Summary:Progress Code: completed Statement: 2018-08-28 - Original datasheets were reformatted to fit OBIS/GBIF/IPT Biodiversity.AQ standard. The new datasheet "leopard_weddell_seals.csv" contains information from original datasheets and complemented with information from the literature associated to the project. Also it provides the dataset ID, occurrenceID, footprintWKT, eventDate, water body, maximumDephInMeters, sampling protocol, preparations, occurrencestatus, basisOfRecord, and otherCatalogNumbers. Taxonomical organization to the lowest taxonomical rank that could be determined, after matched in WoRMS (World Register of Marine Species). 2000/2001 season 31 quad based surveys were conducted along the pack-ice edge to identify where leopard seals could be accessed. 31 one hour aerial surveys were also conducted to identify the position and number of seals in the region. 36 boat based surveys were conducted to identify the size and sex of leopard seals, whether they were a resight and the possibility of sedating seals. There were a total of 23 leopard seal captures. Resights from the 1999/2000 season were made of 5 known seals. Samples were collected from a total of 19 known and 20 unknown leopards seals. Samples were also collected from 14 known weddell seals. All blood, fur, whisker, scat, and morphmetric measurements were collected. Three satellite tracking units were deployed following the moult on adult leopard seals, and one crittercam unit. 14 blood samples were taken from leopard seals, 13 blood samples from weddell seals. 6 blubber samples from leopard seals, 17 fur samples from leopard seals and 7 whiskers from leopard seals and 2 from weddell seals 32 scats from leopard seals, 50 urine and 30 scat samples from weddell seals. Voucher samples for stable isotope analysis from 2 weddell seals, 26 penguins and 64 fish were collected. Spatial movements and haul out data from 11 leopard seals has been analysed. The blood, skin muscle, whisker, fat and fur has been prepared for later analysis. 42 separate ...