Summary:Progress Code: completed Statement: As these images have been archived long after they were originally collected, no details are available on the type of camera used, or how the images were collected (although such information may be noted in the referenced publications). This dataset contains quadrat images of the seafloor taken during ASAC project 379, "The Zooplankton Ecology of Ellis Fjord" by John Kirkwood. For more information about the project and associated datasets, see the metadata record "ASAC_379" (The Zooplankton Ecology of Ellis Fjord) at the provided URL. The images show many different species on the seafloor, including (but not limited to) copepods, amphipods, isopods, ostracods, krill, nematodes, ascidians and fish larvae. For a detailed list of species recorded in the project see the associated metadata record mentioned above. There are 931 images in the download file.