Summary:Progress Code: completed Statement: The date provided in temporal coverage is approximate only, and represents the beginning of the 2004/2005 season at Casey Station. Taken from the 2009-2010 Progress Report: Field work: Day trips to Jack's Donga and onto sea-ice were performed every 3 days for measurements of light transfer through sea ice and ice core sampling: 1 day of initial field set up and testing (11 Nov) , and 6 days of field sampling : Sampling day S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 Date 11/11/09 14/11/09 17/11/09 20/11/09 23/11/09 29/11/09 03/12/09 The following procedure was followed each sampling day: - Preparation and set-up: An initial hole was drilled through the sea-ice. On days S0 and S1 this was done using a manual SIPRE ice corer. On the following days this was done using a motor-powered ice corer (Lannuzel, Trull 3026), on a new site approx. 100m offshore. Downwelling PAR was recorded (LiCor light sensor) as well as air temperature. Cross calibration of the two spectral systems (spectrometer + optical fibre +cosine corrector) was obtained by a simultaneous measure of above-ice spectral downwelling irradiance with the two systems. - Surface albedo: The orientation of one fibre was then inverted pointing downward, and a simultaneous measure of downward and upward spectral irradiance was performed. - In situ optical transmission measurement: Simultaneous above and under ice spectral transmission was measured between 300-850 nm, using 2x [Ocean optics USB2000 + 10m fibre optic + cosine corrector]. A fibre optic was attached to an underwater mechanical arm and inserted under the ice and positioned 2 m away from the hole. The second fibre optic was maintained at ~ 2m above the surface and pointing upwards. - Ice core collection for profiles of spectral attenuation, particulate and dissolved absorption: Cores were cut using the manual SIPRE ice corer, divided into 5- 20 cm sections, sheltered from sunlight and transported back to Casey station for further analysis. Laboratory activity/analysis: - Spectral ...