Summary:Progress Code: onGoing Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeeded Statement: ACQUISITION SOFTWARE: SMPS raw data file (.S80), obtained using Aerosol Instrument Manager (AIM). One SMPS file for the V-SMPS and one for the H-SMPS make up a single VH-TDMA scan. SMPS scans at 3 minute resolution. Humidity, temperature and instrument sheath flow data logged. Format type(s): SMPS raw data (.S80) exported to csv. Log files stored as tab delimited text with 10 sec resolution. DATA PROCESSING: This is raw data, corrections for DMA, size (Kelvin) and shape factor effects as outlined in Gysel et al. (2009), Modini et al. (2010) and Cravigan et al. (2015) and other quality control measures will be applied to SMPS data. This will be undertaken by QUT in 2016. Periods of missing data occur during calibration scans. Pollution events (largely from the ship itself) are included in this data. Pollution flagging using black carbon, particle number concentrations etc. will be undertaken as a part of data processing. This data will provide information of the water uptake, volatility and composition of Aitken and Accumulation mode particles. Credit VH-TDMA data from the sensor onboard RV Investigator, installed and maintained by Queensland University of Technology (QUT) This data was collected on the Marine National Facility (MNF) RV Investigator voyages IN2016 - onwards. The data has been processed by Luke Cravigan (QUT) Credit Prof. Zoran Ristovski (, Luke Cravigan ( The VHTDMA was constructed at QUT for measurement of ultrafine aerosol volatility and hygroscopicity. It uses electrostatic classifiers to select particles of a particular electrical mobility diameter, conditions them (using a thermodenuder and humidifier) and re-measures the particle diameter. The VH-TDMA is made up of three purpose built electrostatic classifiers and two condensation particle counters (CPCs). One TSI 3010 CPC and one TSI 3787 CPC. The pre-classifier (used to select particles of a particular ...