Summary:Progress Code: completed Statement: See the data download for more details. Each tide gauge typically encountered some problems throughout its life, resulting in data gaps, or poorer quality data. Apart from a gap of 4 days in Sept/Oct 1995 and in Sept 1998, the data set is complete since the time of deployment. These data have been through an extensive 'clean-up' to improve their quality as much as possible (see the document in the download file). Purpose Measurement of tides and determination of sea levels. Over time there have been a number of tide gauges deployed at Davis Station, Antarctica. The data download files contain further information about the gauges, but some of the information has been summarised here. Note that this metadata record only describes tide gauge data from 1993 to 2017. More recent data are described elsewhere. Tide Gauge 3 (TG003) This folder contains the following folders:- early_tg_files monthly_tg_files monthly download files from the submerged tide gauge at Davis deployed in March 1993. These files are ASCII hexadecimal files. They need to be converted to decimal. The resultant values are absolute seawater pressures in mbar. Remaining files are downloaded in normal format obtained directly from tide gauge. raw memory images from submerged tide gauge. file extension is memory bank number. These files are processed by a utility called tgxtract.exe which creates files in same format as those in old_tidedata folder. These file have extension .srt. They are then converted to decimal pressure values. output output file (.srt) which have been sent to BoM. Tide Gauge 6 (TG006) This folder contains the following folders:- raw memory images from submerged tide gauge. file extension is memory bank number. These files are processed by a utility called tgxtract.exe which creates files in same format as original download format. These file have extension .srt. These files are ASCII hexadecimal files. They need to be converted to decimal. The resultant values are absolute seawater ...