Summary:Progress Code: completed Statement: Bathymetric contours were interpolated from soundings made on ANARE voyages and soundings provided by the Royal Australian Navy Hydrographic Office (Qinfo=414). The soundings were corrected using echo-sounding correction tables based on a speed of sound in water of 1500m/s. Lines were manually created using a heads-up screen digitising technique where bathymetric contours were missing in order to polygonise the contours. (Qinfo=415). The data have been formatted according to the SCAR Feature Catalogue, which includes data quality information (refer to links below). The provided start date in temporal coverage is approximate only, and should not be relied upon. The map derived from these data states that data were collected by Australian Antarctic Division voyages, as well as Royal Australian Navy voyages. Voyage 7.2 - 1989-1990 Voyage 6 - 1991-1992 Voyage 1 - 1993-1994 Other data compiled from data acquired before 1989. Provided by Royal Australian Navy Hydrographic Service. Usually mapped to a Universal Transverse Mercator projection, Zone 43. Bathymetry around Heard and McDonald Islands and the Kerguelen Plateau. This layer is stored as two datasets (line and polygon) in the Geographical Information System (GIS). The line data were interpolated from soundings made on ANARE voyages and soundings provided by the Royal Australian Navy Hydrographic Service. The line data were polygonised to create the polygon data. The data were produced for a 1:1 million scale bathymetric map (refer to link).