactions between ice-sheets, oceans and solid earth within the climate system. Outcomes have implications for geophysics, glaciology, geomorphology, climate, and past and future sea-level change. This work was completed as part of ASAC projects 2502 and 2516 (ASAC_2502 and ASAC_2516). The fields in this dataset are: Sample Date Collector Type Lithology Location Elevation Latitude Longitude