Summary:Metadata ID: ASAC_1087_Transects_1999-00 Title: Windmill Islands vegetation transects, surveyed 1999/2000 (pilot) This record contains data associated with the Windmill Islands vegetation survey conducted in 1999/2000, under ASAC_1087, as described Wasley 2004 and Wasley et al. 2012. The transects, surveyed at the two sites in 1999/2000, are later referred to as "pilot" transects - as they were a pilot study for the now permanently marked vegetation transects (established in 2002/3; see metadata ID: ASAC_1313_Transects_2002-03). The later transects were installed at the same two sites but at different locations within the sites. Transect numbers 1 through to 10 are therefore NOT in the same positions for the two studies (1999/2000 vs 2002/3 on). From 2002/3 transect position and identifiers (number/letter) became fixed. Descriptions of data associated with this record are provided below under the following headings: 1. LOCATION (GPS) DATA (and MAPS) 2. QUADRAT PHOTOS 3. NOTEBOOK SCANS 4. MICROSCOPY SCORE SHEETS 5. FINESCALE SPECIES ABUNDANCE (MICROSCOPY) 6. BROADSCALE PERCENT COVER (IMAGE ANALYSIS) 7. ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABLES (e.g. MOISTURE, TEMPERATURE) 8. PROCESSED/COMPILED/WORKED Descriptions of data provided: 1. LOCATION (GPS) DATA (and MAPS) Location of vegetation transects, surveyed 1999/2000, at Robinson Ridge site. Description of files (and abbreviations): ASAC_1087-Transects 1999-2000-Locations-RobinsonRidge-LabBookScan.tif Location data (handwritten, scanned from lab book). Two lab book pages, numbered 82 and 83. - Description of Page 82: Title: "Robbos moss sites" refers to the vegetation transect site at Robinson Ridge (as per metadata ID: ASAC_1313_Transects_2002-03). File: reference to GPS data file (no other information available) Site: e.g. 2A, 2B. Numbers correspond with transect number and letters A and B indicate Lichen and Bryophyte community ends of transects, respectively. Latitude: data provided in format, 66 degrees, 22 minutes, decimal seconds. Longitude: data provided in format, 110 degrees, 35 minutes, decimal seconds. Data collected via differentially corrected GPS (unit make/model unknown). Operators: Rick Morris and Jim Lawler, who were also at Casey during 1999/2000 working on another project (it is possible that relevant metadata is provided under the project/s they were working on). - Description of Page 83: data as provided on page 82, plotted: Eastings (meters) on x-axis and Northings on y- axis. Plot symbols are circles, annotated with handwritten transect labels (e.g. 4A, 4B); where numbers correspond with transect number (letters A and B indicate Lichen and Bryophyte community ends of transects, respectively). ASAC_1087-Transects 1999-2000-Locations-Robinson Ridge-Plotted.pdf This file provides a scanned copy of plotted locations of vegetation transects at Robinson Ridge, surveyed in 1999/2000 (as per metadata ID: Windmill Islands vegetation transects). Data are (presumably) those provided in the other file provided with this record. Data is plotted with latitude on x-axis and longitude on y-axis. Abbreviations: Robbos = Robinson Ridge site as previously described. The ten transects are labelled with codes such as "ROT2B", where ROT = "Robinson Ridge Transect" and the numbers 1 to 10 indicate replicate transects within the site. Letters A and B indicate transect ends, where A=lichen and B=Bryophyte community. ASAC_1087-Transects 1999-2000-Locations-Robinson Ridge-data.xls Excel data file, in which the data described in the previous files are recorded. The plot is (presumably) the source of the scanned file: ASAC_1087-Transects 1999-2000-Locations-Robinson Ridge-Plotted.pdf - File: reference to GPS data file, as per ASAC_1087-Transects 1999-2000-Locations-RobinsonRidge-LabBookScan.tif - Position ID: ROT="Robinson Ridge Transect"; numbers (1-10) = transect