Summary:Progress Code: completed Statement: Significant banding and spectral variability was encountered in the source Worldview-2 Imagery. The accuracies calculated from the validation dataset are likely to decrease in areas further away from the location of the calibration data. 1. Pre-processed satellite imagery [Davis Station_Preprocessed_WV2_Shallow Water.tif] IMPORTANT: This data cannot be shared due to licensing conditions and is provided for archival purposes only. Worldview-2 Imagery was provided at Processing level 2A in UTM 44S projection. The following Pre-processing steps were applied: 1. Radiometric Correction: Digital Numbers converted to TOA Reflectance 2. Atmospheric Correction: Dark Object Subtraction 3. Masking: Masking of Land and Ice features using classification of accompanying PAN imagery 4. Shallow Water Masking: Deep water masked out by thresh-holding the green and yellow bands The pre-processed data is provided as an 8-band Geotiff in UTM 44s with pixels of 2 m. 2. Satellite-derived bathymetry grid [Davis Station_SDB_utm44s_alat.tiff] This bathymetry dataset was produced by applying the SMART-SDB model to Worldview 2 Multispectral Image acquired on 20120118 at 04:52:17Z. Multibeam bathymetry data acquired in February-March 20101 using a Kongsberg EM 3002D MBES, with vertical and horizontal accuracy of 0.38m and 1.95m respectively, was used for both calibration and validation of the SMART-SDB model. Derived data was smoothed using a low pass filter, and manually cleaned for erroneous returns (however some may still exist). A description of the methods is available in the attached reports. Projection: UTM44S Tidal datum: ALAT (approximate lowest astronomical tide) Format: geotiff, ASCI xyz Depths Derived from Satellite Imagery. For SA awareness only. Not for Navigation. Vertical Accuracy is un-assessable and should be considered worse than ZOC C. Undetected features significant to surface navigation may exist. 2. Bathymetry map (Davis Station SDB Chart_OFFICIAL.pdf) This map shows the ...