Summary:Progress Code: completed Statement: This dataset only contains acoustic events that were detected and analysed during the voyages. During periods when few sounds were present, all of the sounds were likely to be included in the acoustic event log. During periods when many sounds were detected, not all sounds could be included in the acoustic event log due to the limited amount of time and attention available for processing files. While the intent was to record all acoustic data as WAV files during the voyage, there were a handful of occasions where acousticians accidentally failed to make recordings. During these occasions, whales were acoustically tracked, but no audio files were generated for archival. Failure to record occurred in January during Sonobuoy deployments numbered: 2, 32, 33, 35, 38, 42, 45. Purpose The primary research objective for these voyages was the development and assessment of acoustic methods for the detection, localisation and tracking of blue whales. These voyages were undertaken in order to address the practicalities of 24-hour/day real-time acoustic tracking. Achieving these goals requires characterising the capabilities of the acoustic tracking system, assessing the practicality and performance of different survey protocols, and integrating acoustic tracking with visual survey methods and mark-recapture methodologies. Specific Questions to Answer include: 1. Can the existing acoustic system locate blue whales? 2. What is the precision/accuracy of acoustic localisations? 3. What proportion of acoustic detections yield encounters? 4. What is necessary for 24 hour acoustic operations? 5. Assess practicality and performance of survey protocols including Acoustically assisted tracking and targeting of whales ("phase 1"), and line transect survey with acoustic monitoring ("phase 2") 6. Demonstrate integration of acoustics with Visual survey and Mark-recapture methods This dataset contains acoustic recordings from Directional Frequency Analysis and Recording (DIFAR) sonobuoys that were ...