Summary:Maintenance and Update Frequency: notPlanned Statement: The original transfer function was established for foraminifera in the equatorial regions by Imbrie and Kipp (1971). Use of this transfer function model was found to be inappropriate for modelling sea-ice cover due to non-consistant variance and the large number of zero values in the sea-ice concentration data. A new two-stage model was developed, taking these features of the data into consideration, and selects appropriate factors from the CABFAC analysis in deriving both sea-ice concentration and sea-ice cover in months per year. A sea-ice concentration of less than 15% is considered to represent open-ocean conditions due to the nature of the satellite interpretation of the reflected signal against weather effects and the interpretation of the sea-ice edge. Parameters for Antarctic Diatom Database: Diatom species, Leanne K. Armand code, core code, core coordinates (degrees, decimal minutes), total number of specimens recorded in each core, % of old species, % of data used in 24 major species Parameters for historical sea-surface temperature estimates: Core depth (cm), analyseries extrapolated age scale (ka) at 10cm interval, DTF commonality, SST Feb (oC), estimate of sea-ice February concentration (%), standard error sea-ice February concentration (%), estimate of sea-ice September concentration (%), standard error sea-ice September concentration (%), estimate of sea-ice months / year cover (mths per year), standard error sea ice month/year cover. Parameters for the raw diatom counts: Core depth (cm), diatom species, diatom subtotal and silica subtotal Credit Centre des Faibles Radioactivities mixte CNRS CEA (France) Credit Institute of Antarctic and Southern Ocean Studies (IASOS) Credit Institut Français pour la Recherche et Technologie Polaires (IFRTP) Credit Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises (TAAF) Credit Australian Postgraduate Research Award (APRA) Purpose To estimate past sea-ice concentration and coverage in the Southeast ...