Summary:Progress Code: completed Statement: Data quality appear good throughout. The ACS was successfully deployed at all CTD stations from CTD-22 to CTD-118, except CTD-59. See the parent record for details on the locations of these stations. Profiles of visible light absorption and attenuation coefficients were measured in the upper 100m of the water column. Data Acquisition: The Wetlabs ACS spectral absorption and attenuation meter was mounted on a deployment frame together with a Seabird pump, a Wetlabs DH-4 data logger and two battery packs. This set-up was as recommended in the Wetlabs manual. The logger was set to control the ACS once the on/off magnet had been inserted. The data acquisition program comprised 2 minutes delay time to allow the instrument to be deployed over the stern; 30 seconds warm-up time; 30 seconds flush time during which the pump was activated, and finally 12 minutes of data acquisition. Physically, the instrument was attached to the winch, the magnet was inserted as soon as permission to deploy had been obtained from the bridge, the instrument was lowered directly to 20m, until 1.5 minutes since insertion of the magnet. The instrument was then brought to just below the surface and lowered at 0.5m per second to a depth of 100m, then retrieved at the same speed. Once the instrument was back on deck the magnet was removed to prevent dry operation of the pump. The data logger received an instrument-specific binary format data file for each deployment, with automatic sequential file numbering. These files were uploaded after each deployment. Data Processing: The Wetlabs software program WAP was used to extract ascii data from the binary files. This procedure included corrections for internal instrument temperature and the latest manufacturer's calibration for wavelength. Note that although daily calibrations were performed during the cruise, the manufacturer advised against using these calibrations as conditions were suboptimal (milli-Q water not fresh, environment not totally dry or well ...