Summary:Progress Code: completed Statement: SeaBird SBE9plus CTD serial 704, with dual temperature and conductivity sensors and a single SBE43 dissolved oxygen sensor (on the primary sensor pump line), was used for the entire cruise, mounted on a SeaBird 24 bottle rosette frame, together with a SBE32 24 position pylon and 22 x 10 litre General Oceanics Niskin bottles. The following additional sensors were mounted: * Benthos model 2110 altimeter * Tritech 200 kHz and 500 kHz altimeters * Wetlabs fluorometer serial 296 * photosynthetically active radiation (i.e. PAR) sensor * Wetlabs C-star transmissometer serial 899DR * Sontek lowered ADCP (i.e. LADCP) with upward and downward looking transducer sets CTD data were transmitted up a 6 mm seacable to a SBE11plusV2 deck unit, at a rate of 24 Hz, and data were logged simultaneously on 2 PC's using SeaBird data acquisition software 'Seasave'. The LADCP was powered by a separate battery pack, and data were logged internally and downloaded after each CTD cast. Note that physical mounting of the upward looking LADCP transducer set requires removal of 2 Niskin bottles, thus only 22 Niskins were fitted for the cruise. The CTD deployment method was as follows: * CTD initially deployed down to ~20 m * after confirmation of pump operation, CTD returned up to just below the surface (depth dependent on sea state) * after returning to just below the surface, downcast proper commenced. For most casts, the package was stopped for 5 minutes on the upcast at ~50 m above the bottom, for logging of LADCP bottom track data. Pre cruise temperature, conductivity and pressure calibrations were performed by the CSIRO Division of Marine and Atmospheric Research calibration facility (Table 3) (July to August 2005). Manufacturer supplied calibrations were used for the dissolved oxygen, fluorometer, transmissometer and altimeters. PAR data are uncalibrated. Final conductivity and dissolved oxygen calibrations derived from in situ Niskin bottle samples are listed later in the report. Oceanographic ...