Summary:Ion-exchange columns were used in the WTP (water treatment plant) for water treatment during the clean-up of the Thala Valley tip - data collected during the operation were used as a field trial to investigate the effectiveness of Amberlite IRC748 for the application. Spreadsheets 1,2 contain sample ID descriptions for samples collected from the WTP, spreadsheet 3 contains sample ID descriptions for samples of meltwater collected from the tip site, and spreadsheet 4 contains sample ID descriptions for on-site operational monitoring samples. Spreadsheets 5,6,7,8,9 contain the raw data for the field trial. ######### Some terms and abbreviations used in these datasets are: LR - low range MR - mid range Corr - corrected for drift QC - in-house spiked standard (multicomponent metals) Rinse - de-ionised water rinse through ICP-MS to check for contamination or carryover NIST - NIST standard 1640: trace metal water standard (NIST stands for National Institue of Standards and Technology) Ref Values - expected values from analysis of the NIST standard DilBlk - dilution blank Concentration AVG - average concentration (of three readings) ######### This work was carried out as part of ASAC project 1300 (ASAC_1300) - Development and application of technologies for the removal of heavy-metal contaminants from run-off associated with abandoned waste disposal sites. Some of the fields in this dataset are: Isotope Dilution Rinse Analysis Sample Seawater