Summary:Progress Code: completed Statement: Data processed and calibrated at Antarctic CRC. Oceanographic measurements were conducted in the Subantarctic Zone south of Tasmania in March 1998. A total of 97 CTD vertical profiles were taken. Over 800 Niskin bottle water samples were collected for the measurement of salinity, dissolved oxygen, nutrients (phosphate, nitrate+nitrite, silicate), dissolved inorganic carbon, alkalinity, carbon isotopes, dissolved organic carbon, N2O isotopes, pH, oxygen-18, barium, nitrogen-15, arsenic, ammonia, DMS/P, bacteria, silicon-32, particulate silicon, productivity, ETS, pigments, species counts, cytometry, particulate organic carbon and nitrogen, urea, copper and iron, using a 24 bottle rosette sampler. Four sediment trap moorings were recovered, and two were redeployed. The fields in this dataset are: oceanography ship station number date start time bottom time finish time cruise start position bottom position finish position maximum position bottom depth pressure temperature (T-90) salinity sigma-T specific volume anomaly geopotential anomaly dissolved oxygen fluorescence photosynthetically active radiation