Summary:Seismic data collected with broadband seismometers at rock outcrops as part of AAS 4318. Seven new sites were established (sites BHIL, CAD1, CAD2, CAD3, CAD4, CAD5 and CAD6) and measurements at a previously established site (DAVI) was recommenced. The sites were deployed continuously, although measurements were intermittent based on power restrictions and hardware performance issues. Approximate site locations are given below in units of decimal degrees (WGS84) as (latitude longitude) pairs: CAD1 approx coordinates only - Carey Ntk - as no data yet downloaded CAD2 -68.566510 86.100627 Mt Brown, new site established under this project CAD3 -66.521103 96.363667 Gillies Island, new site established under this project CAD4 -67.419656 99.143785 Mt Strathcona, new site established under this project CAD5 -66.552475 107.764024 Snyder Rocks, new site established under this project CAD6 -66.789282 120.990964 Chick Island, new site established under this project BHIL -66.251024 100.599006 Bunger Hills site, new site established under this project Site changes ============ Instruments were deployed continuously but did not operate continuously due to solar powering of the instruments with a small battery array. Due to instrument failures, the recorders at CAD5 and BHIL were doubled in some periods. The recorder at DAVI was also doubled. Data sets: ========= Seismic data is stored in miniSEED format, one stream for each channel. One file for each day with data recorded. If the recording is interrupted, additional files are generated for that day. The file name contains station name and starting time information, e.g. CAD3_2016_12_09T19_10_06_840000Z.BHE SSSS_YYYY_MM_DDTHH_mm_ss_mmmmmmZ.BHC Where S is a four-letter station name YYYY is year MM is month DD is the day (in the month) HH is the hour (0-24) mm is minute ss is second mmmmmm is milliseconds, padded with 0’s C (last in file extension) is the orientation of the channel. N = North-South E – East-West Z – Up-Down MiniSEED is the subset of the SEED standard that is used for time series data. Very limited metadata for the time series is included in miniSEED beyond time series identification and simple state-of-health flags. In particular, geographic coordinates, response/scaling information and other information needed to interpret the data values are not included. Time series are stored as generally independent, fixed-length data records which each contain a small segment of contiguous series values. Alongside the time series files, are two spreadsheets containing teleseismic event data, that could be of utility in a reconnaissance of the time series data. 1) Earthquake list, Casey-Davis seismic deployment, global teleseismic earthquakes, greater than or equal to magnitude 6.5. 2) Earthquake list, Casey-Davis seismic deployment, regional teleseismic earthquakes, greater than or equal to magnitude 6.0. Anyone working with seismic data is likely to be familiar with the abbreviations in the earthquake list files, otherwise, refer to the IRIS Data Management Centre,