Summary:This dataset is a collection of aerial images taken from a camera mounted in the fuselage of the CASA-212 400 aircraft used to survey for pygmy blue whales. Line transect data from that survey are also available (but see Gill, P.C., Pirzl, R., Morrice, M.G. and Lawton, K. (2015). "Cetacean diversity of the continental shelf and slope off southern australia." The Journal of Wildlife Management 79(4): 672-681 for more details). The digital images were taken with a Nikon D200 camera, using a 35mm lens. The survey altitude was approximately 1500 ft. Images have full EXIF data attached. Image footprints are approximately 204 m along-track by 306 m across track, with some image overlap. Aerial images; downward facing images along track from a line transect survey. There are ~41K jpeg images. Images taken with Nikon D200 camera, with 35 mm lens. Aerial survey altitude was approximately 1500 ft. Each image has a water-surface footprint of 204 m along-track by 306 m across track; there is some image overlap along-track. The EXIF data for each image is populated. Images taken in January 2012 along the Bonney Upwelling, along the south-east coast of Australia, an area known to be a summer (Nov-May) feeding ground for pygmy blue whales; the surveys focussed on the area bounded by 138.0-145.0ºE and 36.6-40.3ºS.