number; letters (A and B) = Lichen community (A, top of transect) and Bryophyte community (B, bottom of transect). - Location data provided in Latitude and Longitude (Degrees, Minutes and Seconds) Location of vegetation transects, surveyed 1999/2000, at a second site (ASPA 135) site are NOT provided. The second site, in Antarctic Specially Protected Area (ASPA) 135, on Bailey Peninsula (66.283 S, 110.533 E), Windmill Islands, East Antarctica, had a second set of ten transects also surveyed during the 1999/2000 season but location data are not available. This second site is colloquially referred to as "ASPA meltpuddle" in field notes. ASPA 135 transect lengths were: 1.4-3.1 m. 2. QUADRAT PHOTOS The files provided with this record are photos of transects and quadrats, as described in metadata ID: ASAC_1087_Transects_1999-00 (doi:10.4225/15/55AEF521BD828). FILES: ASAC_1087-Transects 1999-2000-Photos_RobinsonRidge.pdf; ASAC_1087-Transects 1999-2000-Photos_ASPA135.pdf Season: 1999/2000 Sites: Robinson Ridge; ASPA 135 Contain black and white scanned images of transects/quadrats FILES:; Season: 1999/2000 Site: Robinson Ridge; ASPA 135 Files contain images of transects/quadrats, within folders for each transect Photos are stored within folders for each transect (folders labelled ROT # or MPT #, where ROT = Robinson Ridge, MPT = ASPA 135 and # indicates transect number). Underneath each photo within the pdfs is a hand written label/information. Annotated information also corresponds to photo file names. ASAC_1087_Transects_1999-00_PhotographNamingConventions.docx contains Jane Wasley's memory of what these annotations mean (documented July 2015). 3. NOTEBOOK SCANS FILE: JaneWasleyCasey1999_00 Field notes.pdf Scanned copy of field notebook FILE: Zip file containing scanned copies of field notes for each transect at both Robinson Ridge (labelled ROT#.pdf, where # indicates transect number) and ASPA 135 (MPT#.pdf, where # indicates transect number). Each pdf includes information on the date of sampling, site and weather descriptions, as well as vegetation community descriptions and cover estimations for each quadrat along the transect. 4. MICROSCOPY SCORE SHEETS FILE: QUADRATFINESCALESCORES.pdf Scanned copy of lab notes for microscopy scoring 5. FINESCALE SPECIES ABUNDANCE (MICROSCOPY) TO BE PROVIDED - raw data from microscopy scoring for samples collected 1999/2000 6. BROADSCALE PERCENT COVER (IMAGE ANALYSIS and FIELD OBSERVATIONS) TO BE PROVIDED - raw percent cover field observations 7. ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABLES (e.g. MOISTURE, TEMPERATURE) TO BE PROVIDED - raw data as per Wasley et al 2012. (stable isotopes, CWC etc) 8. PROCESSED/COMPILED/WORKED FILE: SOE_72_pilot_data.xls The file provided is calculated bryophyte species abundance along transects surveyed in 1999/2000 Survey year known due to terminology of e.g. 0%, 1-19%, 60-79% quadrats - in 1999/2000 up to 17 quadrats were surveyed per transect and the analysis process commonly grouped quadrats into percentage bands to simplify and standardise transect analysis. Author of this data file is not known. Description of fields (provided by Jane Wasley 2015, from observation of the data file only - no other records available to substantiate this information): - Date = "1-Jul-01" This is likely analysis/data preparation date (does not correlate with sample collection date. - Latitude = "0" all values zero, no data provided. - Longitude = "0" all values zero, no data provided. - Place = site name: ASPA 135; Robinson's Ridge (as described elsewhere for this record) - Species = full taxonomic names of bryophyte species - Parameter = "Abundance" - Value = calculated % abundance data, calculation methods and data source not known. - Error = calculated error associated with % abundance calculation, calculation methods and data source not known. - Unit of measure = "%"