Summary:Metadata record for data from ASAC Project 1172 See the link below for public details on this project. --- Public Summary from Project --- The aim of ice core drilling is to extract information which aids in the reconstruction of past climatic conditions. There has been limited research, however, towards calibrating records preserved in the ice sheet with atmospheric conditions. The intention of this project is to conduct a detailed study of individual snowfall events in the upper few meters of snow and their relationship with observed meteorological conditions during the events. Na, Ca, Cl, K, Mg are all sea salt indicator species. NO3 is a summer marker (debate exists on the primary source of this species). Work has been carried out over three field seasons to date. 1999/2000, 2001/2002, 2004/2005. The data are held as a series of excel spreadsheets (.xls). The files relate to snow pit and PICO ice core data collected over 2 summers at Law Dome for ASAC 1172. Below is a summary of the spreadsheets. Summer 99/00 PICO cores between 3-10m: 1181_99b MPC N4k S0k S0p1k S0p3k S0p7k S1p7k S3p7k S7p7k Snow pits to 3m: Rama Paddy Karioke Summer 01/02 PICO cores between 3-10m: CC1 CC2 DSS0102 Snow pit to 2.25m: Matilda The fields in this dataset are: Depth Concentrations of MSA (Methansulphonic acid) Concentrations of Cl Concentrations of NO3 Concentrations of SO4 Concentrations of nss SO4 (non-seasalt sulphate) Concentrations of Na Concentrations of K Concentrations of Mg Concentrations of Ca