Summary:Progress Code: completed Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeeded Statement: Data source: original field data. Data processing and quality control: Performed by Kark Malakoff. Credit ADCP data processed by Karl Malakoff (CSIRO O&A, MNF Data Acquisition and Processing group). This record describes the Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) data collected from the Marine National Facility RV Investigator voyage IN2017_T02 titled: "Collaborative Australian Postgraduate Sea Training Alliance Network Pilot Voyage 1." The voyage took place from Henderson (WA) to Hobart (TAS) between November 14 and November 26, 2017. Data was collected with the OS75, the OS150(150kHz) ADCP was not operational during this voyage. The 75khz ADCP was operated in narrowband and broadband mode with 8m bins for the duration of the voyage. Data was collected during in2017_t02 for the second half of the voyage. Data was not collected while on the shelf. Overall data quality was good. There is a large gap in coverage while over the shelf. There are other small gaps in data cause by a low percent good on ping returns. Some profiles were edited out, both manually and using CODAS’s automatic processing. Some ringing was found. The top 1 – 2 bins, or about 35 meters, were edited out when needed. This effect of this was minimal while on station and did not always occur while underway. CTD wire interference can be seen in some bins while on station. This has been edited out The collected data were subsequently processed and archived within the CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere (O&A) Information and Data Centre (IDC) in Hobart. Additional information regarding this dataset may be contained in the Voyage Summary and the ADCP Data Processing Report.